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Guidelines and National Cardiac Societies

Endorsement of ESC Guidelines

The ESC always seeks the endorsement of its Clinical Practice Guidelines (full text and executive summaries) from its National Cardiac Societies.

For a complete list of guidelines endorsed by ESC National Cardiac Societies, see the top of the respective pages of the various cardiac societies listed in the NCS section.

The ESC retains copyright over all its Clinical Practice Guidelines – even those endorsed and translated by National Cardiac Societies.

Translations of ESC Guidelines

abstracts.jpgESC National Cardiac Societies have the exclusive right to translate all ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines into their local languages, including the full text and their derivative products.

Translating the guidelines facilitates dissemination and accessibility of vital information to cardiologists and other medical practitioners around the world which, in turn, means better patient outcomes.

Access the translated guidelines >

How to Go About Translating ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines

Before translating the guidelines into your local language, please read the Rules and Translations of ESC Guidelines.

Once you have published your translated document, please send the guidelines team an electronic copy, five paper copies and a link to the site that hosts them.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the ESC Guidelines Department.