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About the European Society of Cardiology

About the European Society of Cardiology

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) is an independent, non-profit organisation. Our members and decision-makers are busy healthcare professionals who volunteer their time and expertise. The ESC represents more than 105,000 men and women in the field of cardiology from Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and far beyond.

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Subspecialty Communities

The ESC is unique in representing the full spectrum of cardiology. Our established subspecialty communities enable us to address every aspect of cardiology.

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ESC Young Community

The ESC Young Community comprises 11 groups: one for general cardiology and 10 for subspecialties.

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Fellow of the ESC is a symbol of excellence honouring outstanding achievements of distinguished cardiologists. 

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ESC Advocacy

The ESC acts as a united voice for cardiology, advocating for favourable cardiovascular policy and collaboration with all who have a role in the field.

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National Cardiac Societies

ESC National Cardiac Societies are involved in advancing ESC science and sharing this knowledge and best practice with their members.

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Affiliated Cardiac Societies

Our global scope and collaboration with ESC Affiliated Cardiac Societies is essential to advancing the worldwide battle against cardiovascular disease.

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Relationships with Industry: the ESC Approach

While ESC activities are organised independently by the ESC, their costs are offset indirectly and in part by funding from the healthcare industry.

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Interactive and evidence-based educational resources in general cardiology and subspecialties to support your continuing medical education.

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