EFTA has just released an update of its FTA Monitor.

The EFTA FTA Monitor provides an overview and detailed insights into the use of preferential duties on trade in goods made possible by EFTA’s free trade agreements (FTAs).

The updated report contains import and export data for 2022, extending the analysis to five years (2018–2022). Overall, 21 countries are covered on EFTA’s export side, 18 of which have data for 2022. On the import side, the Monitor features all of EFTA’s 39 FTA partners with agreements in force.

EFTA also monitors preference utilisation in trade between the EFTA States. This EFTA-internal FTA Monitor has also been updated with 2022 data and is available here.

The FTA Monitor allows economic operators, policymakers and the general public to examine the extent to which companies make use of FTAs, and where the largest untapped potential for additional tariff savings lies. It helps stakeholders by providing detailed information on duty-free trade flows, achieved versus non-achieved tariff savings, and the scope for improving the use of any specific FTA at the level of individual products. It also enables them to compare preference utilisation rates over time, as well as across trading partners and product groups.

In addition to the regular updating of these flagship publications, the EFTA States seek to foster the sharing of information and best practices regarding preference utilisation among partners. To this end, EFTA organises a yearly workshop with international experts. See information on the last workshop in February 2024 here.

The EFTA FTA Monitor is available on a dedicated webpage on the EFTA website.


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Cristian Ugarte

Secretary-General's Office
Senior Economic Officer
Image of Cristian Ugarte

Simon Wüthrich-Bovet

Trade Relations Division
Senior Officer
Image of Simon Wüthrich-Bovet

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