On 30 October 2023, high-level representatives and trade in goods experts from the EFTA States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) and Chile convened by videoconference to discuss the way forward in the modernisation of their free trade agreement signed in 2003. While the main focus of the meeting was on market access for trade in goods, heads of delegations also took stock of the general state of play of the negotiations.

Erik Andreas Underland, Specialist Director in the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, acted as the EFTA spokesperson, while Sebastián Gómez, Director General of Bilateral Economic Affairs at the Undersecretariat for International Economic Affairs, headed the Chilean delegation.

Both sides agreed to continue the good work at expert level through virtual intersessional meetings and to reconvene for a round in early 2024. As the existing Agreement, in force since 2004, approaches its 20th anniversary, relations between EFTA and Chile are poised to mark this milestone with a modernised agreement, adapted to the evolving global context.

Economic relations between the EFTA States and Chile

Bilateral EFTA–Chile merchandise trade reached almost USD 918 million in 2022. EFTA’s main exports to Chile were pharmaceutical products, machinery, medical instruments and ships, boats and floating structures. For the same year, imports from Chile consisted mainly of chemicals, fruits and nuts and animal feed and beverages.

Read more about merchandise trade between EFTA and Chile here.


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Free Trade


Marianne Berner

Trade Relations Division
Administrative Coordinator

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