Delegations from EFTA and Mercosur convened in Buenos Aires on 20 to 23 August to continue their talks on a broad-based free trade agreement. This tenth round allowed the Parties to conclude the negotiations in substance in all areas.

The negotiating teams were led by Mr Jan Farberg, Director General at the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, on the EFTA side, and Victorio Carpintieri, Deputy Secretary for Mercosur and International Economic Negotiations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina, on the Mercosur side.

Further details on the EFTA-Mercosur free trade agreement can be found in a Chapter by Chapter Fact sheet on the free trade agreement.

Read more on EFTA-MERCOSUR negotiations and trade statistics.


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Frank J. Büchel

Trade Relations Division
Deputy Secretary-General
Image of Frank J. Büchel

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