Business | Schumpeter

Palmer Luckey and Anduril want to shake up armsmaking

The 31-year-old flip-flop-wearer should not be underestimated

Palmer Luckey with a big smile, Hawaiian shirt collars, a launching missiles smoke creates his mullet and he is surrounded by drones and explosions
Illustration: Brett Ryder

Palmer Luckey owns six helicopters. He would like a seventh: a Chinook, the workhorse of Western armed forces. When your guest Schumpeter, meeting Mr Luckey in London, suggests that the British Army might sell him one, he laments that “eccentric US civilians” are low on the priority list of buyers. “I’ve been thinking,” he says, “I need to maybe hit up the Taliban.”

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This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline “Feeling Luckey”

Dawn of the solar age

From the June 22nd 2024 edition

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