Business | Bartleby

Are manufacturing jobs really that good?

The nostalgia of politicians is misplaced

A man with Bolts eyes and a spanner in his pocket
Illustration: Paul Blow

If there is one thing politicians agree on these days, it is that manufacturing jobs are “good” jobs. Joe Biden is betting that huge subsidies for new factories will transform the outlook for America’s workers—and November’s election. His acting labour secretary recently embarked on a jolly-sounding “Good Jobs Summer Tour” to trumpet the president’s plans. Donald Trump, Mr Biden’s rival, is just as eager to get more wrenches into the hands of American workers, mostly by slapping tariffs on foreign goods. Politicians across the rich world believe that reversing the decades-long decline in manufacturing employment would leave workers better off.

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This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline “From factories to frappés”

Dawn of the solar age

From the June 22nd 2024 edition

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