Business | Dam good

Floating solar has a bright future

The technology is now ready to shine

Workers prepare the floating solar farm, operated by EDPR, for operational use in Alqueva, Portugal.
Photograph: Getty Images

Drive a few hours from Lisbon towards Spain, past the olive farms, and you will arrive at Europe’s largest artificial lake, at the Portuguese town of Alqueva. The first thing that catches the eye is the large hydroelectric dam. But look closer and you will also spot a bright patch of floating glass. It is the floating solar-power plant built by EDP, a Portuguese utility that is one of the world’s biggest developers of renewable energy. Critics have long dismissed such projects as a costly and trouble-prone experiment. The technology, however, is now ready to shine.

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline “Dam good”

Dawn of the solar age

From the June 22nd 2024 edition

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