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DC Juvenile Justice Reform Logo Juvenile Justice Main
Douglas County Youth Center
Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC)
Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED)
Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI)
Data and Research
History & Timeline
Trainings and Workshops

JDAI Events

All JDAI sub-committees are currently reviewing 2022 work plans to evaluate goals for the coming year. We are focused on the racial and ethnic disparities that exist in our system. JDAI groups are working to eliminate disparity and target youth with warrants presenting to probation intake. JDAI data supports the creation of culturally responsive programming for the youth and families we serve. We are also committed to the goal of serving youth in the community where the family resides. Stay tuned for information on committee work plans to be highlighted in this section, quarterly.

The Douglas County JDAI Collaborative meets the following days/times in 2023:
All meetings are from 11:45 p.m. – 1 p.m. in the Jesse Lowe Conference Room, 3rd floor, Omaha-Douglas Civic Center, 1819 Farnam St.
August 3
October 5
December 7

RED JDAI Community Flye 2 copy