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Douglas County, Nebraska 2021 Recovery Plan Performance Report

Douglas County, Nebraska 2022 Recovery Plan Performance Report

Douglas County, Nebraska 2023 Recovery Plan Performance Report 

Douglas County received $110.8 million from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The first payment of $55.4 million was received in May 2021 and has been awarded to internal county departments or to community non-profits with an emphasis on funding mental health programs that will benefit citizens of Douglas County who need mental health services.

The second installment of $55.4 million was received in June 2022 and has been earmarked to fund the construction of the new Douglas County Community Mental Health and Corrections Mental Health facilities. The specific details of this project are being developed through a facilities study led by Carlson West Povondra Architects based on input from the Douglas County Board of Commissioners. Specific details of this facility's study will be forthcoming as the study progresses.

Details of the specific ARPA awards approved by the County Board regarding the first $55.4 million federal awards are provided in the table here. The awards were approved for internal county government department requests, non-profits with an emphasis on funding mental health-related projects, and also awards from the $2.5 million of ARPA funding allocated to each of the seven County Commissioners to aid their districts.

All of these awards have been reviewed by Douglas County’s consultant, Deloitte, to ensure the individual projects are eligible for funding under the ARPA guidelines issued by the U.S. Treasury Department.

The Department of Treasury published a set of answers to frequently asked questions related to State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act.

This document is designed to help recipients understand and apply the final rule.