The Platform

Abuse of older people

Learn more about how to address this hidden, yet serious issue that affects the health and well-being of older people around the world.

What is abuse of older people?

The abuse of older people, also known as elder abuse, is an intentional act, or failure to act, by a caregiver or another person in a relationship involving an expectation of trust that causes harm to an adult 60 years and older.

Around 1 in 6 people 60 years and older experienced some form of abuse in community settings during the past year. Rates in institutional settings, such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities, are higher still, with 2 in 3 staff reporting that they have committed abuse in the past year.

Even if rates remain constant, the absolute number of older people experiencing abuse is predicted to increase as the global population of older people increases. Abuse of older people can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences, increased risk of nursing home placement, use of emergency services, hospitalization and early death.

Upcoming events

Progress and priorities for ending abuse of older people – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2024 (Geneva event)

17 June 2024

In this online webinar, the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing Secretariat will revisit the five priorities that were outlined in this brief and, together with a multi-stakeholder expert panel, explore progress that has been made to advance on these priorities over the last two years.


Combating violence, abuse and neglect of older persons during conflict situations – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2024 (New York event)

14 June 2024

Conflicts and violence are currently escalating globally. This hybrid event will highlight how conflict situations exacerbate existing human rights for older persons and aggravate violence, abuse, and neglect. 


Knowledge from the United Nations

Abuse of older people: intervention accelerator

22 March 2024 / Project

The intervention accelerator to prevent abuse of older people (AOP-IA) is a UN Decade of Healthy Ageing initiative that aims to develop a portfolio of interventions, supported by high-quality evidence, that can be scaled up to prevent and respond to the abuse of older people.


Exploring violence against older women in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine

13 January 2022 / Reports

Violence against older women is a problem that has been insufficiently researched. Despite the...


Factors shaping the global political priority of addressing elder abuse: a qualitative policy analysis

8 July 2022 / Peer-reviewed Articles

Globally, 1 in 6 people aged 60 years and older experience elder abuse in the community...


High time for an intervention accelerator to prevent abuse of older people

11 November 2022 / Peer-reviewed Articles

Currently, there are no evidence-based interventions to prevent and respond to abuse of older...


Older Persons in Vulnerable Situations - UNECE Policy Brief on Ageing No. 28

19 June 2023 / Policy Brief

At any age, intersecting factors such as poverty, disability, social isolation and exposure to abuse...


Tackling abuse of older people: five priorities for the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030)

15 June 2022 / Policy Brief

Globally 1 in 6 people aged 60 years and older experience abuse in the community every...


UN Decade of Healthy Ageing's database of promising interventions to prevent and respond to abuse of older people

17 June 2024 / Databases & Repositories

This database is the first product of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing's intervention accelerator initiative on abuse of older people, which aims to develop a portfolio of effective approaches to prevent and respond to the abuse of older people.


Violence, abuse and neglect of older persons: report to the Human Rights Council

7 August 2023 / Reports

In this report to the 54th session of the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/54/26), the...


Violence against women 60 years and older: data availability, methodological issues and recommendations for good practice

27 March 2024 / Briefing Note

This briefing note, which focuses on the measurement of violence against women 60 years and older, is one in a series of methodological briefing notes for strengthening the measurement and data collection of violence against particular groups of women or specific aspects of violence against women. These briefing notes are meant for researchers, national statistics offices and others involved in data collection on violence against women.




National Center on Elder Abuse Research Brief: Ageism

4 October 2021 / Other

This research brief synthesizes scholarship and research exploring the concept of ageism, its multifaceted forms, impacts, and redresses. Ageism is defined as the stereotyping, prejudice, and/or discrimination of individuals on the basis of their age. It is one of the most pervasive, yet least acknowledged and socially accepted forms of prejudice. Though little recognized, ageism is a significant societal issue and mounting public health concern for the growing global elder population and communities worldwide. Biased attitudes and actions are observed at the individual, societal, and systemic levels. Age-prejudice can be implicit, subtle or evident, and consequential harms may be immediate and/or enduring. Resulting injuries include increased morbidity, marginalization, social privation, and financial damages. Effective interventions embrace education, awareness, intergenerational programs, and outreach.


Japan’s Welfare for the Elderly—Past, Present, and Future

1 December 2018 / General Articles

Japan’s long-term care insurance system was launched in April 2000, and in the ensuing years, as domestic demographics have continued to evolve, it has undergone various revisions to meet the changing situation. Currently, the pattern of aging in Japanese society has shifted from a phase in which the actual number of senior citizens was growing rapidly to a phase in which the number is not increasing much, but the relative proportion of those seniors to the overall population is rising as the working-age population is decreasing. This phenomenon calls for further changes in the system as it poses the dual challenges of finding new fiscal resources and securing the human resources needed to care for the elderly. Welfare for the elderly in Japan has always and will continue to be a “work in progress,” constantly evolving to keep up with the changing needs. The first half of this article looks back at the history of welfare for the elderly in Japan and reflects on its shortcomings. It explains the background that led to the creation of the long-term care insurance system, offering insight into the significance of the system and how it developed into what may be considered an optimal solution, the community-based integrated care system. The article also touches on the launch of the Asia Health and Wellbeing Initiative (AHWIN), which offers a different perspective on how Japan and the countries in Asia can work together to tackle the challenges facing aging societies in the coming years in order to create vibrant and healthy societies where people can enjoy long and productive lives.


Organizations & Networks


AGE Platform Europe

1 October 2021

AGE Platform Europe is a European network of non-profit organisations of and for people aged 50+. We aim to voice and promote the interests of older people in the European Union and to raise awareness on the issues that concern them most. AGE’s vision encompasses an inclusive society, based on well-being for all, solidarity between generations and full entitlement to enjoy life, participate in and contribute to society. At the same time, each person’s rights and responsibilities throughout their life course have to be fully respected.



5 April 2022

BAGSO is an umbrella organisation of about 120 civil society organisations that are run by or work for older people. As such, it calls on politicians, society and businesses to offer conditions that allow for a good and dignified life in older age. In important policy areas, BAGSO puts themes on the political agenda that are relevant for healthy and active ageing. In statements and position papers, BAGSO identifies requirements for good quality of life in older age and provides recommendations for political action at federal, state and municipal level.


Cochrane Campbell Global Ageing Partnership

7 September 2021

Cochrane has been producing systematic reviews about health and health care for over 25 years and has had an official relationship with WHO for the past 10 years. Cochrane Campbell Global Ageing Partnership will build on this relationship and continue to work with WHO to address the need for age appropriate systematic reviews and evidence synthesis methods that reflect both the multidisciplinary nature and diversity of ageing worldwide. Twitter: @CCGlobalAgeing


Dave Omokaro Foundation

27 April 2021

The Dave Omokaro Foundation (DOF) is committed to building capacity in ageing through advocacy, education and training, research, and stakeholders engagement in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. We believe in right-based and life course approaches in our pursuit of a systemic overhaul to improve quality of life of older persons. DOF is the leading organization in ageing in Nigeria.


Dewdrop Foundation

1 October 2021

Dewdrop Foundation (DDF) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 2002, whose mission is to contribute to sustainable grass-root community development, by enhancing gender equality, and improving the welfare of vulnerable and underserved groups such as women, children, older adults, informal domestic workers and youth at risk through advocacy, education, skills and capacity building, entrepreneurship/empowerment programs, and by inspiring positive cultures. Our field experience on intersecting challenges faced by older persons in poor communities led to our Oxfam/Voice-sponsored #StopElderAbuse campaign, Advocacy for National/State Bills to protect older persons, as well as the establishment and upscaling of older persons associations in eleven communities, and at a camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in Nigeria. This network of associations provides a safe space for older persons in each community to meet, organize their activities, and have a voice to speak up on issues that concern them, and ensure their inclusiveness in their community’s activities. Other activities include Advocacy & Sensitization program, Research on social systems and populations that might increase vulnerability to elder abuse; Intergenerational activities; Caregivers training at all levels to enhance caregivers’ sense of competency in caregiving and reduce the risk of elder abuse and Train The Trainer programs.


Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP)

28 April 2021

Established in 2011, the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People was born out of the need to strengthen the rights and voice of older people globally. Today, GAROP is a network of over 380 members worldwide, united in our work to strengthen and promote the rights of older persons. Our mission is to support and enhance civil society engagement with Member States and National Human Rights Institutions at national, regional and international levels around a convention on the rights of older persons.


HelpAge International

7 September 2021

HelpAge International aims to bring lasting, positive change to the lives of older women and men in low- and middle-income countries, many of whom live in areas that are prone to crisis and that present insecure and unstable environments. Our approach is laid out in our Strategy 2030 ( At the centre of this is our role as a convener, supporter and thought leader of the HelpAge global network, a worldwide alliance of partner organisations who seek to promote the dignity, wellbeing and voice of older people around the world.


International Federation on Ageing

20 May 2021

The International Federation on Ageing fondly known as “IFA” is an international non-governmental organization with some 75 millions members comprising government, NGOs, academia, industry, and individuals in nearly 80 countries. We are a learning environment that serves, creates and inspires its members through a team of dynamic hard-working individuals that push boundaries and generate opportunities. We are proud to be represented by a thoughtful experienced group of professionals at the United Nations and World Health Organization that are respected for their commitment and ‘ready for action’ philosophy and tireless representation and advocacy at the missions, capitals and across sectors. In New York Dr Cynthia Stuen is IFA's Main Representative for the team comprising Ms Helen Hamlin, Dr Valerie Levy, Mr James O’Neal, Dr Sandy Timmerman, Ms Frances Zainoeddin. In Geneva the IFA is represented by Dr Kelly Fitzgerald and Dr Xenia Scheil-Adlung and in Vienna by Dr Jaqueline Stark. IFA Directors govern as part of a collective leadership body and have a broad duty to execute responsibilities to the organization with care and diligence, to maintain the confidentiality of non-public information about the organization; and exercise loyalty to the organization. The IFA is a registered charity in Canada, with an international and democratically elected Board who are responsible for ensuring that the corporation meets legal requirements; that it operates in accordance with its mission and goals; and is soundly managed through the appointment of the chief executive, known as the Secretary General. We are proud to have general consultative status at the United Nations and a non-State actor in official relations with the World Health Organization.


International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

21 April 2021

The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) is a nonprofit organization that aims to increase society's ability, through international collaboration, to recognize and respond to the mistreatment of older people in whatever setting it occurs, so that the later years of life will be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation while at the same time acknowledging the diversity of culture, background, and life style of the world population.


SAGE – Advocacy & Services for LGBTQ+ Elders

16 February 2023

SAGE is the world’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ+ older people. Founded in 1978 and headquartered in New York City, SAGE is an organization that advocates with and on behalf of and offers supportive services and resources to LGBTQ+ older people and their caregivers.


The A40s - Association of Women over 40

25 October 2021

The A40s - The Association of Women over 40 is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, aiming at promoting the welfare of women over 40 in Greece and beyond. Women over 40 years of age face the consequences of both these discriminations in every aspect of their lives including the workplace, in employability, in accessibility to pensions and other health services, insurance and basic commodities. The A40s provide professional empowerment, psychological support and social awareness about gendered ageism. We also act as a community of nearly 14,000 people in Greece, wishing to make a profound change regarding the image and the rights of people over 40.




Abuse of older people: a hidden problem

15 June 2022 / Infographics

This infographic provides a summary of the abuse of older people (also known as elder abuse), including what it is, its negative consequences, and how widespread it is. The abuse of older people is a serious problem which has received too little attention for far too long. This infographic also summarises five priorities for tackling the abuse of older people in a coordinated way during the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030).




WHO evidence and gap map on digital interventions to reduce social isolation and loneliness in older adults

23 November 2022

Evidence and gap maps are interactive tools that help researchers and decision makers discover existing evidence on a given topic, find solutions supported by evidence, and identify gaps in the evidence where more research is required. The World Health Organization is developing evidence and gap maps as part of a multi-year project to summarise, disseminate, and increase uptake of evidence towards deeper integration in policies and practices during the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing. This evidence and gap map examines the evidence on digital interventions to reduce social isolation and loneliness in older adults.


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Action Guide

22 April 2022

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), June 15th, Action Guide, developed by the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) and National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), brings into focus the issue of ageism in the context of elder abuse. This Action Guide includes ideas for ways to commemorate WEAAD, both in-person and virtually, offers considerations for increasing accessibility in your events, and provides tools for WEAAD outreach.


DAMIA Practice Guide

17 June 2019

The DAMIA (Request for Assistance in the Context of Elder Abuse and Bullying) practice guide aims to develop and maximise awareness-raising practice in relation to elder abuse and bullying. The first booklet, Maximising Awareness-raising Activities to Increase Understanding of the Mistreatment and Bullying Experienced by Older Adults, provides general information on elder abuse and bullying and suggests concrete actions for the development, planning and facilitation of awareness activities. The second booklet is entitled: Animating Awareness-raising Activities to Counter Mistreatment and Bullying of Older Adults. This second booklet offers information and concrete guidelines to prepare and support those who lead awareness-raising activities on elder abuse and bullying. These two booklets are available in French and English.


Older Person's Self-Advocacy Handbook

1 January 2017

Older people’s rights are gaining momentum as there is an ongoing international debate on how to improve their protection on the ground. Our intention is to clarify the state of the discussions and how older people can get involved in these; explain what human rights mean for this group; and how older people can use the existing European and international framework to claim their rights. This online handbook focuses on the legal and policy order of the United Nations (UN), the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU).


Elder Abuse Awareness Community Guide Toolkit

13 July 2010

Elder Abuse is a universal problem. It is prevalent everywhere. Abuse can occur anywhere, by anyone, but frequently it is familial, institutional and social. Raising awareness and prevention of elder abuse requires the involvement of everyone. Elder abuse will be successfully prevented only if we develop a global culture that fosters intergenerational solidarity. To assist in raising awareness, the Community Guide Toolkit was developed. This is a resource that was created to help individuals, organizations and communities throughout the world plan for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). WEAAD is held annually on June 15th. This Toolkit is also useful to plan for further awareness-raising activities, and also supports ongoing projects and events throughout the months and years to come.


Databases & Repositories


WHO Ageing Data Portal

21 April 2021

The WHO Ageing Data Portal, part of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing Platform, brings together data on available global indicators relevant to monitoring the health and well-being of people aged 60 years and over. Through maps, charts and tables, the portal offers tailored options for visualization and analysis of the data. This information will strengthen the visibility of older people, help inform action to improve health and well-being in countries in line with global, regional and national commitments. The Data Portal also offers detailed country profiles to help provide more information at the national level.


WHO Global Database of Age-friendly Practices

20 April 2021

This database provides a searchable list of age-friendly practices implemented by members of the WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities, and beyond. In practical terms, age-friendly environments are free from physical and social barriers and supported by policies, systems, services, products and technologies that promote health and build and maintain physical and mental capacity across the life course; and enable people, even when experiencing capacity loss, to continue to do the things they value.
