The Platform

What is the Platform? A Guide to Knowledge

To make the Decade of Healthy Ageing a success, everyone working to improve the lives of older people, their families, and their communities requires equitable and democratic access to a large amount of knowledge. To meet this need, the Platform is designed to be an inclusive, collaborative space where all knowledge relevant for the Decade can be accessed, shared, and interacted with in one place by everyone around the world.

However, with so many different types of knowledge available it can sometimes be easy to feel lost. To help you better understand how you can best use the Platform, we’ve provided some summaries and tips below, as well as a quick start video.

What kind of knowledge is available?


The process of change ignites when someone decides to listen. VOICE is about listening to the stories and perspectives of older people, their families, and communities, and working with them through meaningful engagement. Find out what matters and remember the human faces at the core of the Decade actions.

In the VOICES category, the Platform welcomes knowledge in the form of Stories, Interviews, Quotes, and Multimedia that express how people think, feel, and act about ageing.

For VOICES submitted on behalf of someone else, we always ask for consent information.

Explore VOICE


The Platform brings together knowledge that you can use to improve the lives of older people, their families, and their communities. RESOURCES brings together all the forms of knowledge regularly used to guide the learning process and keep updated before taking any action: Publications, Multimedia, Databases & Repositories, Commentaries, Decade News, and Decade Events.

Anyone can submit to most RESOURCES categories, and we ask for details and context that can help visitors understand how to use every RESOURCE. Every submission is reviewed inclusively yet carefully to make sure they provide reliable and trustworthy knowledge.

Why are some RESOURCES not open for public submissions? EXPLORE RESOURCES


You are part of a growing network of people and organizations that are working to improve the lives of older people, their families, and their communities. The Decade is all about collaboration and linking with stakeholders you may have never worked with before, towards catalytic change.

The Platform provides the knowledge and tools you need to help you CONNECT with the global community: information on Organisations & Networks, and People.

Anyone with an institutional affiliation can submit their details and become a part of this global community, and this knowledge is made available to all visitors of the Platform - join us today.



Sometimes the knowledge we need to improve the lives of older people, their families, and their communities doesn’t exist yet. We need to think out of the box. Through the INNOVATE hub, the Platform provides a space where knowledge about what stakeholders are doing to push boundaries can be shared, and opportunities to collaborate and seek funding for your own initiatives can be communicated.

The INNOVATE hub includes knowledge on Research Projects, Advocacy Campaigns, Implementation Projects, and Funding Opportunities, as well as special Reports from the Field where stakeholders can share new knowledge and lessons learned from an activity they implemented for any of the Decade's action areas.

The hub also allows organisations to publish Calls for all kinds of things - consultations, applications, collaborations, and more. All Platform visitors can access the full range of knowledge on our INNOVATE hub, and anyone with an institutional affiliation can submit new knowledge or create a new listing.



Sometimes we need practical and specific advice to help us implement the work we do to improve the lives of older people, their families, and their communities. The Platform's SUPPORT hub goes beyond the knowledge for learning available under RESOURCES and provides tools and programmes that can help provide capacity building and concrete guidance to help you create a world where all people can live long, healthy lives.

The SUPPORT hub currently lists Toolkits and Training Programmes that are freely available for anyone to use. You can also submit your own toolkit or training programme if you have an institutional affiliation - share your efforts with the global community today.


How is knowledge reviewed on the Platform?

All submissions to the Platform are reviewed by a team of Knowledge Reviewers who have expertise in one or more of the Decade's action areas. For a submission to be eligible for publication, it must pass the following criteria with 'Five Yes's:

Does the submission:

  • Do no harm?
  • Address topics related to the Decade's vision to place older people at the centre and improve their lives, their families, and the communities in which they live?
  • Engage with the broad concept of Healthy Ageing—to support people to do and be what they have reason to value at all ages?
  • Represent a genuine attempt to contribute to the knowledge and implementation of the Decade?
  • Have all the necessary licenses, approvals, and/or permissions?

Download the Platform's full content guidelines

Quick Reference version


Using knowledge

As you explore and use the Platform, you may notice sections called ‘Knowledge Characteristics’.

These sections are designed to provide specific information that can help you determine whether a piece of knowledge on the Platform is appropriate for your needs. For example, are you only looking for policy briefs that are published by civil society organisations? Or do you want to find guidance that is peer-reviewed and reviews evidence in a systematic way?

Use the displayed Knowledge Characteristics and filter your searches with them to find the right kind of knowledge for your work.


Push the boundaries of your knowledge

You may be used to using a specific type of knowledge in your work. Clinicians might be comfortable with peer-reviewed articles or clinical guidance. Decision makers like government officials may mostly be interested in policy briefs.

These are all valid ways of using knowledge. However, using the full diversity of knowledge available on the Platform may help you arrive at the unexpected insights you need to catalyse real change.

For example, if you are a decision maker mostly using research summaries, have you considered listening to the VOICES of older people to understand what they actually want and how they can be meaningfully engaged? Or, instead of relying on knowledge produced by international institutions, have you considered looking for local organisations who have expertise on your topic?

You can find all this and more on the Platform - we’re excited to see how you use this space!