The Platform

High time for an intervention accelerator to prevent abuse of older people

Peer-reviewed Articles

11 November 2022


Currently, there are no evidence-based interventions to prevent and respond to abuse of older people, also known as elder abuse. This article outlines a proposal to create, within the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021–2030, an intervention accelerator to speed up the development of effective interventions for abuse of older people in community and institutional settings within low-, middle- and high-income countries. This new entity would consist of an international research–practice network, led by the WHO, which would work to speed up the development and evaluation of effective interventions for abuse of older people. Without effective — and cost-effective — interventions, it is unlikely that addressing abuse of older people will be prioritized by governments, international and civil society organizations, or by donors.

Decade Action Areas

Age-friendly Environments

Combatting Ageism

Integrated Care

Long-term Care

Source Organization

Nature Aging

Country / Region Focus




UN Agency

Knowledge Characteristics

  • > Narrative Review

Other Information

elder abuse, violence prevention, innovation, evidence, #WhatWorks, #AddingLifeToYears

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