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Advance Together: Our Partners

Our partners

Advance Together is led by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas with fiscal sponsor The Dallas Foundation.

Role of the Dallas Fed

Advance Together is a collaborative effort. The Dallas Fed provides leadership and technical assistance. The Dallas Fed does not fundraise, provide funding for grants or participate in the selection of grantees.

An independent selection committee, managed by the Advance Together steering committee, reviews all applications and awards all grants.

Independent evaluator

We use an independent evaluator, Mt. Auburn Associates, to help ensure accountability and success. The evaluator will provide assessment and feedback on the overall effectiveness of the Advance Together program and on grantees’ progress and outcomes.

Funding partners


  • Texas Mutual
  • Trellis Foundation


  • Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
  • The Kresge Foundation
  • Texas Mutual
  • The Meadows Foundation
  • Communities Foundation of Texas
The Dallas Fed does not fundraise, provide grants or participate in the selection of grantees.


The Dallas Fed does not fundraise, provide grants or participate in the selection of grantees.

Media Contact

Jennifer Chamberlain, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
214-922-6748 |

For More Information |