Optical illusions are not just entertaining, they can also reveal hidden aspects of our personalities.

This particular image could potentially disclose if you're outwardly brave but inwardly sensitive. Brainteasers are more than just a source of amusement; they can offer deep insights into our own selves that we might not even be aware of.

Now the following image is more than what it initially appears to be. Optical illusions can be perplexing, causing you to stare at the same picture for extended periods without deciphering it.

Or, you and another person could be looking at the exact same photo and yet disagree on what you see.

A specific optical illusion has been an eye-opener for many, as it supposedly reveals truths about our personality. According to TikToker Mia Yilin, who regularly posts brainteasers and amassed nearly 500,000 followers, your first impression of the image can indicate whether you are brave.

At first glance, you might see both a fish and a cloud in the image - but which one did you notice first?

Mia suggests if you saw the cloud first, you might "appear very brave and resilient on the outside" but are actually "quite sensitive on the inside and are easily influenced by the words and actions of those around you".

Explaining the traits of those who spot a cloud first, she said: "You hate the idea of settling for someone or something and have very high standards and goals. Your personality is so attractive and charismatic that people cannot help but be drawn to you."

Optical illusion
Did you see the fish or cloud first?

Mia noted that individuals in this group are usually 'kind and friendly' but can become "quite threatening in times of competition".

On the flip side, if the fish caught your eye initially, the TikToker suggests you're someone with a "life is short" attitude, embracing each day to its fullest. She elaborated: "Your time is the most valuable thing to you, so you hate wasting it on people and things that don't deserve it".

She pointed out people in this camp tend to be very 'hard' on themselves and always 'give 100%' in whatever they undertake. "That said, you're also a major worrier," she added. "And spend a lot of your time stressing about the unknown."

Mia further described: "You're an extroverted introvert who prefers to spend time alone but can also become the life of the party when needs be."

In the comments, people were astounded by the optical illusion and Mia's insights. One user commented: "Fish... and definitely true... I am an extroverted introvert." Another chimed in: "I believed it on extroverted introvert." A third confirmed: "Fish and it's all true."

What did you see first? Let us know in the comment section below.