An American shared five British words they think should be "illegal".

K Jordy, who calls himself a "meer Yank amongst Brits", has garnered more than 174,000 followers on TikTok since moving to London.

People love his videos because they point out the often-lighthearted cultural differences between the UK and the US. And his latest was no exception.

K Jordy caused a stir by announcing the terms that had confused him since he started surrounding himself by Londoners.

He said: "First up is bloody – I just don't understand the need to say that. Every time I hear it I think of blood.

"Second we've got 'bullocks' [he means b*llocks]. When I first heard someone shout it I generally thought something was going down.

"Number three is the grossest in my opinion – dribble. Dribble is when someone is drooling out their mouth.

"It just sounds so gross when they're like 'oh, someone has a little dribble in their mouth'. It doesn't really sound right or sit with me well.

"Number four is the food and it's bubble and squeak. 'Til this day I don't know what the hell bubble and squeak is. I don't wanna have dinner and someone puts down bubble and squeak on my plate.

"And last but not least is knob – it doesn't really sound right. And you know exactly what I'm thinking when someone first tries to call someone a knob bro. I was like 'nah, this can't be real!'"

The video has garnered more than 20,400 views on TikTok – and thankfully, Brits were on hand to clear up some confusion. Many also found K Jordy's observations very amusing.

One said: "It's b*llocks and it means testicles. Just for clarity." Another said: "Bubble and squeak is just leftovers from a roast dinner or Christmas dinner type thing, fried and served for breakfast."

And a third added: "You don't just dribble from your mouth!" How charming...