
Updated: 05:54 EDT

BUSINESS LIVE: BT fined over 999 failings; Entain names CEO; UK dividends hit record high

Among the companies with reports and trading updates today are BT Group, Entain, Vodafone and Ocado. BT Group has been fined £17.5million by Britain's communications watchdog after the telecoms firm suffered network disruption that affected 14,000 emergency calls in June last year.

BT fined £17.5m by Ofcom for 'catastrophic' emergency call failures

The telecoms giant, which manages the 999 system, sustained a network fault on June 25, 2023, lasting more than ten hours that led to almost 14,000 unsuccessful call attempts from 12,392 callers. Ofcom said the 'catastrophic failure' started at 6:24am that day following an error in a configuration file on a server.

Ocado's key tech business has been handed another boost after US retailer Kroger placed a 'wide-ranging' order to automate processes in its customer fulfilment centres.

Hays, Page Group and Robert Walters have told investors that elections and macroeconomic volatility are depressing job activity.

The Italian-owned firm is battling with rivals Airbus and America's Lockheed Martin for the Ministry of Defence contract.

Painting the gloomiest picture of an inheritance allows an incoming government wiggle room and time.

Ben Foat has taken a leave of absence on full pay from his role as the group's general counsel - the top in-house legal role at the taxpayer-owned organisation.

Ryanair profits almost halved over the last quarter as the budget airline faced a more 'frugal' consumer environment.

It is enough to whet the appetite, but would-be investors need to understand the firm's prospects before deciding whether to jump in, keep holding or call last orders.

What's ironic is that in an age when everyone is obsessed about diversity, age diversity hardly gets a look-in.

Jansen is seeking private equity funding for a deal that would see him become executive chairman.

The FTSE 100 company has banked on the success of the advertising-funded platform ITV X, which can be viewed ad-free for a subscription.

U.S. tech giants set to bank 'monster' £82bn earnings

The 'Magnificent Seven' - Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet, Nvidia, Tesla and Apple - are expected to post sales totalling £365billion and profits of £81.9billion. That is up from respectively £322billion and £64billion during the same period of 2023. The quarterly earnings will be a welcome shot in the arm for Silicon Valley after a bumpy few weeks. Billions of pounds were wiped off Apple and Nvidia last week amid reports that President Joe Biden is seeking to curb sales of chip-making technology to China and Taiwan.

Like other retail chiefs, Macnab sees such change as essential to the creation of 'vibrant' shopping hubs across the country.

Nick Beighton is the latest industry figure to raise questions about the Singapore-based firm.

The wrong flick of a switch - or indeed a technical bug - can far too easily bring the world crashing down around our ears.

A statement on the LSE Group's website said the service was 'experiencing a 3rd party global technical issue, preventing news from being published.'

It said that chief executive John Wood (pictured) was 'taking a leave of absence' with immediate effect.

Inflation's holding steady - now we need an August rate cut, says MAGGIE PAGANO

Inflation held steady in the year to June at 2%. It's the second month in a row that the Bank of England's inflation target has been met and follows the downward trend of the last few months. Buoyed by the latest growth update from the International Monetrary Fund, sterling rose to a 12-month high against the US dollar above $1.30.

Upheaval at fashion icon: Selling out would be bad for Burberry and bad for Britain, says

Among the great British value creating corporate breakups of recent decades was that of Great Universal Stores. Out of the embers of the empire originally built by the late Sir Isaac Wolfson were born three enterprises: Burberry, credit data giant Experian and Argos, now part of Sainsbury. Burberry has had a great run as an independent entity capturing the Zeitgeist in the US, Japan and China as a quintessentially British upscale fashion group.

Have you got a millionaire next door? Britain's rapid rise in wealth means you could, says

Who wants to be a millionaire? Quite a lot of us, according to the latest Global Wealth Report from the Swiss bank UBS. There are more than three million dollar millionaires in the UK, making us third in the world after the US and China. But UBS also predicts that the number will fall by 500,000 over the next five years, as rich people leave the country, or maybe simply lose their wealth.

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