Students protesting against quotas in government jobs offer prayers over symbolic coffins.

Bangladesh on Edge after Crushing Quota Protests

Mass unrest has rocked Bangladesh in July, as students and others demonstrate against quotas for state jobs, and the government responds with deadly repression. In this Q&A, Crisis Group Asia Director Pierre Prakash explains what is behind the turmoil.

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Israel’s threatened termination of a banking waiver would paralyse financial activity in the West Bank, causing an economic meltdown and risking the Palestinian Authority’s collapse – with dire consequences for West Bank Palestinians – and maybe for Israel, too. The U.S. should press Israel to change course.

The gruelling war in Ukraine continues, with Russian forces creeping forward amid fierce fighting. To stop Russia’s immediate momentum and withstand its assault, Kyiv and its backers will need to move quickly to fix problems that have hindered the Ukrainian effort to date.

In The News

21 Jul 2024
The quota protest [in Bangladesh] is just the manifestation of a widespread malaise that’s not just about quotas but also economic and political. New York Times

Pierre Prakash

Program Director, Asia
20 Jul 2024
With no real alternative at the ballot box, discontented Bangladeshis have few options besides street protests to make their voices heard. AFP

Pierre Prakash

Program Director, Asia
20 Jul 2024
Tunisia is on an authoritarian path and these elections are only meant to confirm the president in power and strengthen his hand. Bloomberg

Riccardo Fabiani

Project Director, North Africa
19 Jul 2024
Since October 7, the [Israeli] government is more emboldened to carry out attacks in the West Bank, and they are engaged in collective punishment. Al Jazeera

Mairav Zonszein

Senior Analyst, Israel
14 Jul 2024
It is likely Somalia will still require foreign troops’ assistance for at least the next couple of years in order to avoid a security reversal. The East African

Omar Mahmood

Senior Analyst, Eastern Africa
12 Jul 2024
With the United States reinvigorating its core alliances and partnerships in Europe and Asia … China seeks to demonstrate that it can assemble coalitions of its own. Voice of America

Ali Wyne

Senior Research and Advocacy Adviser, U.S.-China

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