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Information on COSPAR 2024 Abstract Submission and Event Organization

Information on COSPAR 2024 Abstract Submission and Event Organization

This note is intended to briefly summarize and explain important elements to the submission of abstracts and organization of the scientific program for the COSPAR 2024 Scientific Assembly in Busan, South Korea.

Since 2018 COSPAR has improved the organization of the scientific program for COSPAR’s Assemblies. Changes below are intended to improve the Scientific Assemblies by specifically increasing equity, diversity, and gender equality, and encouraging younger Associates, both early- and mid-career.

• The number of abstracts submitted to a COSPAR Event will determine the Event length, rather than estimates from the last Assembly, so as to improve equity and resource allocation.
• Presenters may submit no more than four abstracts in total: two solicited abstracts and two contributed abstracts on which the submitter is the presenter. The abstract submission system will not accept more than four abstracts from the same presenter. The limit of two solicited abstracts is meant to encourage input solicitation from a diverse list of speakers, including younger researchers.
• Talk lengths will be 15 mins (contributed), 20 mins (solicited), and 30 minutes (solicited, at most 1 per half-day) (see detailed guidelines below).
• The aim will be 20% posters, with poster sessions properly linked to and promoted in the oral sessions as 1 min / 1 slide oral presentations in an oral slot arranged by the MSO.
• Business Meetings will be held in lunch periods, so as to include more people in leading and planning COSPAR activities.
• Organizers will coordinate to eliminate from the program presentations whose authors have not registered or confirmed attendance.
• Panel discussions, each with one or more abstracts and associated oral slots, may be proposed since these can be effective ways to promote discussion and develop consensus.

Detailed guidelines concerning the numbers of solicited and contributed presentations:

• The numbers of solicited and review talks that a MSO should work towards are determined by multiplying the relevant fractions by the event duration assigned by the Program Committee (at the March 2023 meeting).
• The event duration will be revised prior to the March 2024 Program Committee meeting based on the number of abstracts received, with some rounding to fit into the nearest number of sessions.
• The number of 15-minute oral contributed presentations will be determined by taking the revised event duration, subtracting the sum of the lengths of all accepted solicited (20 min) and review (30 min) and panel and poster advertisement presentations, and dividing by the 15-minute length for a contributed presentation.
• If the number of 15-minute contributed oral presentations is positive, then the event will have contributed orals. If it is negative or zero then the event will have no contributed orals, corresponding to a case in which the session organizers attracted too few abstracts for the number of solicited / review presentations they arranged.
• In the case of all-review sessions, which all Commissions were encouraged to arrange, the number of reviews possible is determined by dividing the allocated event duration by the 30 minute length of each review.

COSPAR has introduced a non-refundable abstract processing fee of 25 Euros, intended to reimburse the COSPAR Secretariat's costs for processing abstracts and reduce no-shows.

The above changes are intended to make the Assembly more equitable, streamlined, and effective, and to increase the participation of a larger number and more diverse set of presenters, especially female and younger Associates. The Program Committee, Local Organizing Committee, and COSPAR leadership look forward to your excellent abstracts and to working with you to make the COSPAR 2024 Scientific Assembly a great success for everyone concerned.