COSPAR Scientific Meeting Abstract Submission
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Scientific Event Schedule 2024
COSPAR 2024 Week at a Glance Table
Detailed Scientific Event Program 2024
Matrix of Events of Particular Interdisciplinary Interest
Participant and Press Media Kit
2024 Interdisciplinary Lectures, Roundtable of Space Agency Leaders, Public Lecture, Special Events, ....
Scientific Commission/Panel Open Business Meeting Schedule
Event Proposal Form for the 2026 Scientific Program
Presenter Guidelines_Oral and Poster Presentations
Poster Viewing Sessions
Scientific Program Sponsors 2024
Sponsorship and Exhibition Information
Associated Events 2024
Local Organizing Committee Website (incl. Assembly registration, accommodation, visa information, etc.)
Member Institution Reports to COSPAR
Publication Information
Manuscript Preparation Instructions
Information on COSPAR 2024 Abstract Submission and Event Organization
Financial Support - COSPAR 2024
Scientific Program Committee
MSO / DO Instructions
Poster (Please Download and Display) - New Version with QR Code Links to Abstract Submission
Call for Abstracts COSPAR 2024
COSPAR Capacity Building Program: Call for Workshop Proposals
Useful Contact Information
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45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly - COSPAR 2024

Busan, South Korea, 13 - 21 July 2024

Date Public Main Scientific Organizers (MSOs) ZARM/COSPAR/LOC
22 April 2023 Web page open for MSOs to post event descriptions
5 May 2023 MSO event sponsorship suggestions to COSPAR
12 May 2023 Deadline for MSOs to upload event descriptions for Call for Papers
19 August 2023 Web page open for abstract submissions Web page open for abstract submissions Web page open for abstract submissions
16 February 2024 Abstract submission deadline
23 Feb. 2024 MSO support applicant rankings to COSPAR
4 March 2024 MSOs complete preliminary event organization for review by PC
1 April 2024 MSOs finalize event programs
15 April 2024 Acceptance messages sent to contact authors Acceptance messages sent to contact authors
3 May 2024, 24:00 UT Early registration fee deadline Early registration fee deadline
3 June 2024 Regular Registration Deadline Regular Registration Deadline
21 June 2024 Late On-line Registration Deadline Late On-line Registration Deadline
13 - 21 July 2024 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
9 Sept. 2024 Event highlight summaries to SRT editor
COSPAR-2024 in Busan, South Korea is currently going on.
The congress will take place from Saturday, July 13 to Sunday, July 21, 2024.

COSPAR Adhering Member Institution Reports
New reports to COSPAR from China, CAS, Czech Republic, France, India, Italy, Japan, the Slovak Republic, Switzerland, and Ukraine on space research and technology activities are now available from the "Adhering Member Institution Reports to COSPAR" link in the left hand menu column of this web page.
COSPAR 2024 Program Book Now Available
A call for proposals for “Naming large space weather events”
The COSPAR Panel on Space Weather (PSW) is seeking proposals for naming of large space weather events and will discuss the matter at its business meeting at COSPAR 2024 in Busan. Please find the Call here.
PEDAS Open Business Meeting Rescheduled
The PEDAS open business meeting has been rescheduled from Monday, 15 July to Wednesday, 17 July, same room, same time (12:30, Room 218, 2F, EC 1)
Calls for Papers for Special Issues of Advances in Space Research (ASR)

The Powerful Solar-Terrestrial and Space Weather Event in May 2024 – Observations, Data and Preliminary Analysis:  deadline 15 January 2025

Astrophysical Spectroscopy and Data in Investigation of the Laboratory and Space Plasmas:  deadline 31 January 2025

Ionospheric Imaging: Recent Advances and Future Directions: deadline 15 January 2025

For full descriptions and further information on submission please see the ASR page of the COSPAR website.
Advances in Space Research 2023 Impact Factor
Advances in Space Research, one of COSPAR's flagship scientific journals, has been awarded a 2023 Impact Factor of is 2.8, improving in all categories.
Call for Scientific Event Proposals for COSPAR 2026
Associates are encouraged to submit one or more scientific event proposals for COSPAR 2026 (Florence, Italy, 1 - 9 August 2026). Please submit proposals by 8 July 2024 using the form available at Event proposals for COSPAR 2026 will also be accepted on site at the Busan Scientific Assembly.
Advances in Space Research - Special Issues - Recently or Soon to Be Published

Recent Advances in Satellite Constellations and Formations, Vol. 73, Number 11, edited by Margaret Ann Shea

Recent advances in equatorial, low- and mid-latitude mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere studies, Vol. 73, Number 7, edited by Venkatesh Kavutarapu and Michael Pezzopane

Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing Data and In-Situ Investigations to Reveal the Hidden Secrets of the Moon, Vol. 73, Number 4, edited by Shashi Kumar and Anil Kumar

Parameter Retrieval and Applications with Imaging Spectroscopy Data from AVIRIS-NG, Vol. 73, Number 2, edited by Bimal Kumar Bhattacharya and Himanshu Govil

COSPAR Space Weather Roadmap 2022-2024: Scientific Research and Applications, Vol. 72, Number 12, edited by Mario M. Bisi and Margaret Ann Shea

More information on published issues, including tables of contents, available on the Elsevier ScienceDirect site.
So Many Abstracts! Submission Open through the Weekend
Last minute abstract submissions were numerous, and the on-line system was saturated for a few hours toward the deadline. Submissions will be possible, therefore, through the weekend. Please excuse any inconvenience encountered.
Log-in Information for Abstract Submission and Registration Sites is Different
Please note that log-in information for the abstract submission site and the web page of the COSPAR Assembly local organizers (registration, accommodation, etc.) is different since the sites are maintained by different institutions. Participants will need to create an account/profile for each site to obtain the distinct log-in information.
COSPAR 2024 Is an In-person Meeting

Please note that COSPAR 2024 will be an "in-person" Scientific Assembly.
Childcare Available at COSPAR 2024
Childcare will be available at COSPAR 2024 in Busan. If you wish to avail yourself of this service, be sure to register on the LOC website once this service opens on 1 March 2024.
COSPAR 2024 LOC / PCO Newsletter #3 Now Available
Newsletter #3 of the COSPAR 2024 Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) is now available. This Newsletter includes the profile of one of the Assembly Interdisciplinary Lecture speakers, registration information for accompanying persons, links for readers to discover much about the tourist highlights of the beautiful city of Busan, important dates, and preliminary information concerning the banquet planned toward the end of the Assembly week.
Press and Participant Media Kit Now Available

A Media Kit including a variety of items for COSPAR 2024 including e-mail signatures, presentation templates, logos, banners, social networking site links, flyers, and posters is now available for use by Assembly participants and the press.
Running List of ASR and LSSR OpenAccess Articles - Free to Read
- Advances in Space Research: OpenAccess articles – free to read
- Life Sciences in Space Research: OpenAccess articles – free to read
Message to SC C Associates concerning D3.7, Machine Learning and Data Sciences

The organizers of D3.7 would like to inform Associates of SC C that the event may be of particular interest and to ask them to consider submitting an abstract.
Assembly Poster (Please Download and Display) - New Version with QR Code Links to Abstract Submission
COSPAR 2024 LOC/PCO Newsletter #2

Newsletter #2 of the COSPAR 2024 Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) is now available. This Newsletter includes registration information, the profile of one of the Assembly Interdisciplinary Lecture speakers, information on the local anchor sponsor, important dates to keep in mind leading up to the Assembly, and a link for readers to discover much of what the beautiful city of Busan has to offer.
COSPAR 2024 LOC/PCO Newsletter #1
Newsletter #1 of the COSPAR 2024 Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) is now available.  This Newsletter includes a welcome from the chairs of the Scientific Program and Local Organizing Committees, a link to the scientific program and abstract submission, a link to sponsorship and exhibition information, as well as links to pages providing interesting and useful introductions to Korea in general, travel, Korean culture, and gastronomy.
Call for Abstracts COSPAR 2024 Now Available

The Call for Abstracts for COSPAR 2024 is now available.
Abstract submission opens 19 August.
Singapore Joins COSPAR
On 9 April Singapore became a member of COSPAR with the Office for Space Technology & Industry, Singapore (OSTIn) as the national scientific institute. The COSPAR community extends a warm welcome.
LSSR Review and Open Access Articles Free to Read
Please see the LSSR ScienceDirect page for complimentary access to the following:

Open Access Special Issue, Volume 35:

- Breaking the Limit: Radiation Countermeasures for Space Exploration Exposure

The following review articles which appear in LSSR, Volume 33, are free to read until 1 July 2023:

- Private Spaceflight: A New Landscape for Dealing with Medical Risk
- Which precocial rodent species is more suitable as the experimental model of microgravity influence on prenatal musculosketal development on international space station?

The following review articles which appear in LSSR, Volume 32, are free to read until February 2023:

- Limb position sense and sensorimotor performance under conditions of weightlessness
- Long term food stability for extended space missions: a review
Life Sciences in Space Research (LSSR) 2021 Impact Factor
Life Sciences in Space Research (LSSR) has been awarded a 2021 Impact Factor of 2.73, ranking it 34 out of 69 in Astronomy & Astrophysics.

LSSR has also been accepted for SCIE, Science Citation Index Expanded. The journal is already included in MEDLINE/PubMed.
COSPAR Outstanding Paper Awards for Young Scientists
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 COSPAR Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scientists. All papers free to read until 31 January 2023 and with further complimentary access through Scopus and ScienceDirect until August 1st 2023 .
Media Advisory
Presenter Guidelines_Oral and Poster Presentations
Presenter Guidelines for COSPAR 2022 oral and poster presentations, both in-person and virtual, are now available.
Advances in Space Research: 1st Issue of 2022 Now Available in Open Access
The first 2022 issue of Advances in Space Research, volume 69/01, is now available free to read through 31 December 2022.
COSPAR 2022 Call for Papers Now Available
Advances in Space Research (ASR) Most Cited Articles 2019 and 2020 - Free to Read
ASR’s Most Cited Articles Published in 2019 and 2020 are free to read through end 2021
COSPAR updates its Planetary Protection Policy for missions to the Moon’s surface
COSPAR 2024: Congratulations go to .... Busan, South Korea !
COSPAR 2020 Awards Announced
See the press release for recipients of COSPAR 2020 awards and medals. COSPAR congratulates all recipients. COSPAR 2021-Hybrid participants, be sure to watch the ceremony to take place during the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 30 January 2021, AEDT 17:00 - 18:00, or at any time thereafter on demand.
Free Access to Outstanding Young Author Award Papers
Elsevier is offering free access for three months to all papers published in Advances in Space Research selected for the 2018 Outstanding Paper for Young Author Award. During this period, all these papers are freely available on-line at: