Health Access Program

Lowell residents specifically designed to target social determinants of health, preventative education, and equitable access to resources.  

Food and essential item pantry located at CBA’s Walk-In Center at 450 Merrimack Street in the Acre.

provide preventative education and equitable access to resources to a historically underserved community.  Our team provides resources to our members, Acre residents, and Lowellians to empower them to manage their health independently. When there is a need in our community, the health Access staff collectively responds to our communities needs by implementing programing based off of data and direct sources from our community members.

The overall goal of the Health Access Program is to provide preventative education and equitable access to resources to a historically underserved community.  Our team provides resources to our members, Acre residents, and Lowellians to empower them to manage their health independently. When there is a need in our community, the Health Access staff collectively responds to our communities needs by implementing programing based off of data and direct sources from our community members. Our team is made up of 3 public health professionals who are dedicated to serving this community.

  • The pantry is open Tuesdays 9AM-12 PM and 1PM-5PM; Wednesdays 9AM-12PM.

  • Delivery provided for our elderly, housebound, or disabled patrons.

  • CBA strives to offer fresh, desirable and culturally appropriate food.

Partnership with Lowell’s healthcare providers

CBA provides outreach and event support for REACH LoWELL as they work to educate about and eliminate health disparities among Southeast Asian and Hispanic/Latino communities.

Community partners in health, job prep, education and family benefits are invited to meet with community members at the Lowell Senior Center for CHOP Dinners each month (March through October). CHOP is a free event, open to all, and stands for “Community Health Outreach Program.

Food Pantry: Over the course of the next 6 months, the health access program team will identify a day to add to the schedule to accommodate for growth of the food pantry. We will either extend our Wednesday to all day or add another half day to compensate. Otherwise, we will be running business as usual, Tues 9-5 and weds 9-12, and will navigate the growth as it comes as we do not have resources to expand our space or plan for funding until we have it ready.

  • Cooking and Nutrition- Nutrition and Cooking is run Monday from 11:30-12:30 and runs all year round (with the exception of holidays).Eat Right and Light! It is a program designed to increase awareness of chronic health issues among the Acre Community.
    The purpose of this health program is to improve the quality life of the Spanish and Khmer community and help reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases in Lowell. 

CBA’s community garden made possible by our members and YES! After School Program the Whiting Street Community Garden was rehabilitated in 2021 with 12 beds for CBA residents.

  • CBA is currently accepting gardener applications for our Whiting Street Community Garden.

  • COVID-19 vaccination and testing resources

    • Rapid COVID-19 tests are currently available at all CBA offices.

    • Check CBA’s social media (Facebook and Instagram) for details about upcoming vaccine clinics in Lowell.

  • Recent achievements Health access

    Distributed 525 turkeys and baskets to Lowell Residents for thanksgiving.

    Successfully ran 10 sessions of nutrition/cooking classes using items only found in our pantry to promote accessibility when it comes to healthy cooking, with 10 participants in each session and a 80% attendance rate.

    Successfully facilitated 3 6-week session of Diabetes Self-Management Programming to 49 participants in 2023 with a 75% attendance rate. Most of our participants went on to use the skills learned in this program in their everyday lives.


CBA Food Pantry is Located at:

450 Merrimack St, Lowell, MA 01854

The pantry is open Tuesdays 9AM-12 PM and 1PM-5PM; Wednesdays 9AM-12PM

Ivana Dauwer

Health Access Program Manager

ivana.dauwer at

(978) 483-9082

Jiawei-Zhang, CHES®

Health Access Program Coordinator

jiawei.zhang at


Alytah Noum

Health Access Program Coordinator

alytah.noum at