Media Gallery

July 9 2024

6 degrees of Yun-Ju Choi 10 years CEO career

April 27 2024
CBA Acre Cleanup 2024 | LTC Covers

Jun 28, 2023

Coalition for a Better Acre: Building Communities. Changing Lives - June 2023

September 23, 2021

“Forging Partnerships for Affordable Housing” courtesy of Charlie Guarguilo.

Aug 6, 2021

National Night Out 2021 courtesy of LTC.

Oct 9, 2017

CBA and Mill City Grows on Civic Sanctuary courtesy of LTC.

Jun 7, 2017

Cultural dance featured at CBA’s 1st Annual 6 Degrees of the Acre courtesy of Lowell Sun.

August 2, 2016

CBA Flash Mob - National Night Out 2016 courtesy of LTC

June 26, 2016

What’s your connection to the Acre?

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