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Here's the résumé that got me into Snapchat without connections – and what I would change about it now

Jonathan Javier
Jonathan Javier says the main reason job seekers don't get called for an interview is a weak résumé. Jonathan Javier
  • Jonathan Javier is the CEO and cofounder of Wonsulting. He was an operations specialist at Snapchat in 2017.
  • He was hired at Snap right out of college and says his résumé was optimized to land interviews.
  • Javier prioritized action verbs, included impact metrics, and emphasized hard skills in his experiences.

You've applied to hundreds of jobs expecting a response back from one of your "dream companies" but all you've received are rejection letters.

If this is you during your job search, I get it — that was me, too. I always questioned what it was: Was it because of the school I attended? (I didn't attend an Ivy League.) My background? Not writing the perfect cover letter?

Coming from a Filipino background with no professional connections, I didn't know where to start. But I got the hang of everything and eventually cofounded Wonsulting, a company that helps job seekers by providing job search resources.

Many job seekers incorrectly assume that résumés are automatically approved or rejected by software and will try to optimize theirs to beat the system. Through my learnings and mistakes, I created a résumé that was optimized not for an applicant tracking system (ATS), but for a human being.


Here's the résumé that got me into Snapchat, and how t0 structure yours

Jonathan Javier resume
My résumé. Jonathan Javier

This is the résumé that got me into Snapchat as my first job out of university. I didn't go to a "target school" where opportunities at these respective companies didn't come to the career fairs, nor did I apply on a careers website.

Luckily, I had a mentor who gave me feedback on my résumé and prepared me for landing my first role at Snap.

Each part of my résumé was optimized to land interviews

Action Verbs: In each experience bullet, I started with an action verb. An action verb describes what I did in the role; if it was a current role, I would put the present tense but in the past tense, I would put -ed at the end. Examples of great action verbs are as follows:

  • Collaborated: Shows your teamwork skills, whether with senior management or peers (and is also included in most job descriptions)
  • Managed: Shows how you oversee a team or how you were responsible for a workload to provide value.
  • Improved: Shows you made a direct impact on the company through what follows after the action verb
  • Analyzed: Shows numbers + problem-solving skills through data analysis

Hard Skills and Tools: To incorporate hard skills like proficiency in Zendesk, Microsoft Excel, Salesforce, and Google Anaytics, I scanned through the descriptions of the job titles I was interested in to see which were in the minimum or preferred qualifications. 

After doing so, I included them on my résumé at the bottom to show I had these skills, and where applicable, I added them to my experiences to showcase I've had real life experience in previous roles.

For example, let's say I'm going for an Operations Analyst role and one of the core skills was utilizing Excel for VLookups. What I would do is include Microsoft Excel not only in my skills section but also throughout my résumé (as seen on the first bullet of Goodwin's Organics).

The top of your résumé: you should have your LinkedIn, phone number, email, and website or portfolio (if applicable). Then, your education is first if you're a student or new grad: I included my university's full name, my major, GPA and major GPA, graduation date, programs, and organizations I was involved with.


For GPA, I only included my cumulative GPA once I brought it up to a 3.5 and instead added my major GPA since it was higher. Including GPA is optional, considering many companies now do not put a major weight into it.

Clarity and concision: Keep your résumé to one page, and try to list only 2-5 bullets for each experience — 3-4 is the sweet spot. Many résumés I've seen have had 7-8 bullets and they get repetitive. Always remember that less is more, so long as you show how you're qualified and match all of the minimum requirements.

Impact metrics: These are numbers and percentages from positions I worked in which showcased what I did beyond expectations for the company.

For example, I calculated the "increase in attendance by 25%" by calculating how many people attended the first event we had before I joined vs. after I joined and "engaged and raised awareness to 5,000" by looking at Google Analytics.


By doing this, you're able to show your impact. One of the questions I always get is "how do you get these numbers?" You can get these numbers by asking your peers/managers or calculating an estimate  — just don't lie about it or make it unrealistic.

Soft skills: your soft skills shows how you'd not only be a culture fit, but if you're someone who would be great to work with. By including these simple statements such as collaborating with multiple stakeholders, providing recommendations for senior management, and identifying solutions to problems, you make yourself a viable candidate.

Since I created this résumé in 2016, I've had time to reflect on what I'd do differently now. 

Here's what I would have changed

Giving more space: My résumé is text heavy because I was trying to keep to one page, and the information can't breathe. I would have spaced out the résumé more between the bullets and new experiences to save space and make it easier for someone to read.


Adding more specific skills: Microsoft Office skills are pretty basic skills now and don't need to be listed on a résumé. I'd instead add more specific skills such as SQL and Salesforc to better showcase my experience with platforms in the operations field. Also, the technical skills section doesn't have many specific "technical skills,"so I would just title this "Skills."

Projects OR Interests: I included projects because I didn't have as much experience in relative StratOps fields, so I wanted the reader to see I was working on projects outside of work that helped me strengthen my skills. Now, I have this as "interests" to show what I"m interested in for my next career move rather than projects since I've already gotten real world experiences.

Other ways to supplement your résumé

I've broken down the résumé that got me into Snapchat; but there's another layer to this: networking with hiring managers and recruiters played a big role in landing me interviews and offers.

It's important to network because you can learn insights from people who are in the positions you're applying for.


For example, let's say you're applying to an operations analyst role. You should network with those in respective companies who are in those positions, whether on LinkedIn or other social platforms. All you have to do is the following:

  • Search on LinkedIn the position you're going for: operations analyst
  • Set the filter to "Current Company" or a company you're interested in
  • Then send a LinkedIn message like the one I sent to get my first meeting with Snapchat

By doing this, you stand out from the crowd.

Tailoring your résumé for the job title you're applying for is essential to landing interviews. Many job seekers wonder why they can't land interviews, and often times it's because their résumés aren't optimized for what the recruiter or hiring manager is looking for.


Many also think that if you cast a wide net and apply to every single role, it'll lead to more interviews — but it's important to match the job description's qualifications throughout your résumé and put it on your résumé where applicable.

Lastly, applying to roles isn't enough. Nowadays, companies are looking for only one role to hire, and you may just come in second despite having the relevant experiences necessary to make yourself qualified. Always remember that your résumé goes hand-in-hand with networking, and your interpersonal skills will eventually lead you to land your offers.

Jonathan Javier is the CEO and cofounder of Wonsulting.

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