A cruise ship worker reveals what it's really like to work on a cruise ship

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Brian David Bruns (right) at a crew party below the water line. Courtesy Brian David Bruns
  • Brian David Bruns is the only American waiter to complete a contract without quitting in Carnival's history.
  • The work is extremely demanding and there are no days off.
  • To cope with the stress of the job, the crew parties hard in the lower levels of the ship.

Brian David Bruns is the only American waiter to complete a contract without quitting in Carnival's history.

His explosive memoir "Cruise Confidential" explains why. Bruns holds nothing back, chronicling the draining work schedule, wild parties, and crew hierarchies that passengers remain blissfully ignorant of while on board.

Bruns spoke to INSIDER about his experience at sea and what really happens below deck.


The hours are insane.

Cruise ship

Brian David Bruns had never been on a ship before when he applied to be a waiter. He just wanted to be with his girlfriend, who worked on a luxury cruise liner and had to bribe higher-ups just to grant him an interview. They were skeptical of his chances of succeeding since no American waiter had every completed a contract without quitting, but they gave him the job.

"They said, 'We will give you your chance to fail,'" he said. "They didn't explain why. I assumed it was was because the money was going to be crap. The money is crap, but I didn't realize I'd be working, bare minimum 80 hours a week, closer to 100."


The work is extra demanding.

Cruise ship waiter
Shutterstock/Chameleon Eye

"It's very tough to adjust, but at the same time you don't have any time to think about it," he said.

Working in a regular restaurant can be stressful enough. On a cruise ship, however, servers attend to 20 to 30 guests at a time, and the kitchen can be 100 yards away. There's no time to breathe, much less think.

"You just gotta run, end of story," he said. "At the end, it feels like you survived a battle. ... That's why you see a lot of people cracking by the end of their contracts."


The high stress levels contribute to an intense drinking and party culture on off hours — "exactly like college, but on steroids."

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Brian David Bruns (right) at a crew party below the water line. Courtesy Brian David Bruns

To offset the frantic adrenaline of their jobs, many cruise ship workers turn to alcohol to unwind, partying and drinking until three in the morning. Sometimes the cruise line provides the alcohol, sometimes it's BYOB.

"You do that every single night, and soon a beer isn't enough to relax you," he said. "Now you need shots, then you need more shots. I could drink copious amounts of booze by the end of my first contract. I could drink half a bottle of rum and not even feel it. It's nothing to brag about, but that's just what you do to relax."


Crew members date each other, but Bruns doesn't believe most of the stories he hears about them dating passengers.

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Courtesy Brian David Bruns

There's no need to date passengers and risk getting fired when there are plenty of people to choose from below deck.

"You're awash in young beautiful bodies from all over the world," he said. "Everybody was dating everybody, and they're all going to be gone in three weeks, or two months, or whenever, so you want to make memories."

Bruns, however, said he didn't partake since the whole point of working on the ship was to be with his girlfriend.

"I was 30 years old," he said. "I'd sowed my oats."


The crew cabins are tiny and roommates change constantly, but workers don't spend much time there, anyway.

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Courtesy Brian David Bruns

Bruns said his shared cabin was so small that he didn't even have room to do a push-up on the floor.

"You can imagine the gymnastics required when you both have to get ready at the same time," he said.

His roommates came from all over the world, but didn't stay for long.

"You can lose your roommate within a shift," he said. "You can go to the restaurant, come back, and if that curtain is closed, you don't even know if it's your same roommate."


Hierarchies and rankings on the ship are strictly enforced.

US Navy Sailors
U.S. Navy sailors salute during the "Pass and Review" as the USS Pebble passes the USS Arizona memorial during ceremonies commemorating the 74th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor at Kilo Pier on Joint Base Pearl Harbor - Hickam in Honolulu, Hawaii, December 7, 2015. REUTERS/Hugh Gentry

Officers receive better-quality food, alcohol, cabins, wardrobes, and more downtime. And they definitely do not talk to people who rank below them.

"In America we still believe that everybody is equal," he said. "I'm sure Mark Zuckerberg wouldn't get you fired for saying hello in the hallway to him. ... We know who's boss, they don't need to be royalty above us. On ships, they're very class-conscious."

This manifests itself in the arrangement of the ship itself.

"When it comes to perceived status, there's a very physical representation in where you live on the ship," he said. "The lower you are on the ship, the lower your status."



It's lonely.

Cruise Ship
Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images

Bruns said working on a cruise ship was the loneliest he'd ever been in his life.

"It's a very, very lonely existence," he said. "Every single week, 50 [crew members] are coming and 50 are going, so give it a couple of months and everybody you know is gone. You've got to just weather the storm until you can't anymore, or until your contract is done."

The friendships you make with people from around the world are worth it.

Courtesy Brian David Bruns

"You make friendships faster than ever on ships because they're gone faster than ever," he said. 


"You see the world when you work on cruise ships, but not because the ship is going there, but because the whole world is brought to you below deck."


"You're with 60 nationalities," he explains. "You're not supposed to talk about politics and you're not supposed to talk about religion, but that's all anybody talks about."

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