12 photographers reveal the worst things people do at weddings

full house wedding
There is a lot that can get under your photographer's skin. ABC

The most important photos of your life may be the ones taken on your wedding day. And although you may have chosen the perfect photographer to capture every moment of this special date, not abiding by a set of not-always-discussed rules may have consequences for your future wedding album.


Ask your wedding photographer if they have any pet peeves before the big day, and if they’re too polite to share them with you, check out these wedding photographers biggest grievances — and clue you guests into them too — to optimize all the perfect shots on your wedding date.


Forgetting to order a meal for the photographer(s) if coverage is over six hours.

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Everyone works better when they're fed. Nykonchuk Oleksii/Shutterstock

"This is a major one. We all get hungry, especially after long hours. Sometimes there is not even time for a break. I’ve been left eating nibbles off of tables and hot dogs from hot dog vendors. I think it is a given fact that a meal should be provided to the photographer as well — we all work better on a full stomach." — Alice B.


Lying about your wedding size, and then expecting the photographer to get a picture of every single person.

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Be honest. Producer/Shutterstock

"This happens more than you think. Many times I am told the wedding is just a small gathering of 100 people, when I get there it's almost twice that amount. After the fact, and when the gallery is ready, I am asked why did I not take a photo of their third cousin twice removed or their older aunt from overseas?

"I try to give couples a list of required shots after our initial meeting, that way if there are any guests at the wedding they really want me to capture I can scan the list and make sure I get a photo of them." — Alice B.


Taking over six months to pick up your photos and pay remainder of payment.

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Payment should be on time. Shutterstock/al1962

"Here I just wait and wait, writing emails like the IRS asking for payment. Some couples take forever. Do they not want their photos and albums? Or are they just satisfied with the web gallery?"  — Alice B.

Asking the photographer to stay an extra hour or two when their time is up and expecting it to be free or same price.

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More time should equal more money. Unsplash/Jiawei Chen

"It is always best for the photographer to know this ahead of time, so that the photographer may be prepared. Usually, they are tired or have already made other plans.Asking a photographer to stay an extra hour last minute like that typically doubles the hourly rate. Don't be surprised when you receive the final invoice." — Alice B.


Treating the photographer as a personal assistant (asking to run errands, put on boutonnieres, direct people to the ceremony/reception, etc.).

They're there to take pictures. Unsplash/Aravind Kumar

"Yes, the photographer is always at your side throughout the day but they are there to take pictures ONLY. When you ask them to do you a small favor (not photography) related, you still get billed." — Alice B.

Trying to barter or bargain down the price of your wedding photography.

Rates are there for a reason. Unsplash/Zachary Staines

"We all have our rates and value, the wedding photography packages reflect that. Although packages can be customized and budgets can try to be met, it is an insult to the photographer to try to get a lower price for your wedding package and still ask for the same end-products. There are cost and time to cover and trying to get a better deal is not very tactful." — Alice B.


Handing the photographer your phone for a snapshot.

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A camera photo beats a phone photo any day. Shutterstock

"One of my biggest pet peeves as a wedding photographer is being asked to take a photo with a guest's phone. I understand the motivation of wanting to have a photo on your own device that you can share to social media immediately, but the truth is, I'm actually an awful phone photographer!

"Most wedding receptions are dark and have complicated lighting that makes it very difficult to get a great photo without the use of a professional camera with a full-frame sensor and off-camera lighting. I do it to avoid being rude, but really you should just ask another guest and let me take the beautiful images I was hired to take. Also, new cameras have wifi in them now which means I can take a professional photo and text it to you in under a minute!" — Rima Brindamour


Assuming all photos will be retouched.

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Editing takes work. Shutterstock

"It's always casually mentioned in a laughing manner, like 'Don't worry she can fix that in Photoshop' or ‘Can you make us all 10 pounds thinner with photoshop?' This is a huge pet peeve because not only is the person saying it demeaning themselves, but it also makes everyone else who hears it wonder if they are looking the part too. Especially the bride who is already trying to look as perfect as possible on her wedding day.

"Unless you actually use Photoshop, people tend to underestimate the time it takes to make those big changes, especially during a wedding day where the bride and groom will be receiving 600-1000 images!" — Keidi Janz



The photography student.

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Let the professionals work. Shutterstock

"There is usually at least one relative or friend who has a nice camera and wants to practice. Often they'll shoot directly over my shoulder, sometimes they'll even step in front of me to get their shot. Hello! I'm being paid here, don't ruin the couple’s photos to stroke your own ego." — Shea Drake


Guests who don't like to have their picture taken.

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Just grin and bear it. Emiliano/Flickr

"I get it, I really do, it is an awkward thing. But, there's usually at least one family member or friend who refuses to smile. Again, this is for your loved ones, don't smile for me, smile for them!"  — Shea Drake


Guests who think they need to also photograph everything (usually on their iPhones) and get in the professional photographer's way.

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Again, step out of the way. Bogdan Sonjachnyj/Shutterstock

"Don't get me wrong. I understand why guests want to take photos during a wedding day. They love the couple getting married, they are excited and they want to capture the day too. Unfortunately, however, this can sometimes get a little out of hand. Sometimes they are so focused on taking pictures that they can actually get in the way (and in the shot) of the professional photographer.

"The most upsetting one last year was a really emotional moment where the groom was in tears as the bride walked down the aisle. As I moved into position to capture the moment when they came face to face, one of the guests walked and stood right beside the two of them with her phone. And it's a pretty regular occurrence when a couple exit from their ceremony and there is confetti or bubbles that I'll get a few people walking right in front of my camera to take their own picture. And the saddest thing is that some moments happen so quickly, that if someone stands in the way, there's a chance I won't be able to get that amazing picture that the couple would have cherished.

"I would never expect a couple to ban phones or ask guests not to take any pictures at their wedding, but I'm definitely all for an unplugged ceremony where only the hired photographer (and possibly also videographer) are capturing the events." — Cat Ekkelboom-White


In trying to capture the moment, you’re actually MISSING it.

Guests are there to enjoy. Unsplash/Andrei Coman

"To say that wedding guests have been getting more … ambitious … lately might just be the understatement of my year. We recently had two weddings in one weekend, and I got elbowed in the face by guests with cameras at BOTH of them. One guest just went ahead and rested his camera right on my shoulder. And I get it, I really do. Photography is a beautiful thing. And it’s so, so easy to fall in love with it and not want to put your camera down. But when people start throwing elbows — literally– it might be time to rein it back in." — Mary Marantz

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