Panic and recrimination: Inside Silicon Valley's first real financial crisis

Inside the week that nearly brought a 'mass extinction' event to Silicon Valley, left tech divided as never before, and threatened to bring down the entire banking system

A photo of SVB on the left and Janet Yellen on the right
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On an unseasonably warm day in December of 2022 — two weeks before Christmas and three months before Silicon Valley Bank would make headlines as the second largest bank failure in US history — John Markell, managing partner at Armentum Partners, a firm that brokers venture debt deals, got his first clue that SVB was in trouble. 

"In a meeting, I was asked the question by a venture capital firm, 'what do I think of SVB's liquidity position?'" Markell told Insider. 

Markell raced back to his office, just a mile away from SVB's outpost on Silicon Valley's famed Sand Hill Road, and started looking into the bank's balance sheet. 


He quickly realized that the hometown bank of Silicon Valley was a ticking time bomb: technically insolvent and facing billions in investment losses with the vast majority of its deposits uninsured. He told his colleagues to start preparing for the worst. 

Then in late February, Markell got a call from a journalist who told him that four other people had reached out to raise the alarm about SVB's balance sheet. 

"That's when it occurred to me, oh SVB's fucked," Markell said, "I told my team, this could be really, really bad."

Two of Armentum's clients had just signed venture debt term sheets with SVB, and they began lining up "plan B" options for those startups — weeks before SVB was trending on Twitter.


Though Markell says that he never could have imagined a bank of SVB's size would fail so quickly, his team had been considering the possibility of a bank run for months by the time it did. 

"Let me be clear," he said, "we were not smarter than everybody else on this. We were told, 'go look into it.'"

Founded in 1983, SVB grew to be the 16th-largest bank in the US and by far and away the biggest go-to financial institution for tech companies: most recently, it serviced nearly half of all US VC-backed startups and was a source of stability for founders during the 2001 and 2008 recessions.

But by March 9, the tech world's love affair with SVB was rapidly falling apart.


In 24 hours, customers withdrew $42 billion from SVB accounts in a full-on bank run. On Friday, March 10, regulators seized the bank and the FDIC took control. That caused even more panic, with VCs pleading for a government bailout. A rescue for all depositors arrived that Sunday — to the relief of the startup community and to the chagrin of almost everyone else.

"If these folks had all gotten together and perhaps committed capital to the bank and reiterated not to move, right from the start, then maybe this problem might have been nipped in the bud," said Charlie O'Donnell, the founder of the VC firm Brooklyn Bridge Ventures.

Whispers turned into a bank run

Back in 2021, SVB benefitted massively from a VC investing frenzy, in which startups closed big deals at record levels and then deposited their new cash in their hometown bank. But this big business opportunity came with a downside: SVB couldn't lend out money fast enough to keep up with the crush of new deposits. And when VC funding rapidly dried up in 2022, account holders withdrew their deposits without replenishing them, throwing off the bank's books.

What's more, the bank was operating without a risk manager for most of last year — after Laura Izurieta resigned in April, SVB did not appoint a replacement until January 2023.


Earlier this year, Matt Turck, a managing director at VC firm FirstMark Capital, began to hear concerning rumors from other VCs. A few weeks later, SVB took an unusually hard stance on terms for a funding round for one of his portfolio companies. At an event, the investor bumped into some SVB employees who admitted it wasn't just that one company; the usually founder-friendly bank had suddenly become much stricter with its startup customers.

While some VCs started reading the tea leaves in early 2023, much of the tech community remained in the dark about SVB's financial situation until early March. The bank also, it turned out, had kept too much money in long-term bonds as interest rates crept up and had to sell them at a loss. Combined with rising withdrawals, SVB was facing a cash crunch.

The first week of March, Greg Becker, a calm and soft-spoken banker who had been leading SVB for more than a decade, was preparing to go onstage at the Upfront Summit, a glitzy gathering of venture investors and startup founders in Los Angeles. Mark Suster, Upfront's managing partner, whispered to the interviewer to ask Becker about the effects of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes. 

Greg Becker, President and CEO of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), gestures and speaks during the Milken Institute Global Conference on May 3, 2022 in Beverly Hills, California.
Greg Becker, who was the longtime CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, pictured last year. Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

Onstage, Becker, wearing a crisp blue blazer, insisted that the bank's business had never been stronger. He did not mention that the previous week, he personally sold $3.6 million worth of SVB shares (although that was disclosed in regulatory filings). 


At a closing party for the Summit, over a thousand of tech's most influential leaders downed cocktails and ate steak next to a DJ booth adorned with the SVB logo. Over the years, SVB had worked hard to foster cozy relationships with founders and investors throughout the startup ecosystem, sponsoring events like the Upfront Summit, inviting VCs to its ski chalet, and perhaps most importantly taking chances on unproven companies when more traditional banks may have walked away. Silicon Valley Bank was a key pillar, and funder, of the startup and VC ecosystem.

A week after the Upfront summit, on Wednesday, March 8, SVB announced a $2.25 billion capital raise to shore up its equity position.

Panic ensued over the next 48 hours. 

Many took to social media to share their concern on Wednesday and Thursday morning.


"Looks like Silicon Valley Bank is in some deep shit," Uncommon Capital general partner Jamie Quint tweeted.

"I don't fully understand what happened, but I'm rooting for @SVB_Financial and the team behind it," Moxxie Ventures general partner Katie Jacobs Stanton posted. "They have been one of the most important supporters of the venture ecosystem.

And from Alex Miller, CEO at developer tools startup Hiro: "DMs & email threads re SVB are LIT. Every company I know is scrambling to get their cash balances under 250k and the rest of cash off-platform or into big bank funds ASAP."

24 hours after SVB's Wednesday announcement, worries began to build up and public concern shifted to full-blown hysteria. Howard Lerman, founder and CEO of remote work startup Roam, tweeted, "OK i am hearing from dozens of founders about what to do at SVB. It's an all out bank run."


VCs, including notable firms like Founders Fund, Union Square Ventures, and Coatue, began to advise founders to pull their money out.

"The thing about a bank run is that there's no upside to keeping your money in the at-risk bank," Enduring Ventures founder and managing director Xavier Helgesen tweeted. "Max upside is that you have the same amount of money as before. Max downside is that it is gone."

The social-media frenzy got so bad that Becker, the SVB CEO,  pleaded to customers on Thursday afternoon to "stay calm" — inciting even more panic.

It's a Harvard Business School case study in crisis communications disasters. Brad Svrluga

"It was a CEO begging people to stay calm and not offering any substance as to why they should stay calm," said Brad Svrluga, the cofounder and general partner of the VC firm Primary. "It was a Harvard Business School case study in crisis communication disasters."


After the disastrous call with Becker, Primary held a Zoom call in which the partners advised portfolio companies to move funds from SVB. Svrluga was also irritated that the bank hadn't bothered to reach out to him or other investors on its venture advisory board in advance of the quickly unfolding meltdown.

"If they had a problem brewing, and the risk sat with how the venture community responded, you'd think they'd reach out to their trusted network. And they didn't — crickets."

"They should have never gotten themselves into this situation in the first place," Jamie Montgomery, co-founder of March Capital, told Insider in an interview. "The bank had an exposed position in the last few years and was trying to take more risk than they understood they were taking."

"We probably did the safest thing possible with the money, but we just weren't expecting a rate hike to happen," one SVB employee told Insider. "We were in communications with our clients, and we're telling them that there isn't anything wrong with our financials. We're well positioned. In the long run, we're active, and we're going to be able to continue helping you, like we always have."


But the bank would never get the chance.

A Prisoner's Dilemma on a $42 billion scale

A bank run happens when depositors pull all of their money out of an institution because they're afraid it's going to fail. Since banks use deposits to lend money to other customers or invest in securities, they don't have enough cash on hand to pay back every customer demanding their account balance be returned in full all at once. 

"We've never seen anything like this," Howard Morgan, a cofounder of First Round Capital and now the chair of firm B Capital, told Insider. "We had a prisoner's dilemma, right?" he said, referring to the game theory concept. " If everyone cooperates, it's better for everyone. But if one person opts out of cooperating, then it's worse for everyone and better just for that person."

On Thursday, that's exactly what began to unfold: a run on SVB calling to mind the bank-run scene in the iconic Christmas movie "It's a Wonderful Life."

Startup founders scrambled to get their funds out of Silicon Valley Bank after its collapse.
Startup founders scrambled to get their funds out of Silicon Valley Bank after its collapse. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Initially, not every founder was concerned.

Scott Painter, founder and CEO of Autonomy, was sitting in his bright, airy Santa Monica office Thursday when a reporter asked him if he was concerned about SVB. He said it was  "paranoid and delusional" to be worried enough to pull money out of the bank. 

"It's a stable institution," he told Insider. "It's not as if there is some fatal flaw in their operations or what they do."

Then, he said he was going to call Becker to find out more about what was going on. 


On Twitter, Suster tried to preach calm. 

"More in the VC community need to speak out publicly to quell the panic about @SVB_Financial," Suster tweeted. "I believe their CEO when he says they are solvent and not in violation of any banking ratios & goal was to raise & strengthen balance sheet."

Suster was shouting into the wind.

By Friday morning, enough people pulled their money out of SVB that regulators stepped in and seized the bank, putting an end to the run and temporarily freezing accounts in the process — leaving startup founders scrambling to figure out how they'd get their hands on enough cash to meet next week's payroll.


SVB's bankers themselves were also feeling the heat.

"The whole thing internally has been to focus on your clients first, and then at the same time, you have the stress in the back of your of, shoot, I'm not going to have a job in the next amount of days, I'm not going to have a salary," the bank employee said.

With the FDIC in control, the agency sent notes to SVB employees saying staff only had a specific amount of time left at the bank, and after that they would either be let go or retained, the employee explained.

"Everyone essentially lost their jobs and you're still trying to serve your client base and help everyone out," the staffer added. 


When it was all said and done, SVB had bled $42 billion in withdrawals before it was shut down on Friday, roughly 25% of the bank's $161 billion in deposits. 

"It was very unfortunate, the way it unfolded — an internet bullying thing that in 36 hours took down an institution that's been vital to the industry for so many decades," Morgan said.

The 'extinction level event' and bailout

With SVB's funds in the hands of the FDIC, a new fear rippled through Silicon Valley: whether its depositors would be made whole.

The FDIC is only obligated to insure up to $250,000 per account — a potentially big problem for founders and VCs with millions of dollars in the bank that could suddenly disappear.


VCs turned their attention to government officials and begged them for help.

"If you or your company are affected, I recommend that you reach out to your local congressman to get this on their radar TODAY," Y Combinator president and CEO Garry Tan tweeted.  Tan added that SVB's collapse was "an *extinction level event* for startups and will set startups and innovation back by 10 years or more." 

On March 11, Y Combinator launched a petition asking for "depositors to be made whole, and for regulation to prevent this catastrophe."

"Thousands of startups and small businesses are at risk due to the SVB failure," Tan tweeted.


Also leading the charge for government intervention were Jason Calacanis of the Syndicate and David Sacks of Craft Ventures, who in tweets both urged elected officials to act.

"@POTUS & @SecYellen MUST GET ON TV TOMORROW AND GUARANTEE ALL DEPOSITS UP TO $10M OR THIS WILL SPIRAL INTO CHAOS," Calacanis tweeted on March 12, directly calling out President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. ​​Many were shocked as Sacks and Calacanis have both in the past railed against regulation and the idea of big government

But perhaps the VC with the most sway was Ron Conway, the so-called "Godfather of Silicon Valley" and "political mega-connector" who over the weekend pleaded the startup community's case directly to Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, Puck reported. Greylock partner and Linkedin founder Reid Hoffman was also said to be lobbying regulators and politicians. 

The calls for help worked: late Sunday night, the FDIC announced that all of SVB's depositors would be made whole, a huge relief for the thousands of customers who had approximately $151.6 billion of uninsured cash tied up in the failed bank. Silicon Valley breathed an audible sigh of relief. 


SVB was up and running again for business on Monday morning, re-granting customers' access to their money — which many promptly moved to other banks.

Bradley Tusk, founder and managing partner at Tusk Ventures, was an SVB customer but has since moved his money to Citi and JPMorgan. He said he won't ever touch a regional bank again.

"We're just going to move to a big bank," he told Insider. "I think the smart move politically is to go to a bigger institution that the Fed can't let fail."

He's now advising his portfolio companies to diversify.


Multiple startup founders say they're planning to do the same and have since moved their money to JPMorgan, other big banks, and neo banks like Brex and Mercury. 

"I've never asked what bank they use because it never seemed like an issue before," Tusk said. "The idea that anyone would agree to do all their banking with one bank, particularly a regional bank, seems like it's over."

The Great VC Divide

As individuals started to shore up their new financial plans, collective attention shifted to VCs and the role they played not only in SVB's collapse, but also in its eventual rescue.

"Silicon Valley Bank was such a great friend of VCs for so many years that it was just really disappointing to see so many VCs so quick to kill it," Brian Mac Mahon of startup accelerator Expert DOJO told Insider. 


"The VCs themselves will survive and will power through it. But I do believe this is a really good opportunity for VCs to actually start to really look at ourselves as a community rather than a bunch of folks who are investing in startups and trying to see who gets the best IRR."

Others were less generous, like writer Edward Ongweso Jr., who likened VC's behavior online during the SVB meltdown to a "temper tantrum" and questioned the role they should even be playing in the innovation economy in the first place.

"It would be easy enough to simply dismiss these tweets as the ravings of idiots, but it was actually instructive, a glimpse into how reckless venture capitalists are in pursuit of something they want, so long as it doesn't bear any risk to them," he wrote in Slate.

VC shaming sites like SVB Hall of Shame were created, drawing a divide in the community between those wanting to help SVB and those that hit the panic button.


Back at SVB, relationship managers have been hitting the phones around the clock trying to entice clients back to the bank.  

"I don't think anybody has slept more than two or three hours a night," said one employee who has spent the last week on the phone with Andreessen Horowitz and other big-name VCs trying to cash in on years of built-up goodwill.

In an incredible pivot, some VCs are now rallying to keep deposits at the bank, but with a caveat: diversification.

Andreessen Horowitz announced this week that it will continue banking with Silicon Valley Bank "for the foreseeable future" but is crafting a longer-term plan to diversify. 


"We're falling back on the relationship angle," said another employee, "SVB has been there for them and this is a rare opportunity for them to return the favor, and I think as a sales pitch that's been very effective."

Their efforts may be paying off. Hundreds of VCs have agreed to keep 50% of their deposits at SVB going forward and recommend the same to their portfolio companies, and Wednesday saw a net inflow of deposits to the bank, according to two people familiar with the matter. 

What's more, the FDIC on Wednesday returned the $40 billion it withdrew from the US Treasury when it took over SVB, suggesting a reversal of the $42 billion that flowed out of the bank last Thursday.

"The system works for a reason," said Avalanche VC's managing director Katelyn Donnelly, on why she plans to keep her accounts with SVB for now. "It's why I haven't tried to run out and open fifteen more bank accounts for Avalanche because I think these things will be sorted out," she said. 


Brex, meanwhile, which was eager last week to capture anxious SVB clients, announced Wednesday it would be moving $200 million of its own corporate funds from big financial institutions to the embattled bank.

Even those who say investors and founders were justified in their move to withdraw funds from SVB are throwing their support behind the bank's revival.

"It was absolutely our responsibility to make sure that cash was best protected," said Latif Peracha, a partner at the VC firm M13. Even so, he added, "I think we'd be supportive, as they stabilize, for them to be one of many partners that our founders bank with."

It remains to be seen, though, if members of the VC community who supported SVB from the get-go will welcome them back.


"I don't think anybody's gonna deny the fact that a bunch of VCs acted, not with the intent of destroying a bank, but with the full knowledge that it would absolutely destroy the bank." Mac Mahon said.

Startups VC Silicon Valley Bank

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