Here's how much money it actually costs to launch stuff into space

Early Wednesday morning, astronauts on board the International Space Station (ISS) welcomed a Dragon capsule, SpaceX's uncrewed spacecraft, and the 5,000 lbs. of fresh cargo it carried.


The mission marks part of a new era for NASA, which stopped flying its space shuttles in 2011 — and has since turned to the private sector for help in shipping crucial supplies to and from the ISS, and ideally at a lower cost than ever before.

astronaut scott kelly lemons fruit space station nasa
Careful, astronaut Scott Kelly: each one of those lemons might cost more than $2,000! NASA

But have space shipping costs since fallen?

To find out, we spoke to payload specialist and space station engineer Ravi Margasahayam and crunched some numbers.

In 2008, NASA signed contracts with SpaceX and its rival aerospace company Orbital Sciences, to the tune of $1.6 billion for 12 launches and $1.9 billion for eight rocket launches, respectively.


While these new missions cost hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars less than a space shuttle launch, the price of sending cargo into space didn't go down.

"My cost per pound went up with these rockets," Margasahayam told Tech Insider. "On the shuttle, it would be much less." (Margasahayam spoke to Tech Insider as a private citizen and engineer, rather than as a representative of NASA.)

Margasahayam points out that, while the space shuttles were more expensive — a whopping $500 million per launch (or possibly $1.5 billion, according to one analysis we've seen) — each mission carried about 50,000 lbs. (plus seven astronauts!). That means each pound of cargo used to cost about $10,000 to ship on a shuttle.

Orbital Science's Cygnus spacecraft costs about $43,180 per pound to send things up, dividing the $1.9 billion contract by the maximum 20 metric tons of cargo the company is supposed to supply.


For SpaceX — the cheapest of NASA's new carriers — dividing the cost of each launch ($133 million) by the cargo weight of its most recent resupply mission (5,000 lbs.) gives you about $27,000 per pound.

But that's a high estimate. SpaceX told Tech Insider that its Dragon cargo spacecraft launched on a Falcon 9 rocket can carry up to 7,300 lbs. — and that you could bring just as much cargo back to Earth, too (something Cygnus can't do). So if a Dragon is full of supplies at launch and on landing, the cost dips to $9,100 per pound.

So what does it actually cost to send things into space today? We've estimated the shipping costs of a few experiments, care packages, and necessities of life that have made it to the space station below.


Bottle of water: $9,100 to $43,180

plastic water bottle

Water is necessary for life — but crazy expensive in space. A 16-ounce bottle of water weighs about a pound, so it's a good baseline for how much stuff costs to send to the space station: between $9,100 to $43,180.

NASA decided long ago that it was silly to send new water up there all the time, especially since there's so much of it in the human body. So astronauts on board the ISS now drink some water recycled from their condensation, sweat, and urine.


70 mice: at least $29,860

Lab mice
Flickr/Renee Germany

Mice are pretty light, weighing in at about 3/4 of an ounce each. That's between $427 and $2,024 per mouse!

But, of course, you can't send a single mouse up there, she'll get lonely. Add in 69 friends and you'll looking at a travel bill of about $29,860 to $141,690.

Of course, we're kidding. The mice are definitely not up there to keep each other company. They're there for research. They're there to study the biological effects of space, including muscle atrophy. And that has important implications for medicine down here on Earth, including learning more about disease and aging.


Set of bagpipes: as much as $259,000

kjell lundgren space station bagpipes astronaut
NASA via YouTube

Plus a ton of other instruments, including harmonicas, guitars, and at least one saxophone.

The weight of the bagpipes is can be highly variable depending on materials and design. As far as we can tell, it seems that astronaut Kjell Lindgren, shown here, is a pretty serious piper, and strong enough to support a full-sized set of bagpipes.

Let's say he was weight-conscious and went with a relatively light set-up — so 6 pounds, or 2 pounds less than your average 8-pound bagpipe.

That's in the ballpark of $54,600 to $259,000, but it means a lot to astronauts who are far from home and miss life on Earth. Also, the YouTube video of Lindgren playing in space is so worth it.


Espresso machine: possibly more than $1.9 million

ISSpresso espresso space station
Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti gets a taste of home. NASA

Once upon a time, astronauts were relegated to freeze-dried coffee, which they rehydrated at far-less-than-boiling-hot temperatures. The coffee was so terrible, it used to be a common complaint among astronauts.

No more! In 2015, the ISSpresso arrived on board the space station, and space java has never been the same since.

The espresso machine was created in possibly the most Italian collaboration ever: Software firm Argotec and coffee producer Lavazza, both based in Turin, and the Italian space agency.

The machine is hefty, though. At 44 pounds, it cost between $400,400 and $1.9 million to deliver the ISSpresso.


Vegetable garden: more than $145,000

veggie lettuce

In 2015, astronauts aboard ISS got a very special treat: Real leafy greens, grown locally — in space.

The experiment was about more than salad. Astronauts are studying the effects of microgravity on plants. If we're going to ever send humans to Mars, understanding how to grow veggies is going to be very, very important.

At 16 pounds, it's $145,600 to $690,900, which is just slightly more expensive than a salad in Manhattan.


A gorilla suit: at least $39,130

Scott Kelly gorilla costume ISS
Scott Kelly/NASA

The internet went wild for this video of astronaut Scott Kelly in a gorilla suit aboard ISS. After all, what's better than zero-gravity absurdity?

Each astronaut is allotted cargo on resupply missions. It's important to get mementos from home — after all, you're missing every milestone and holiday for the duration of your stay on ISS.

Margasahayam said that families will often send cards, gifts, and occasionally even cakes for birthdays and holidays. Scott's twin and fellow astronaut, Mike Kelly, instead sent him the suit.

This gorilla suit on Amazon weighs 4.3 pounds. We assume there's not a lot of variation in gorilla-suit weight, so we're going to put that price tag somewhere between $39,130 to $185,680.


Lemons: more than $2,000 each

astronaut scott kelly lemons fruit space station nasa
Careful, astronaut Scott Kelly: each one of those lemons might cost more than $2,000! NASA

Astronaut Scott Kelly spent a year in space to study the sometimes torturous effects on his body.

That's a long time to spend indoors, so at one point NASA sent up a bunch of fresh lemons to mix things up. (Kelly juggled them in a video about the science of metabolism in space.)

Since the average lemon weighs about 3.5 ounces, that's $2,000 to $9,446 per piece of fruit.


Baby squid: Less than $8

bobtail squid
Hans Hillewaert/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Nope, not calamari, though some astronauts would probably appreciate that, too. Actual, live, wriggly squids.

It's another research project, of course: The astronauts are using the squid to study the relationship between animals and beneficial bacteria.

(Bobtail squid have an arrangement with a certain bacteria. The bacteria lives in the squid, and the squid uses the bacteria to make light underwater.)

Baby bobtail squid are really, really light, weighing less than a hundredth of an ounce. Not counting the test tubes, each squid cost $1.60 to $7.59 to send up into space.


The ashes of "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry: priceless?

star trek ship
Flickr/Marcin Wichary

Okay, so you didn't actually pay for this one, but it's so perfect we had to include it.

The ashes of Roddenberry, his wife, Majel Barrett Roddenberry (aka Lwaxana Troi), and James Doonhan, the original Scotty, all went to space as a secondary payload on a 2012 SpaceX resupply mission. SpaceX partnered with private company Celestis, which specializes on sending ashes into space.

Also included were the ashes of famed science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke.

The ashes never made it all the way to the space station, either. The capsule was jettisoned about 10 minutes into the flight, and is still orbiting Earth.

If that sounds like the ideal funeral, be prepared to shell out: Sending just one gram, or a third of an ounce, of ashes into orbit runs $2,995. If you want to posthumously travel to deeper space, you or your next-of-kin are looking at $12,500.


Does this sound ridiculously expensive?

international space station, iss

By Earth standards, sure. But Margasahayam says it's worth it.

Experiments conducted on the space station have huge potential to teach us about the human body and the future of space flight. Space programs like NASA have led to huge leaves in technology that we use every day here on Earth.

"NASA is the pinnacle of American ingenuity and engineering," Margasahayam said. He also points out that NASA's budget is really very small compared to other departments.

As we've written before, too, entrepreneur Elon Musk (who owns SpaceX) hopes to bring the cost of shipping objects to space to less than $1,000 per pound.

In the end, shipping stuff to the ISS is crazy expensive. But it also represents international collaboration, scientific advancement, and innovation — and that's priceless.

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