I spent 3 hours in Emirates' first class Dubai lounge, and despite the showers, spa, and beds, it wasn't as luxurious as I expected

Rachel Hosie Emirates lounge
One of the best things about a lounge is all the food. Rachel Hosie/Insider
  • I was given access to Emirates' first class lounge at Dubai Airport, despite flying economy back to London.
  • The lounge features an à la carte restaurant, cigar lounge, showers, sleeping area, and even a spa with complimentary treatments.
  • While the experience was certainly better than sitting at the gate before an economy flight, and I was impressed by the size and how much was on offer, I was left feeling a bit unimpressed, mainly by the decor. 
  • Considering people travelling through it are spending upwards of $7,000, depending on where they're going, it was dated and didn't feel very luxurious.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Not many people get to go to first class airport lounges. It's very unusual to be able to buy your way into one, and very few of us fly first class after all. 

The untold riches that lie within remain a mystery for most, so I was thrilled when I was granted access to the first class Emirates lounge at Dubai Airport to review it for Insider (despite flying economy back to London).

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Emirates as an airline has a reputation for quality, luxury, and excellent service. Combine that with the fact that Dubai is known for its hospitality and general lavishness, and I had high hopes for the lounge.

There were certainly impressive aspects to the lounge — it was huge for a start, and there's lots of food on offer — but overall? Reader, I was actually pretty unimpressed.


Sure, it was leagues better than the economy experience — I had a massage in the spa and a three-course breakfast — but for the cost of a first class flight, I didn't find the level of luxury I'd been expecting. 

Here's what the first class lounge was like.


Having arranged my visit in advance (I was given special access in my journalist capacity), my boarding pass had a note on it about the lounge — despite quite clearly being an economy ticket.

Screenshot 2019 12 05 at 11.38.15
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I'd arrived at the airport at 8.50 a.m. for a 12.10 p.m. flight, intending to give myself plenty of time in the lounge. Despite this confusing signage, I arrived at the first class lounge (which is below the business one) at around 9.15 a.m.

Emirates first class lounge signs to it
Insider/Rachel Hosie

The reception area is visible to anyone through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Emirates first class lounge exterior
Insider/Rachel Hosie

The inside is indeed pretty grand, and after checking in at the desk I was shown through to the lounge. I didn't get very far, however, when I realised back outside was ...

Emirates first class lounge entrance
Insider/Rachel Hosie

... the spa. Yes, really. The spa is open to both first and business class travellers, but only those in first get a choice of complimentary 15-minute treatment: back massage, leg and foot reflex therapy, head massage, body stretch, or hand massage.

Emirates first class lounge spa reception
Insider/Rachel Hosie

You can also pay for longer treatments including facials, manicures, hot stone massages, and blow-dries. I only had to wait a few minutes in this reception area before being shown through.

Emirates first class lounge spa waiting area
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I had the complimentary back massage, which wasn't fully lying down but on one of these massage chairs (and clothed). It was a generous 15 minutes and my masseuse was really good — I genuinely felt like some of my knots had been worked out, plus it was incredibly relaxing after an exhausting week.

Emirates first class lounge shoulder massage chair
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I was impressed with how many treatment rooms there were — some had proper massage tables or pedicure chairs like this one below.

Emirates first class lounge pedi chair
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I went back into the lounge and, having been told that the right-hand-side was exactly the same as the left, just a mirror image, I turned right for no real reason. I walked through a small duty-free section, which was much the same as any duty-free section.

Emirates first class lounge duty free
Insider/Rachel Hosie

It soon became clear to me that the first class lounge is absolutely huge. Thankfully there was a map ...

Emirates first class lounge map
Insider/Rachel Hosie

... as well as various signposts. I was told when I checked in that I could board directly from the lounge, which was great, but that they wouldn't call the flights so it was up to me to get to my gate in time. Better not make myself too much at home then, I thought.

Emirates first class lounge signs
Insider/Rachel Hosie

The lounge was incredibly quiet on the Sunday morning I visited, and I saw a lot more staff than travellers.

Emirates first class lounge corridor
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There are all sorts of seating areas, but honestly I though all the decor was incredibly dated.

Emirates first class lounge seating
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There are various newspapers and magazines on offer at a few places in the lounge — the majority were Arabic publications, but there were some international ones too.

Emirates first class lounge mags
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There was also a dedicated charging station, despite there being a fair few sockets around.

Emirates first class lounge charging station
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There's a business lounge featuring a TV playing sport, but no one was in there.

Emirates first class lounge business room
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There was a coffee machine in the corner, but the room was pretty dingy. It felt more like a Wetherspoons pub (a downmarket chain across the UK) or a hospital waiting room than a first class airline lounge to me.

Emirates first class lounge business room coffee
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I found another slightly nicer seating spot by the first refreshment area I came to. There are three places you can eat in the lounge.

Emirates first class lounge seating area
Insider/Rachel Hosie

This one focused on sweet treats ...

Emirates first class lounge cafe
Insider/Rachel Hosie

... but also had sushi on offer.

Emirates first class lounge sushi
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There were dates and Arabic coffee on the counter, which was a nice touch...

Emirates first class lounge dates
Insider/Rachel Hosie

... And traditional pastries.

Emirates first class lounge pastries
Insider/Rachel Hosie

You can order food from the restaurant's à la carte menu anywhere in the lounge ...

Emirates first class lounge armchairs
Insider/Rachel Hosie

... but I decided I would just have a coffee and see a bit more of the lounge before having breakfast. There was a screen playing Bloomberg TV to my right, but everything was very quiet.

Emirates first class lounge coffee and paper
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I wandered a little further, past a children's room — quite frankly, if anyone is flying kids first class they need to rethink their priorities, in my opinion.

Emirates first class lounge kids room
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I walked a little further, and started to feel like I was in a budget hotel where you'd get sent for a boring conference.

Emirates first class lounge more seating
Insider/Rachel Hosie

The bathrooms — while far nicer than what you'd find in the public areas of the airport — were of a similar style, although they stocked Voya toiletries, dental kits, and combs.

Emirates first class lounge loos
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I found the main restaurant area, which has a buffet as well as the à la carte menu.

Emirates first class lounge restaurant 2
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There was a rose on each table, which was a nice touch. But I still wasn't really impressed by the style. It was neither classic and traditional nor modern and sleek.

Emirates first class lounge restaurant
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I sat myself down at a table by the window, which meant I got a nice view of the runway. The room was lovely and bright. There was no charging socket, but the charming waiter insisted on pulling up a chair for my bag.

Emirates first class lounge view
Insider/Rachel Hosie

This is the menu. It was pretty traditional with an array of international offerings, and there was lots to choose from, so you'd be able to satisfy pretty much any craving.

Emirates first class lounge menu
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I ordered some water (and was asked if I wanted sparkling or still, chilled or room temperature, and with or without lemon), a coffee, a smoothie, some fruit, and some eggs. Little did I know I was then going to be brought a basket of toast and pastries, too.

Emirates first class lounge pastries
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I tucked into a little cinnamon swirl and this chocolate-filled pastry, which was delicious: Warm, flaky, slightly squidgy, and not short on filling.

Emirates first class lounge chocolate thing
Insider/Rachel Hosie

It was also nice to be asked whether I wanted all my food at once. I said yes. Yup, it was a lot of food. My strawberry smoothie was creamy and had a yummy yogurt flavor, and the fruit plate was beautifully presented.

Emirates first class lounge breakfast
Insider/Rachel Hosie

My scrambled eggs were nice, the hash browns were, well, hash browns, but I wasn't really into the chicken sausages — the skin was too tough. It certainly wasn't fancy, but it hit the spot.

Emirates first class lounge eggs
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I ordered some baked beans on the side to help acclimatise myself to the UK again, but my eyes had definitely been bigger than my stomach. I struggled through, though.

Emirates first class lounge beans and fruit
Insider/Rachel Hosie

As I munched my way through an unnecessary amount of food, I watched a man at a table near me get his shoes shined while he dined, which seemed pretty luxurious to me.

Emirates first class lounge rachel having breakfast
Insider/Rachel Hosie

After my lengthy breakfast I found the main buffet, and immediately regretted having eaten so much.

Emirates first class lounge buffet
Insider/Rachel Hosie

The staff were setting up, presumably, for lunch, and there was lots on offer, both hot dishes including baked Nile perch with armoricaine sauce, curries, and noodles ...

Emirates first class lounge hot buffet
Insider/Rachel Hosie

... and cold, like lots of fresh salads, cheeses, and mezze.

Emirates first class lounge buffet selection
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I actually thought it all looked better and more interesting than what was on the à la carte menu.

Emirates first class lounge buffet selection 2
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I was very tempted to take a muffin for the flight, but then I remembered Emirates always feed you well (even in economy). Considering how much food you get served travelling first class, it seems a bit mad that there's so much on offer in the lounge.

Emirates first class lounge more pastries
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I took my food baby for a stroll down to the end of the lounge past more magazines and more dated armchairs.

Emirates first class lounge magazines
Insider/Rachel Hosie

It was so quiet.

Emirates first class lounge lounge
Insider/Rachel Hosie

At the end of the lounge is the third refreshment area, which focuses on savory snacks.

Emirates first class lounge cheese area
Insider/Rachel Hosie

As well as canapés and mezze, there were various breads and cheeses, plus yet more Arabic coffee and dates.

Emirates first class lounge savoury snacks
Insider/Rachel Hosie

One cool thing about the lounge is that it features a handful of showers — had I been in between long-haul flights, that would have been brilliant.

Emirates first class lounge shower
Insider/Rachel Hosie

As with the rest of the lounge, everything was provided, but it wasn't particularly slick in style. Having recently seen the swanky showers in Qantas' lounge at Heathrow airport, these seemed pretty uninspiring and basic.

Emirates first class lounge shower area
Insider/Rachel Hosie

What was more exciting to me, however, was the quiet lounge, which is essentially a dim room full of armchair-beds.

Emirates first class lounge quiet lounge
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There were various different types, each with a thick blanket, soft pillow, and eye-mask. I lay down and it was incredibly comfortable to say the least. Again, I thought back to my last long-haul flight change-over and how amazing it would have been to be able to have a snooze here. It was delightfully peaceful and I was very reluctant to move.

Emirates first class lounge lying down
Insider/Rachel Hosie

However, I did ultimately get up because time was ticking and there was one more area of the lounge I was yet to see: the cigar bar, the exterior of which features these fun stained-glass windows.

Emirates first class lounge cigar bar window
Insider/Rachel Hosie

As a non-smoker who has zero interest in cigars, the room was not a high priority for me, but it ended up being my favourite part of the lounge (OK, maybe aside from the quiet room AKA sleep room).

Emirates first class lounge cigar bar
Insider/Rachel Hosie

It was the only part of the whole lounge that seemed to have any character or style.

Emirates first class lounge cigar bar corner
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There were rich mahogany wall fittings, chandeliers, old-fashioned rugs, and plush leather sofas.

Emirates first class lounge cigar bar more seats
Insider/Rachel Hosie

It was cool, and the vibe struck me as grand, old-school pub meets speakeasy.

Emirates first class lounge cigar bar seats
Insider/Rachel Hosie

There was one man smoking a cigar and seemingly plenty on offer, however they were one of the few things in the lounge you actually had to pay for. Prices ranged from around 30-100 dirham ($8-27) each.

Emirates first class lounge cigars
Insider/Rachel Hosie

I ordered a mimosa, grabbed a date from the bar counter (the fruit, I mean) and sat myself down. It was only then that I realized it was time to go to the gate. I felt like I could have stayed in my current set-up much longer, but alas. It also wasn't until after my visit that I found out there was apparently a wine cellar somewhere in the lounge, but I neither found it nor saw any signs for it.

Emirates first class lounge mimosa
Insider/Rachel Hosie

It was nice to skip the normal queue at the gate, but felt a little tragic to go through the first class desk and then have to take the lift down to the lower deck level for economy passengers. Still, I'd had a taste of the first class lifestyle, and it was certainly more fun than the usual airport experience.

Emirates first class lounge going to plane
Insider/Rachel Hosie

Still, despite the size and all of the amenities — and food — the lounge was nowhere near as luxurious as I'd hoped.

Emirates first class lounge dated seating
Insider/Rachel Hosie

Yes, the service was great, getting a free massage is awesome, being able to shower is cool, having free food and drinks is fun, and being able to snooze somewhere quiet and comfy is great if you need to.

However, it seemed to me that the lounge desperately needs a makeover. The style is incredibly dated, and didn't feel luxurious as a result.

There was no character, and honestly it felt a bit, well, budget, which is surprising considering how much people pay to travel first class — my flight from Dubai to London would have cost over $7,000.

Given that I only looked around half the lounge (the other half is exactly the same thing, just a mirror image on the other side), it's unnecessarily huge. Surely there can never be that many first class travellers at once?

But I suppose those who travel first class want the privacy it affords them as much as anything else. 

While it's likely those who travel first class are mainly paying for the privacy — and the lounge is certainly nicer than killing time in the normal part of a terminal — if I had paid full price for a first class ticket, I would have been unimpressed.

Read more:

Inside Dubai Airport's luxurious VIP private terminal for the rich and famous which has nap pods, a cigar lounge, and coffees printed with guests' faces on

I sat in all three classes on Emirates, and while the jump from economy to business was massive, I couldn't work out why someone would pay so much more for first

I tested out Emirates' first class suites, and it was clear why they were voted the best in the world — especially if you hate other people

You can now buy your way into Qantas' first and business class airport lounges for as little as $35

Read the original article on INSIDER. Copyright 2019.

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