A Swimming Pool And Yacht?! A Rare Tour Of Oracle's Deluxe Headquarters

Before there was Google, before there was Yahoo, way before there was Twitter, there was Oracle. Founded in 1977, Oracle is one of the most successful and iconic companies in Silicon Valley.


Until a few months ago, its flamboyant founder, Larry Ellison, had been CEO the whole time. He stepped down to chief technology officer while taking over the executive chairman role.

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Oracle's “Mr. Database” Willie Hardy on the Redwood City campus. Business Insider/Julie Bort

Ellison is known for a love of water, sailing, airplanes, and expensive real estate and all of this is reflected in his company's headquarters campus.


Since 1989, Oracle's headquarters has dominated the town of Redwood City, California, about 25 miles south of San Francisco.

Oracle HQ from sky2

The campus hosts 1.5 million square feet of office space and is surrounded by water.

Oracle campus by water
Google Maps/Business Insider

Our tour guides are Oracle chief marketing officer Judy Sim, who started as an intern decades ago, and PR pro Glenn Bunting. This isn’t a very good picture of Sim …

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Julie Bort

Here's a better shot of Judy Sim.

Oracle Judy Sim
Flickr/Javier Pedreira

This is an executive briefing room on the top executive floor used by CEOs Mark Hurd and Safra Catz. Their offices, and Ellison's, are nearby. They have a view of the mountains and ...

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Julie Bort

... if you look out the window you see the star of the campus. This is the first Oracle Team boat that won the America’s Cup back in 2010 in Spain. Oracle won again in 2013 with another version of this boat.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

You can see this racing boat from nearly all the main office buildings.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

It's not your classic yacht. It's build for speed, not comfort. Oracle is working on making it even more of an attraction, building a bridge to it.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Oracle has 12 buildings at the Redwood City HQ serving 12,000 employees. It has 39 buildings and 20,000 employees in the greater SF Bay Area and 135,000 employees worldwide.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

That cylinder shape of the buildings is an insider geek joke. The symbol for "database," Oracle’s flagship product, is a cylinder.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

If you visit Oracle, you’ll come to the Customer Visitor Center, manned by Ashley, who started as an intern. She got her internship simply by emailing Sim and asking for the chance. Sim hires a lot of interns, has a soft spot for them, since she started with Larry Ellison in 1991 as an intern herself.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

There's also an airplane on campus.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Oracle sponsors famed acrobatics pilot Sean Tucker, who entertains at Oracle events. This model of his plane is on display at the visitor center. Founder Larry Ellison is also a pilot with an impressive airplane collection.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

There’s also plenty of tech on display like Oracle servers...

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

... software ...

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

... and fancy touchscreen displays. The customer visitor center hosts over 16,000 customer visits a year.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

There’s even a gift shop, staffed by Lee, that has Oracle gear like sailing jackets and hats, as well as …

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Duke’s big thing is being dressed up in different ways each year, like Barbie. This cup is of Cowboy Duke.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Oracle employees tend to arrive early, 7:30-ish. The campus starts hopping by 8:30 a.m. and is really busy by 9:30.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

At Google, people ride bikes around, but at Oracle, people walk. Sometimes CEO Mark Hurd can be found strolling around, we’re told. But he's never gone sailing on one of those insanely fast racing boats.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

We didn’t see Hurd walking around, but we did run into 20-year veteran “Mr. Database” Willie Hardy, who has overseen Oracle’s database product for eons.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Besides the lake and estuary, the campus is filled with other water features like this concrete waterfall. Because of California’s drought they were dry.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Ditto for this dry rock waterfall.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

There's a huge, 50,000 square foot gym for employees…

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

...with a huge indoor basketball court. These employees are playing badminton.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

These employees are on the outdoor sand volleyball court. But best of all …

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

There's a big swimming pool!

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Nearly every building at HQ has its own restaurant, too. Oracle has 12 buildings and 7 restaurants on the main campus and 39 buildings and 10 restaurants in the greater SF Bay Area.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

There's a famous bean soup served weekly where the line will wrap around the building.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

The food isn't free. Employees buy it. But ...

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

... all sorts of ethnic cuisine is available and it looked really tasty.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Other employee perks include a laundry and dry cleaning service ...

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

... and wellness classes. Alicia, a fitness employee, is signing Oracle employees up for classes.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Everything about these buildings feels luxurious, from the huge high ceilings ...

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

...to the glossy flooring.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

The office space is classic cubby style, not the open-table seating that's so trendy these days.

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Note the mural of the planes on the wall ...

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Oracle has its own conference center, too.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

This is where executives broadcast product launches and other events.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

The company displays banners of its hardware products everywhere, like proud parents.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Founder Larry Ellison still oversees advertising using the "3 second rule." Glance at the ad for 3 seconds. If you can't repeat the message the ad is no good.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

There are no self-driving cars, but we did spy a photo drone flying above campus. This is Oracle's latest corporate toy, often used at events.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

Employees don't have a private "employee only" park either (like Google built). But Oracle is surrounded by miles of public shores ...

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

It's on the famous 500-mile long Bay Trail, which also passes by Facebook and Google headquarters buildings to the south. You could walk by three of the most valuable tech companies in the world, all in about an hour.

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Business Insider/Julie Bort

And now let's look at executive pay ...

Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella
Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella REUTERS/China Daily

The Most Overpaid And Underpaid CEOs In Tech

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