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'Killing Eve' star Sean Delaney on the unexpected end to Sunday's season premiere: 'I said it's got to happen before people are ready for it'

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Kenny's digging into The Twelve gets him into trouble on the season three premiere of "Killing Eve." Laura Radford/BBCAmerica/Sid Gentle
  • Warning: There are spoilers ahead for the "Killing Eve" season three premiere, "Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey."
  • The first new episode of "Killing Eve" kicked things off with a major, unexpected death. 
  • Kenny (Sean Delaney) was shockingly killed off at the episode's end.
  • "I think it's genius. I said the sooner they do it, the better," Delaney told Insider of learning how his character would be killed off the series last spring.
  • The final scene he shot on the show was fittingly with Sandra Oh, who he shared his first scene with on the BBC America series.
  • Delaney will appear in a brief role in this fall's "Venom 2." He was supposed to start filming an indie project in Budapest, which has been put on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

The season three premiere of "Killing Eve" came to an unexpected end when Sean Delaney's beloved character Kenny was killed. 

In the episode's final minutes, Kenny's body flew past an office window  His untimely death will serve as the driving force behind season three. Delaney couldn't have picked a better way to go.

"I'm very, very fortunate to be part of this," Delaney told Insider. "If I felt that it wasn't going to help the plot and move forward in the way that it was, I would have been given my say, and it would have been listened to."

"It would have been very cheeky of me to be like, 'No, you're making the wrong decision. Keep me in for another three seasons so I stay employed,'" said Delaney. "It would be me being greedy, I think."


Delaney spoke to Insider about why Kenny's death made sense for the season three premiere, his next roles, including "Venom 2," and how his first and final scenes on the show with Sandra Oh came full circle.

Delaney was doing a play in New York last spring when he found out Kenny would be killed off of 'Killing Eve'

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Sean Delaney was told last year that his character's death would help kick off and move Eve's story forward for the season. He was instantly on board. Parisa Taghizadeh/BBCAmerica

Kirsten Acuna: What an end to the premiere episode. Sean, when did you first find out Kenny was going to be killed off? What was that conversation like?

Sean Delaney: [Laughter] It was very exciting, actually. That sounds really odd, because it meant I would be unemployed. I found out, really fortunately, by the way the company is run. I was in New York doing a play, and the second series had just finished in the States. So it was around May, June time, I think. And I got a phone call from my agent warning me that a conversation was going to happen. And then I got a phone call from Sally Woodward Gentle, the main producer and the head of Sid Gentle Films, who make it. 

She proposed this idea that they were thinking about, and I do mean proposed. I said this before, I'm very, very fortunate to be a part of this. [Not] even the way in terms of its success, but even the way it's run. I was saying previously, if I felt that, the story, that it wasn't going to help the plot and move forward in the way that Kenny was, I would have been given my say, and it would have been listened to, and maybe even taken action on it. But actually, when Sally told me about the idea and the first thing I said before she even justified it to me in her head of what she was thinking, I told her how exciting that would be for Eve, and Carolyn's role in the series. I think it's genius. I said the sooner they do it, the better.


Delaney: I said it's got to happen before people are ready for it. She said great, because [Suzanne Heathcote] was thinking about doing it earlier in the season. And so she didn't have to sell it to me at all. I was really excited about it. I've milked this series for all its worth. Three seasons later, a couple of awards later, it's still going and people love it, and I've had so much experience and so much time to learn and hone my craft, and work with these brilliant people. It would have been very cheeky of me to be like, "No, you're making the wrong decision. Keep me in for another three seasons so I stay employed." It would be me being greedy, I think.

Acuna: Yeah. I discussed with Suzanne yesterday morning about how Kenny's death was pretty much the impetus that Eve really needed to wake up and get out of the current funk that she's in. At first, I was surprised that it happened in the premiere, and then I was like, OK, this makes sense. I was telling Suzanne that I gasped because I didn't expect to see Kenny falling from the building. Did you realize early on that that was going to be the way that your character went off?

Delaney: Yes. Yes, I did. It's great to have had such an influence. You can be the emotional driving point of a series, and it means so much. But just in terms of the realism of it, because "Killing Eve" is so cult, and so cool, and stylish, and a bit funky, for want of a better word, sometimes it's really difficult because of the flamboyancy of it, and because of how cool Jodie Comer is, and Villanelle is in it, and how much you want to hang out with her. You kind of forget sometimes how dangerous she is, and how life and death the stakes are for these people.

And I think a reminder of that, particularly in the first episode, because otherwise why would you go back? You've got the damage. In terms of the mental health of the people within the characters, within the series, is so important, and the damage that they've all taken. Convincingly, for anyone to drag themselves back into harm's way again, and sacrifice themselves, and put their lives on the line, and their welfare on the line, and their relationships, and their marriage, and their friendships on the line, something big's got to drag that person back in. And the fact that they think Kenny's relationship with Eve, with Carolyn is important and delicate enough to drive that forward, then, God, what a brilliant way to contribute towards it.


The hint at Kenny's death earlier in the episode

Acuna: Watching the episode a second time, I don't know if you noticed this, but it almost seems like they hint at the death to come. When we first see Kenny, he's riding his bike to the office and the camera slowly tilts up showing the scope and size of the building's height.

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The building that Kenny falls from is shown earlier in the episode as Kenny and Eve both arrive to the building. Laura Radford/BBC America

Delaney: Yes, yes. Right. I did, because I watched it and I watched it a second time as well. There's a beautifully shot moment, just cinematography wise, where when she comes into the building and she can't find him, the cameras stayed on the window for just maybe two seconds too long. Not enough to give away what's going to happen. But it makes you aware of the window as a place and as a point of attention, so that when she is on the phone and having that phone call, when you see the figure, it's just so much clearer about what's happening, and what's happened. I think it's great.

Acuna: Yeah, the moment shook me.

Delaney: Good, I'm glad. That's the point. You film it, you kind of hope that it pays off.


What was Kenny's downfall? Leaving MI6 didn't help at all.

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Kenny left a comfortable job where he would have been under protection for one that left him a bit unguarded. Laura Radford/BBC America/Sid Gen

Acuna: What do you think was Kenny's downfall? Was he not careful enough when looking into The Twelve? He's a pretty careful person, but he also mentions these financial findings when he meets up with Eve.

Delaney: For sure. I think Kenny is someone who is so reserved and so scared of being involved in everything, and keeping professional and doing his job and only his job, and trying to keep himself personally out of harm's way, and the people he loves out of harm's way. The fact that he almost caught this Eve bug of not being able to let things drop and not leaving things unfinished...

I think his downfall is, in my head and the way I played it, was the fact that when he was no longer under the protection of MI6, and his mother, and within a team of people, and with people to bounce ideas off, and for people to maybe turn around and say, "No, that's dangerous, you should stop looking into that," he does on his own and he just can't help himself. He cared too much. So I think the fact that he does it under the banner of this new journalistic company that he's working for, of people just trying to improve things, the fact that he no longer has that barrier of safety means that when he's looking into this stuff, he's no longer protected or hidden in doing that. And he becomes like everyone else.

Acuna: That was the same thought process that I had. I was like, if he didn't quit MI6, I was thinking that he may still be alive.


What advice would Kenny give to Eve? It's not a simple question.

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Sean Delaney wants Eve to avenge his death, but also wants to make sure she's staying safe. The two are a bit at odds with one another. Nick Briggs/BBCAmerica

Acuna: If Kenny could give Eve some advice right now, what do you think that would be?

Delaney: Oh God, that's such a good question. Because I'm torn, because obviously, his drive for him was to do the right thing, and find out, and not let these people get away with what they're doing. So, my heart says Kenny would be like, "Go finish it. You've come this far, you're strong enough to do it." But I think anyone in their right mind, myself included, would be like, "Get the hell out of that. Protect yourself." He cares too much. There's a lot of love there, which I don't think he had for many people in his whole lifetime, his mother included.

I think when it comes too close to home, I think there's a heart in Kenny that's often disguised by his social difficulties and his inability to express himself emotionally. 

Acuna: That makes sense. In their last conversation, he's trying to pull Eve back in and Eve is like, "I almost got killed." And so it goes off of what you were saying, he would also want to be protective of her.


The last scene Delaney filmed comes full circle with the first scene he filmed with Sandra Oh.

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This was the final scene Delaney filmed. BBC America

Acuna: What was the last scene that you filmed for the series?

Delaney: My last scheduled, we went back and re-shot a few things, as happens with productions. In a really romantic way, my last official day was filming the scene with Sandra in Sandra's flat. It's just the two of us. The romance in it was that when I first started this job three years ago now, my first day of filming was a two-hander with Sandra when I was offering her the loo roll. And, so actually, to compare those two, of having a 20-second funny clip, and then three years later having this quite emotional catch up of everything they've been on together.

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Eve texted Kenny about toilet paper, which was how they met. Delaney's first and last scenes with Oh both went back to the toilet paper. BBC America

Delaney: It was really difficult not to link in everything that myself and Sandra had been on together, and I'd been on as an actor on this series. Obviously, at this point, we knew it was our last scene together. We were very professional, and we managed to pull it off. It was a very emotional moment.

Acuna: Yeah. It sounds like a full-circle moment.


Delaney: It was.

Delaney didn't take anything from the show, though he was offered a pair of Kenny's shorts

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Though Kenny is always wearing shorts, Delaney says he doesn't wear them outside the series. Nick Wall/BBCA

Acuna: Did you take anything from the set or from the show?

Delaney: No, I didn't. One of the great things about "Killing Eve" is costume wise and set wise, sometimes you forget how detailed it is. I'm lucky because I get to see the work first hand around me, but anything in an office, especially in the context of the genre of TV we're making. I know it's pretty genreless, but the idea of a spy thriller, everything is evidence, and "Killing Eve," I think the danger that you get from watching it and the idea that you have no idea what's happening is because a lot of times there are rewrites as you go along, and things come clearer, and stuff changes towards the end of the series more so than the beginning.

Delaney: I wasn't heartbroken about it. Also, I have so many memories of it that I wouldn't even know what to pick, because it wouldn't do it justice. I've got the image of doing my last scenes with Sandra, and my first scenes with Sandra, and my last scene with Fiona. It will stay with me forever. I don't need anything. Also, I don't wear shorts, so I think I was offered a pair of shorts at the end. I'm not sorry, but getting rid of the shorts. I told them they can keep them.


'It's just changed me as a person, and as an actor': What Delaney will remember most about 'Killing Eve' and his pride in having fans from all over the world reach out to him

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Delaney said he never expected "Killing Eve" to gain such a following. Laura Radford/BBC America/Sid Gen

Acuna: As I'm winding down, what has been your favorite moment working on the show? And what are you going to miss most about it?

Delaney: I'm going to miss the people, for sure. I'm lucky I get to call these people friends, but even if I was being really cold about it, as an actor that worked for those people on my first TV series, as far as an apprenticeship would go, it's been the time of my life. I've learned so much. I only hope I can take as much as I learned from it and apply it to the next thing. It's probably too much to fit in, to warrant one thing. It's the people, for sure, and everything I've learned about it, and it's just changed me as a person, and as an actor.

One of the beautiful things about "Killing Eve" was when we first made it, as much as I love Phoebe Waller-Bridge, I love Sandra Oh... but when we were making it, we had no idea really whether people were going to see it. At that point, it was only to BBC America in the States. But the idea that maybe my family wouldn't see it, and maybe it wouldn't see a second series, and maybe even BBC America would pull out at some point. There was no guarantee on it being shown.

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"We had no idea really whether people were going to see it," said Delaney, who's grateful that much of his family has been able to watch the series from Ireland. BBC AMERICA/Sid Gentle Films Ltd 2018

Delaney: I went into something and just worked really hard for what it was, and whatever happened to it afterwards, happened to it afterwards. I had no control over that. I think I'll take that onto the next one because it's remarkable how much it means to people from something that we just wanted to be as good as possible. So whoever saw it, I think that's definitely something I'll take with me.


Acuna: And now it's on both AMC and BBC America.

Delaney: Oh God, yeah. Also over here, the fact that my parents get to see it in Ireland, I've got a big Irish family. My mom is the only person on her side of the family that's based in the UK, but the fact they got to see it and you get people messaging me from Brazil who've watched it, and Spain, and France, and Australia, and it's mind-boggling. The size of it is almost scary to think about.

What's next for Delaney? You'll be able to see him briefly in 'Venom 2' this October. Delaney was also going to start filming an indie in Budapest.

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Delaney has a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" role in "Venom 2." Parisa Taghizadeh/BBCAmerica, Sony Pictures

Acuna: Well. Sean, before I let you go, let me ask you what's next for you? Do you have "Venom 2" coming up at some point?

Delaney: I do. I do. I don't know how that ended up on IMDb. I know it hasn't really been released yet, so I'm not too sure what I or people can say about it. Obviously, you've seen it, so you've seen that I'm in it. In terms of what I play in it, I can't say anything about it, but I have that to come out. And I think it finished filming. I think it was in post-production as all this shutdown happened. So I read somewhere that Sony was planning on releasing that as scheduled, which is great.


Acuna: Yeah, that's what I was wondering.

Delaney: That was an amazing experience. I have a very, very small blink-and-you-miss-me role, and I do mean that. But in terms of its tie to the story, it's really cool. It's really, really cool.

Acuna: OK, I can't wait to see that.

Delaney: Yeah, me too. It was an experience. Good lord, the size of the set and to work with Andy Serkis, who is directing it... Bob Richardson, the cinematographer on that, who does Tarantino stuff. Working with people like that was mind-boggling. As we speak, I'm supposed to be in Budapest doing a film, doing a much nicer sized role, and I think hopefully it will be a really, really brilliant indie flick with some brilliant people, but obviously, this shutdown has postponed that for the minute, and hopefully just postponed. I'll be heartbroken if something happens. So, yeah. Hopefully, there are a few things in the pipelines.


This interview has been edited for length and clarity. 

"Killing Eve" airs Sundays on AMC and BBC America at 9 p.m. 

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