Deel Speed: The inside story of a $12 billion HR startup's breakneck growth

An illustration of a black speedometer with the Deel logo in the center. The needle on the speedometer is animated to move quickly to maximum, causing the speedometer to crack.
The philosophy of "Deel Speed" catapulted a HR startup to a $12 billon valuation in just four years. It hasn't always been easy on its workers. Robyn Phelps/ Insider
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Update 07/26/2023: Following Insider's reporting, California congressman Adam Schiff and other US lawmakers wrote to acting US Labor Secretary Julie Su calling for an investigation into Deel's use of independent contractors. It comes after California state senator Stephen Padilla wrote to the state's Labor and Workforce Development Agency about Deel's employment practices in June.

COVID-19 was vindication for Alex Bouaziz.

A gregarious young entrepreneur originally from France, he had long believed the future of the work was global. As a cofounder and the CEO of an early-stage startup called Deel, he was betting on it. The firm promised to break down old geographical barriers to recruiting talent by helping companies hire workers legally and compliantly around the world.


Then in early 2020, the world shut down. Workers were sent home and businesses were forced to reckon with a new professional reality. Bouaziz stepped up.

"We kind of always knew there was something, right?" he told Insider. "So for us, it was more — how long will it take until companies truly, like, embrace this moment?"

Deel practiced what it preached, letting people work remotely anywhere in the world. In just three years, it ballooned in size from a team of fewer than 30 to over 2,000 workers everywhere from the US to Hong Kong. Its turbocharged growth scored it a private valuation of $12 billion and landed Bouaziz in glossy media coverage in Forbes and Bloomberg. Deel now boasts of being the fastest-growing software-as-a-service startup in history.

Internally, there's a name for that super-charged growth: "Deel Speed."


In aid of its global expansion, it hired at least half of its thousands-strong workforce as independent contractors, doing everything from sales to senior management. This was to the surprise of some workers, who thought they were applying to be full-time employees, but were instead hired for the same job but as long-term contractors.

The strategy let Deel hire quickly in countries it didn't have a legal presence in yet. But it meant workers didn't receive basic employment rights they would have been entitled to if they were traditional employees. Some were concerned that they might have been legally misclassified, which if it were true could have severe legal penalties.

Deel says it complies with all relevant labor laws. The company presents its use of contractors as empowering for modern, global workers — and a potential model for the future of work.

Even Bouaziz, the startup's globe-trotting CEO, is an independent contractor.


Insider spoke with more than 30 current or former Deel workers about the HR company's extraordinary rise, and the unconventional tactics that made it possible. They described a hyper-speed startup, driven by an invigorating mission and a grow-at-all costs approach that is blistering even by Silicon Valley standards. Workers pulled long hours in a frenetic workplace. And some were also surprised to see various members of the Bouaziz family occupying high-ranking positions at the company. 

The workers spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation or to protect professional relationships. Their identities are known to Insider. 

"Deel speed is one of the strongest core values of the company," said a former worker. "It's also an Achilles Heel."

Deel Speed is a philosophy of constant action. The maxim is touted everywhere at the startup — from its careers website to internal meetings — and Bouaziz is its living embodiment. 


The personable 29-year-old is online at all hours, diving deep into the minutiae of the products, peppering public Slack channels with motivational messages and rocket-ship emojis, firing off Twitter threads about Deel's soaring growth, and roaming the globe as the archetypal digital nomad. 

Like Facebook's "move fast and break things" motto, Deel Speed contributed to the company's soaring growth — promoting quick decision-making and a laser focus on revenue growth. "Do things well but at the right pace. Try to do something today; don't push it to tomorrow," Bouaziz said. "And that has truly, truly helped us in everything we do."

Founded in 2018 by two Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduates, Bouaziz and Shuo Wang, Deel quickly became the poster child for the work-from-home revolution. Fittingly, the duo have international backgrounds. 

Wang, the company's chief revenue officer, was born in the once booming factory town of Shenyang, China. She immigrated to the US in her teens and attended MIT, earning a degree in mechanical engineering. Before Deel, she cofounded the air-purifier startup Aeris, which ultimately sold to iRobot in 2021 for $72 million. Bouaziz, who is French and Israeli, also attended MIT. A whiz kid, he graduated from high school at 16 before going to college early, where the pair met.


At its core, Deel is a hiring and HR platform for global businesses. One of its key products is an "employer of record" service in which it hires and employs clients' workers in countries where they don't yet have a legal presence. The firm also helps clients manage contractors internationally and offers payroll services, visa support, background checks, and an array of other human-resources products. 

In 2019, the cofounders were accepted into the prestigious startup accelerator Y Combinator, where they formulated the first draft of their business. Amid its meteoric rise, it raised money from a who's who of Silicon Valley's hottest investors, including Andreessen Horowitz and Spark Capital. 

The cofounders also benefited from a unique source of assistance: Bouaziz's father, Philippe.

The elder Bouaziz, who has a long history as a venture capitalist and tech entrepreneur, provided some of the company's earliest investment capital as its "founding investor." While many startup founders raise money from friends and family, Philippe Bouaziz plays an unusually prominent role in Deel's operations. He is the company's chief financial officer, oversees its legal team, and sits on its board of directors.

Deel's chief executive officer Alex Bouaziz. Deel
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Shuo Wang, the chief revenue officer of Deel. Deel
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Deel's chief financial officer Philippe Bouaziz. Deel
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"I always love to say Philippe is the CFO that I couldn't afford if I had to hire," Alex Bouaziz said in an interview with Insider. His father's background provided crucial experience in growing the business, and the pair hold each other accountable, the younger Bouaziz added. 

But the atypical arrangement for a venture-backed startup raised eyebrows among Deel's staff.

"What kind of billion-dollar company has the dad of the CEO as the CFO? How can the CEO keep the CFO accountable? He's his dad," one former senior worker said. "That just perplexes me. What kind of investor would put their money in a business like that?"

Philippe Bouaziz's entrepreneurial connections have also come in handy for the company. 


When Deel didn't have relevant legal entities in countries to help clients it relied on firms in Philippe's portfolio to help them with hiring and other human-resources services, two former workers said. And at one point, Deel's registered UK address was the offices of Philippe Bouaziz's software firm, Prodware.

Internally, many people questioned whether it was, in fact, the elder Bouaziz, not his 29-year-old son, who was ultimately calling the shots at the company, a dozen workers said. 

"I think if you talk to anyone, they would say that Alex is the face but all decisions run through Phillipe," one former Deel worker told Insider. A Deel spokesperson said the elder Bouaziz did make some independent decisions but that its entire executive team collaborated on the most consequential decisions for the firm.

Philippe and Alex also aren't the only Bouazizes with senior roles at the company. 


Chloe Bouaziz, Alex's sister and Philippe's daughter, has worked at the company in various senior positions since mid-2020 and is currently in a leadership role on the operations team. Vanya Bouaziz, a former employee of Philippe's company Prodware, is the finance manager in France, and Anne-Lise Bouaziz joined as the company's director of customer success in January.

The exact relation of Vanya and Anne-Lise to Alex Bouaziz is unclear. A Deel spokesperson declined to comment.

After the pandemic hit, Deel exploded in size. As it brought on workers by the hundred, it promised to let them work from anywhere in the world. But in the vast majority of countries, it didn't have the required legal entities in place to hire local employees. 

The solution: It brought them on as independent contractors instead.


In the early days, even many American workers were brought on as contractors, along with those in the rest of the world. As it grew, it slowly expanded where it supported full-time employment to Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Australia, as well as Israel, but workers in other countries are still brought on via contract. 

The approach boosted Deel's growth, sidestepping the bureaucracy of traditional employment and international expansion. And the company touted the flexibility of the classification as a selling point to would-be workers — telling them it would let them travel the world while working for Deel. 

"There is a future into the way of employing and working with people, and it goes beyond the binary choice of either: You're this or you're that — right?" Bouaziz said. "It's enabling people to really do what's best for them, while protecting the company." 

We think the contractor model, paired with a new set of benefits that correspond to this new type of global worker, should be considered more routinely in today's world of global work. Deel spokesperson

The use of contractors isn't unusual at scrappy startups. In the US, as in Canada and many other countries, contractors legally work for themselves, with a high degree of flexibility. They choose their own hours and typically work using their own equipment. Their jobs are often task-specific and rely on their expertise on a specific topic, like building a marketing plan or creating a data dashboard. They also normally work for multiple clients at once. (Some companies outsource entire divisions to dedicated contracting firms, an approach Deel hasn't taken.)


When a contractor is treated too much like an employee — from having set hours to getting vacation pay — it risks misclassification, Deel told clients in a 2021 blog post: "In case the government discovers the employer has a certain degree of control over the independent contractor's work that overcomes their contract, the contractor should be classified as an employee."

Internally, Deel has integrated independent contractors unusually closely into its operations. 

The company now has thousands of workers spread across almost 90 countries, and roughly half are independent contractors. There appears to be no meaningful difference between employees and contractors in regard to their day-to-day treatment at the startup, 18 of the people who spoke with Insider said. Numerous contractors described working the same full-time hours as Deel's traditional employees. They were also paid fixed monthly or biweekly sums, often used company equipment, were routinely assigned work, and had managers. Some even received annual reviews.

Contracts obtained by Insider were years-long, while other workers said their contracts had no end date. While Deel says it does not forbid contractors from working for other companies, its contracts seen by Insider explicitly barred people from working with the startup's competitors without written permission from the firm. 


For Deelers, as the company's workers are called, it's almost impossible to tell who is in-house versus on a contract, workers said, with no distinction drawn in meetings, in Slack, or day-to-day work. Some hires in the US, Canada, Hong Kong, and elsewhere didn't know they'd be classified as contractors until they received their job offers. 

"They went out of their way to say whether you're a contractor or an FTE, you're the same thing," a former worker said, referring to full-time employees.

Deel even offers contractors a variety of benefits more commonly offered to full-time employees. These included equity grants after a year and "unlimited" paid time off where contractors had to request vacation days ahead of time. Some were even offered monthly wellness stipends for spending on gym memberships, doctor appointments, and other health-related costs.

Bouaziz, the CEO, said that Deel's contractors differed from full-time employees in that they're "even more focused on this idea of output versus input and hours," that it gave workers greater flexibility, and that Deel didn't track contractors' time. 


But numerous contractors said they were expected to be consistently online during regular working hours in their time zones to attend meetings and do work. "If you were not online during normal working hours, that would not be accepted," a former manager who managed contractors said about the expectations for them. 

Contractors work on everything from support to sales, business development, and tech roles at Deel. In countries like the US, where Deel now supports full-time employees, new hires are asked whether they'd like to be an employee or contractor upon joining. When given the choice in a country, more than half of Deel workers opt to be contractors rather than employees, the company said.

"Our contractor model gives people more freedom to work where and how they want," a Deel spokesperson said. "We think the contractor model, paired with a new set of benefits that correspond to this new type of global worker, should be considered more routinely in today's world of global work."

Some managers and executives, sometimes with multiple layers of reports and dozens of workers below them, have been hired as contractors. According to Patrick Kellenberger, the chief operating officer of Betts Recruiting, it's "very rare" at startups for long-term senior leaders to be independent contractors because they rarely have the same level of commitment and buy-in to the vision of the firm as employees.


Bouaziz, who is largely based in Tel Aviv, Israel, is himself an independent contractor — a fact that is touted by the company internally. "HR used it as a talking point to ensure people who are contractors don't feel like they are not treated like full-time employees," a former worker said.

"In Europe, in the Middle East, it's very common to be working as an independent contractor for a company," Bouaziz said. "Personally, I prefer that setup as well because I'm moving all the time. You know, I'm in Paris, and then next week/weekend, Madrid, and after in London. So it's very hard for me to pinpoint where, from a tax perspective, I want to be a resident." 

Deel's classification of much of its workforce as independent contractors means they don't receive a wide variety of traditional employment benefits and protections — a move some workers believe is intentional. 

"They lose every employment and labor protection," Valerio De Stefano, a professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, said of independent contractors. "We are talking about almost every protection that employees have, self-employed people don't."


Depending on jurisdiction, independent contractors aren't granted legal protections against unfair or sudden dismissal, pension contributions, health insurance, mandatory severance pay, unemployment benefits, worker's compensation, the right to join a union, or overtime pay. 

"It's a huge step back in workers' rights — they are essentially destroying any right of workers. It starts with: 'Work from the beach,'" a former Deel employee said. "It ends with: 'We are terminating your contract, and you can't say anything as you're not an employee.'"

A screenshot of the homepage of the company Deel
Deel helps clients scale global teams, but some workers have concerns about how it went about it internally. Deel

Deel could dismiss contractors without going through the formal dismissal procedures required in some countries, like France or Germany, which contributed to a sense of precarity for some workers. Workers are "walking on eggshells because you can get switched off at any moment," a former contractor said.

The move may have also helped reduce other costs. Paying independent contractors lets businesses deduct fees and costs as business expenses, instead of having to pay taxes and Social Security contributions on their behalf in certain jurisdictions. Bouaziz disputed this theory, saying that Deel was doing well financially and the additional costs of hiring workers as employees would be "minimal."


In many cases, Deel told workers they were being hired as independent contractors because the firm didn't yet have the appropriate legal entities to bring them on full time. But in several countries, it was able to hire and employ full-time employees for its clients via its employer-of-record service, while hiring only contractors internally. 

"It's a gray area," said an ex-contractor from a country where Deel offered its employer-of-record service. "How come we can do this for other people, but we can't do it for ourselves?"

Bouaziz said Deel couldn't employ workers using the entities it served clients with for "legal and regulatory" reasons.

Some Deel workers told Insider they are happy with their employment status. A current contractor said they appreciated the ability to travel and believed their employment status was compliant with local regulations. They have a flexible schedule if they complete their work, they said, and work for other businesses alongside Deel.


Multiple other former workers said they felt like employees in all but name and that Deel was so demanding of their time they couldn't have done outside work even if they'd wanted to. "I didn't have enough energy to do everything they wanted me to do. For me to have any energy on top of that to do another job would just be ridiculous," a former contractor said. 

"I don't think anyone who worked at Deel as an independent contractor saw themselves as one," they added.

Seventeen current and former workers had concerns the company may be misclassifying contract workers' employment status. "I know a lot of people were joking about it constantly: 'Yeah, I could file for misclassification as contractors in Canada,'" another former worker said.

Another former contractor from Canada said: "Deel's whole structure and their business model operates under the guise of: We help you hire people legally and compliantly in other countries." But he questioned whether Deel hired people legally and compliantly itself. 


Deel said its use of independent contractors was fully compliant with local laws. "Our worker contracts and employment agreements follow local country employment laws, and all managers are given guidance around country-specific considerations like parental leave, time-off requests, hours worked, holidays, and notice periods, and how they vary by worker type," a spokesperson said. "This is what we do for our customers, so we have the expertise; it's just instilling that into our managers and leaders so they manage effectively."

In the US, if a worker is overly reliant on one employer long term, they may be considered an employee, Orly Lobel, the Warren distinguished professor of law at the University of San Diego, said. "It's kind of like that: smells like an employee, walks like an employee, looks like an employee." If they have a regular salary, report to a superior, and must ask for time off, Lobel said, it's likely they'd be considered an employee.

It's a huge step back in workers' rights — they are essentially destroying any right of workers. Former Deel employee

Misclassifying workers can have varying legal consequences, depending on the jurisdiction. California, for example, can impose civil penalties of up to $25,000 per violation. The IRS levies a variety of fines for deliberately misclassifying employees and failing to pay the appropriate "taxes. And misclassified workers in the US can sue employers for wage and hour violations.

At least some Deel workers had contracts with the firm's California corporate entity, and some contracts additionally specified that disputes should be resolved according to California law. 


When workers have a contract with a California entity, that may subject them to California labor rules, even if they didn't work within the state, Thomas Lenz, an adjunct lecturer at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law, said, talking generally about the state's employment law. "Where that relationship is considered to exist is an important one, and if it's being controlled out of California, it might be something that a California court says is governed by California law," he added.

At various times, Deel has hired workers as contractors in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, Nigeria, and elsewhere, sources at the company said. A Deel spokesperson declined to comment on which state or country it believes has jurisdictional authority over its employment contracts.

The rise of remote work presented an incredible opportunity for Deel, and the company went to extraordinary lengths to capitalize on it.  

For many, Deel Speed meant very long hours at a breakneck pace — and the company's globally distributed team exacerbated matters. Workers were sometimes woken up in the middle of the night to respond to messages from Philippe Bouaziz or dial into meetings. People knuckled down on weekends and sometimes clocked 12- or 16-hour days. One Deel employee once had to field a phone call from Alex Bouaziz while his wife was in the hospital giving birth, another worker briefed on the incident said. 


To some workers, that all-encompassing work ethic was exhilarating. "Alex Bouaziz makes a culture where everybody lives their life inside the company," one former early worker said. "Even when people wake up at night, they were happy to solve any issues to make our customers happy."

And spreading the gospel of global remote work can be powerfully motivating. "We're actually democratizing work," a current worker said. "We're letting people from the 'digital South' compete for Bay Area tech jobs."

Deel CEO alex bouaziz on stage at Collision conference in 2022
Alex Bouaziz, Deel on Centre Stage during day two of Collision 2022 at Enercare Centre in Toronto, Canada. Vaughn Ridley/Sportsfile for Collision via Getty Images

But for others, it could be more difficult. Twenty-three current or former workers, employed as either contractors or full-time staff, said they or their colleagues felt pressure to work extremely long hours. Some faced pressure to not take time off or to work on vacation — despite the company's nominally "unlimited" PTO policy. One former worker said they were called on the first day of a weeklong vacation and asked to come back to work. Another said: "I took a 1 ½-week holiday while I was there. I can't tell you a day on that holiday I was there that I wasn't working."

Deel's work culture could be particularly grueling for parents, eight current or former workers said. "There was probably a good week where I didn't get to see my kids because I was working from 7 a.m. to 10, 11, 12 o'clock at night trying to get my work done," a former employee said. It could feel like family commitments put workers at odds with a leadership team largely in their 20s, this person added.


Bouaziz acknowledged there could be pressure on employees as the company grew at a rapid pace. "There's definitely some teams that are maybe going to be a bit more intense than others," he said.

Not all workers felt the same pressure. Nine sources at the company said they worked normal hours and set healthy work-life boundaries though some said they still saw colleagues clock extremely long hours. It also varies from team to team: One current worker said they had flexibility to work on their schedule and take long breaks in the middle of the day, while another current worker said they sometimes work 60- to 80-hour weeks. 

"Ninety-four percent of our current workforce say they're proud to work at Deel," a spokesperson said. "People who left involuntarily may feel differently about the company. We take all of this feedback seriously."

Alex Bouaziz makes a culture where everybody lives their life inside the company. Former Deel worker

Tough work-life balances also aren't unheard of at hypergrowth startups, and venture-capital firms look hungrily at the kind of hockey-stick growth Deel displayed over the past three years. But Deel Speed could also create operational problems, with haste sometimes emphasized over quality, according to 17 workers. Workers could favor quick fixes over addressing root problems, a situation that some say led to "technical debt." 


"If you prioritize speed above all else, it leads to problems," a current worker said. "Some things intrinsically take time because they need to." 

Deel sometimes also aggressively promised Deel's capabilities or new features to prospective clients, making workers scramble after the fact to deliver what the customer was expecting. "I'd certainly overpromised things we could do. Then I'd have to walk it back," a former worker said. 

When people made mistakes or issues with the products arose, senior leaders including the CEO sometimes called them out by name or criticized them in public Slack channels or in meetings, more than a dozen people said. (The leadership team has received management training and now seems to be getting better at staying on message, some workers said.)

The company didn't have an internal human-resources team until sometime in 2021, by which point it had grown to hundreds of people. "That seemed to be one really ironic gap early on. We're a global hiring company — we didn't have our internal people department," a former worker said. 

Behind the scenes, Deel is grappling with a number of legal and regulatory matters. 


In early 2023, the startup was accused of operating without the proper licenses in the state of Florida. An attorney submitted a complaint against Deel to Florida's Department of Business and Professional Regulation, first reported by the news site Florida Politics, which alleged that Deel was operating as an outsourcing firm, or a professional employer organization (PEO), but failed to obtain the appropriate state licenses. It also claimed Deel might be illicitly selling insurance and not following labor laws.

A spokesperson for the Florida agency confirmed it was investigating. Deel's spokesperson said it's fully compliant with Florida law and denied the allegations in the complaint. Bouaziz said Deel planned on launching a PEO service sometime in 2023. 

In February, a Utah judge ordered Deel to pay half a million dollars to a businessperson from Saratoga Springs, Utah. The plaintiff had successfully sued an unrelated trading firm, and then questioned whether Deel held any of its assets because Deel had a business relationship with the firm. Deel failed to respond to repeated court summons as a prospective garnishee, ultimately prompting the judge to order a "traverse" judgment against it for $568,345.10.

A Deel spokesperson declined to comment on how the company seemingly didn't notice the repeated summons and emails.

A screenshot of a legal document mentioning Deel in Utah
Deel failed to respond to multiple attempts to reach it in a Utah case, court filings show. Rebecca Zisser/Insider

Deel has also been hit with multiple state tax liens, which indicate unpaid taxes in California, New York, and Idaho. Amounts for each lien ranged from a few hundred dollars to just under $5,000 and have since been paid off. A spokesperson said Deel was given late notice of the bills by a software provider.

More recently, this month, Deel was ordered to pay $141.69 by the Utah Department of Workforce Services after failing to pay unemployment-insurance contributions "after due notice and opportunity for a hearing." This payment is unrelated to the half-a-million-dollar judgment from a Utah judge in February. Deel said the unemployment insurance provider didn't provide clear instructions, and it's now being paid.

Publicly, though, Deel Speed has paid off.

While many tech companies are going through layoffs, Deel recently added Laurene Powell Jobs' investment vehicle, Emerson Collective, to its list of investors, in a deal that valued Deel at $12 billion. Its financial backers have sunk a collective $679 million into the business. In 2022, it booked $295 million in annual recurring revenue. And Bouaziz has received the highest accolade for up-and-coming strivers: A place on Forbes' annual "30 Under 30" list.


The firm is increasingly positioning itself as the premier full-service platform for running a modern, global business. "We're going to try our best, and we're going to disrupt the entire HR market," Bouaziz said in a recent webcast. 

Meanwhile, the startup is embracing a disruptive technology: artificial intelligence. 

In December, Deel announced its intentions to spearhead an effort to use data and collaborate with outside experts to contribute to "the discussion around global employment policy."

One of the initiative's key areas of focus, the company wrote, is to use "AI-powered algorithms to identify the misclassification of workers in multiple jurisdictions."

Do you work at Deel, or use its services as a customer? Contact Insider reporter Rob Price via encrypted messaging app Signal at +1 650-636-6268 or email at Confidentiality offered. Use a non-work device to reach out.


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