The 13 biggest differences between restaurants in Italy and America

Italian restaurant
Footballer Wayne Rooney and fiance Coleen McLoughlin eat at a restaurant in the main square of Portofino on June 9, 2008 in Portofino, Italy. Felix Magno/Getty Images


  • Restaurants in Italy offer a different experience than restaurants in America.
  • The menus and prices will look different.
  • The food isn't always what you expect.
  • Tipping customs vary.  


When you plan a trip to Italy, there is a seemingly endless amount of things to do and see, no matter which region you're visiting. But let's be real: everyone knows that the number one thing to do is to eat. Italy is known for its delicious food, cheap wine, and incredible restaurants. Do you really need to be reminded about the fresh pasta, the authentic pizza, and the creamy gelato?

Before you go out to eat in Italy, though, you should know one thing: there are a lot of differences between restaurants in Italy and in America.

It's not just about the quality of the food (which is better in Italy; I'm sorry America!), but it's also about small cultural differences that are probably going to catch you off guard if you've never been there before. I just returned from my first trip to Italy (I am now obligated to bring this up as much as possible), and while I was there, I found myself constantly surprised by the experiences I had when going out to eat.

I visited Rome and Florence, so my experiences are based on these two cities, although I have heard that restaurants throughout the company are the same way.

Here are a few of the biggest differences between restaurants in Italy and America, so that you can come across as less clueless than I did:


You have to pay for water.

water woman at restaurant
Water will probably cost you. Brian Goodman/Shutterstock

In the US, it's basically a rule that when you sit down at a restaurant, someone immediately pours you a glass of (free) water. It's very rare that someone orders a bottle of water they have to pay for, because really, why would they?

In Italy, as in most of Europe, water isn't usually free — in fact, it isn't even automatically given to you. A waiter will typically ask if you want a bottle of still or sparkling water after you sit down, and you always have to pay for it.


Most restaurants offer food typical in their region

Cacio e pepe Cacio e Pepe NYC

One of the unique things I noticed when in Italy was that many of the restaurants offered the same dishes, especially when it came to pasta. In Rome, it was nearly impossible to go out to eat without seeing cacio e pepe or pasta with amatriciana sauce.

In Florence, it was hard to find a restaurant that didn't have ribollita on the menu. I didn't see dishes that I knew were Italian and that I thought were popular. After a few days, I discovered that the restaurants tend to serve the food that is popular in their region.

There are other types of restaurants, of course — I went to a Tuscan restaurant in Rome that served Tuscan food — but the majority of them offer what is typical of their region. And there aren't that many restaurants that serve food from different countries either. As someone coming from NYC, this was pretty shocking to me.

You won't get ice unless you ask for it

soda with ice
It's not a given. Unsplash/Ashley Kirk

Ice doesn't seem to be very important in Italy — it usually isn't added to your drinks automatically, even if you get a soda, and if you want it, you usually need to ask for it. Some places don't even seem to know what to do with it. Several times I asked for ice and received a few cubes in a soup bowl. On that same topic, many restaurants serve soft drinks in mini bottles or cans rather than out of a fountain.


You get charged for bread.

Tartine bread
Don't expect a bread basket. Caroline Cakebread/Business Insider

I didn't realize that serving bread as a snack in the beginning of a meal was such an American thing until I went to Italy. Many of the restaurants will set down a basket of bread when you seat, but if you're not that interested, speak up — each person at the table gets charged for that bread (most restaurants charge one euro per person). Some places won't put it down unless you ask for it, so it's just something to keep in mind.


Service is much slower and more relaxed.

French waiter
They're not in as big of a rush. Unsplash/Chuttersnap

In the US, going out to eat can feel a bit harried, especially if you live in a city like New York. Many restaurants and servers are under pressure to be as fast as possible, to get people out the door so new tables can come in.

As a former waitress, I can tell you that managers often time tables to keep track of how quickly they're being served. In Italy, it's the opposite — and it's wonderful. Going out to eat is considered something pleasurable and relaxing throughout Europe, especially in Italy. Servers don't ever rush you.


In fact, as an American tourist who is used to things moving very quickly, you might end up feeling like they've forgotten about you. There were many times when our server would collect our food, then walk away and never bring the check until we asked for it — in the US, you would assume that once they clear the plates, they hand over the check. It's a little difficult to get used to such a relaxed atmosphere, but it's also a really great change of pace.

Most restaurants open later.

Italian restaurant
People eat in a Jewish restaurant in Italy. Giorgio Cosulich/Getty Images

As you may already know, Europeans spend their days a bit differently than Americans, and that means they eat dinner later. Grabbing a light dinner at 5 or 6 p.m. isn't just discouraged in Italy, it's nearly impossible. Most restaurants close for a few hours after lunch and don't open for dinner until 7 or 7:30 p.m. Remember that so you don't make the mistake of skipping lunch.


You won't find many "Italian" dishes you know and love.

fettuccine alfredo al burro pasta
Sorry, you won't find that in Italy. Shutterstock

If you're looking forward to eating fettuccine Alfredo, chicken parmigiana or pasta primavera while you're in Italy, think again — you probably won't find these items on any menu. Italian-Americans have created our own unique cuisine of Italian-American food, and while some of the dishes are based on authentic Italian dishes, many of them are not found in Italy.

In Rome, for example, they don't put a cream sauce on pasta and they rarely serve chicken at restaurants.



You'll usually end your meal with a digestif.

It's the best. Shutterstock

One of the best things about eating at a restaurant in Italy is that you usually get a digestif after your meal. This is typically a biscotti or something similar, or a shot glass of limoncello (depending on what region you're in).

Italians are very into the idea of a digestif, which is supposed to settle your stomach and help you digest everything you ate. And it's usually free, which is awesome.


You don't ask to wrap up your food.

Small plate of pasta
There's no sense taking this home. Timothy Hiatt/ Getty Images

In the US, one of the advantages of going to a restaurant is that you can order a big meal, wrap up whatever you don't eat, and have it as leftovers. In Italy, this doesn't fly. For one thing, I can't imagine any Italian heating up leftover pasta the next day. For another, the portion sizes are smaller, meaning that you probably won't have too much left over to bring home.


You don't ask for substitutions

shrimp penne pasta
You take the dish how it comes. Pixabay

When it comes to US restaurants, what you want is usually what you get. It's common to order a dish and exclude certain ingredients, or even to add certain ingredients. It's rare that a restaurant says "no substitutions."

In Italy, it's pretty much the rule: you get what you order, you don't change things around, and you don't really send things back to the kitchen.


Tipping is … confusing

tipping check bill tip
Pay attention. Sean Locke Photography/Shutterstock

The issue of tipping in Italy, as in anywhere in Europe, is confusing. For a very long time, the majority of Italians found tipping to be offensive, so leaving a tip was frowned upon. This could not be further from the American way. In the US, tipping is a huge part of going out to eat — servers barely make minimum wage because of how much money they make from tips. Because tipping is so ingrained in our culture, American tourists can't help but leave tips when overseas. This habit of tipping even when we aren't supposed to has led many Europeans to expect tips from tourists.

So do you leave a tip or not? Honestly, at this point, many Italian servers may expect something, so if you had great service, you can leave a tip. Conde Nast Traveler says to leave close to 10%, but no more than that.

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