Bianca Giacobone was a fellow with Insider's visual-features team, with a focus on transportation. 

Before joining Insider in January 2023, she worked as a reporter for the private-infrastructure trade publication Inframation.

She has a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University's Journalism School and a master's degree in English literature from the University of Bristol, UK. 

Born and raised in Milan, she's now based in Brooklyn, New York. 

You can find her on Twitter @BiancaGiac. 

Read some of her previous work here:

60,000 miles of US roads could be under water in a few decades. Here's how experts say we can save our critical infrastructure.

A scientist is spending 100 days in an underwater hotel 22-feet deep in a Florida lagoon — see inside the structure

Valentine's Day roses turn Miami, usually a freight desert, into trucking's busiest hot spot.

I quit my job as a math teacher to become a long-haul truck driver. The job is challenging and I miss my students, but I don't see myself going back anytime soon.

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