9 annoying things Americans do when they visit the UK — and how to avoid them

tourist eating
Try to not live up to the stereotypes of American travelers. Shutterstock/ Kzenon

There are plenty of stereotypes surrounding American travelers, and many of them are sadly accurate.


When visiting the UK, keep in mind that just because we speak the same language doesn’t mean our cultures are the same. There are plenty of things Americans do that Brits find bizarre, impolite, or just plain annoying.

Here’s how you might be bugging the Brits on vacation. Just a note that obviously not everyone in the UK will be annoyed by these things, and this is just for fun. 


You’re being loud.

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Try to make less of a ruckus. REUTERS/David W Cerny

The most common complaint Brits and Europeans have about Americans is that we’re too loud. Google "loud Americans" and plenty of articles by foreign journalists exploring this phenomenon will pop up.

A HuffPost writer sums it up under the not-so-subtle headline "Why Americans Abroad Are So Loud and Obnoxious": "Especially in a setting where you are seated or essentially stuck, near some Americans, their behavior appears to intentionally want to mentally assault everyone around them."


You’re being too nice.

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Brits can find your niceness invasive. Flickr/Alex

From my observations, British people are more reserved than Americans and they have a different idea of politeness than we do. Many Americans consider it polite to smile and say nice things to strangers.

Brits, on the other hand, can find this invasive, not to mention inauthentic. It’s a good idea to keep a safer distance from Brits and tamp down your enthusiasm so you don’t freak them out.


You’re using overly enthusiastic American-isms.

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Brits don't love the enthusiasm. MTV

Many Americans don’t think twice about declaring mundane things to be awesome, amazing, and incredible. Brits don’t really do that, and for whatever reason, some of them are tetchy about the fact that we do.

If you don’t want to annoy people in the UK, retire phrases like "Oh my God, this is incredible," "I’m so excited about [x]," and "I can’t believe how amazing [y] is."

Here’s a handy list of 50 American-isms people from all over the world can’t stand.


You’re speaking too directly.

young millennial student professional talking listening
Sometimes subtlety is best. Francisco Osorio/flickr

Recently, a chart went viral that purported to show the differences between what British people say, what they mean, and what others hear. Brits have a tendency not to speak directly — this is why, according to the chart, "Could we consider some other options" can actually mean "I don’t like your idea at all."

Many Americans, on the other hand, have no qualms about saying exactly what we mean. This can bug British people. Try modifying direct questions.


You’re standing on the left side of the escalator.

london escalator
The left side is for walking. Burin P/Shutterstock

This is a rule in most cities, but especially in London, escalators are divided into two sections. The right side of the escalator is for standing and the left side is for walking. Please do not stand on the left side.

BBC cited a study saying the left-right rule was observed by nearly 90% of people at Paddington tube station.


You don’t understand the difference between England, the United Kingdom, and Great Britain.

View from the London Eye 1
England only makes up about ⅓ of Great Britain. Ale Argentieri/Shutterstock

Many Americans don’t understand that England is just a small part of the United Kingdom, and not the entire thing. Making this mistake in the UK could make you look uneducated at best. And accusing a Scottish or Welsh person of being "from England" is a slight from which you might never recover.

So here’s how it works: the United Kingdom is the nation consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the name for the island where England, Scotland, and Wales can be found. England only makes up about ⅓ of Great Britain. Here’s a helpful map, thanks to Brilliant Maps, if it’s still unclear.


You’re buying drinks one by one and not in rounds.

Bartender Making Cocktail
It comes off as potentially rude. Vasily Fedosenko/Reuters

If you’re hitting the pub with British people, make sure you understand the unspoken rules of the round. At an American bar, it’s more likely that you’d buy drinks only for yourself, or for yourself and one or two other people, instead of for the entire group you came in with.

In the UK, you buy drinks for everyone you came in with, all at once. You’re also expected to drink at roughly the same speed as everyone else so that a new round can be bought as soon as everyone finishes their pint. Scooting off to buy your own drinks one by one will make you seem cheap and can even be considered rude.

Also remember, you don't have to leave a tip


You’re criticizing the royal family.

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Brits are torn about the royal family, but it's best not to input your opinion. Chris Jackson/Getty Images

British people’s feelings about the royal family vary. Some people love them, some are indifferent, and some might not like them.

Michael Billig, a retired professor of social sciences at Loughborough University, told the Washington Post that public opinion polls show 15-20% of Brits think the monarch should be abolished. 

But insulting or disparaging the royal family in front of a British person is like mocking someone’s family member to their face. The Brits are allowed to criticize the royals; we’re not.


You’re bragging.

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Brits don't want to hear you boast. Flickr/University of Exeter

Understating your accomplishments is a must in the UK. While Americans tend to unabashedly self-promote, it’s a major turnoff in the UK, according to The Daily Mail.


Read the original article on INSIDER. Copyright 2018.

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