There's an economic revolution underway that could create an inclusive and lasting boom. But it's in danger of being scrapped — for all the wrong reasons.

President Joe Biden and the chair of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell in front of a red revolutionary poster background with raised fists in the air and dollar signs surrounding them.
Joe Biden and Jerome Powell are aiming for a recovery that favors workers over the wealthy. The growth is already explosive. And so is the backlash. Kevin Dietsch/Getty; Thomas Trutschel/Getty; iStock; Skye Gould/Insider
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Crises have a tendency to kill old orthodoxies and usher in new ones. The horrors of the Great Depression galvanized governments to start fighting recessions, instead of waiting for the free market to work itself out. Runaway inflation in the 1970s convinced them to tread more cautiously. And the painful, protracted recovery after the 2008 financial crisis prompted them to shift course once again. It's better to overdo it on stimulus than to underdo it, economists concluded. Next time, we'll prime the economy with the mother of all pumps.

That's exactly what happened when the greatest crisis of the century came crashing down. Congress approved trillions of dollars in COVID relief, some of it within weeks of the pandemic's onset, while the Fed rapidly slashed interest rates to zero and bought up huge quantities of bonds to bring down borrowing costs. It was the kind of government activism that would have stunned even John Maynard Keynes, the economist who first persuaded governments to step in to mitigate downturns in the 1930s. "Caution was thrown to the wind," Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton, told me. "We gave it ­— and then some."

A little over a year into the crisis, the preliminary results of those actions are in, and they're phenomenal. The US economy is on track this year to grow at its fastest pace since 1984. GDP has most likely surpassed its pre-COVID peak, a milestone that took the economy almost four years to reach in the Great Recession. If lawmakers and central bankers continue to create what Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen once hailed as a "high-pressure economy" — one stimulated to the point of a boom by aggressive federal action — they could put millions of Americans back to work and cement the case for a whole new era of big government unseen in the postwar era. It's Keynes on steroids, and it's already enabling the economy to bulk up in all sorts of impressive ways.


But that presumes Congress and the Fed will stick with the experiment as the economy heats up. A growing chorus of voices is already urging policymakers to stop. Some are economists and investors who worry that too much stimulus will stoke a firestorm of inflation. But many of the loudest are Republican lawmakers, who oppose what they see as a dangerous and unwarranted intervention in the free market. They fear that government spending would upend the status quo, which would enable workers to demand higher wages and force the wealthy to pay a fairer share of taxes. "We need to reduce federal government spending," Ted Cruz declared earlier this month, "and make the case that free markets, low taxes, and low regulations work." At this stage, the greatest danger to the recovery isn't that government action would drive up prices or create a labor shortage. It's that the government will abandon the high-pressure economy before it reaches its full potential.

"That would be a huge mistake," Claudia Sahm, a former Fed economist, told me. "What we're seeing is good. It's good for workers. The people who benefit the most are the ones who are marginalized in the labor market."

The roots of the shift

Among the most influential names that called for this new economic orthodoxy of amped-up Keynesianism was Janet Yellen, back when she was the Fed chair. In 2016, Yellen gave a speech with the deceptively boring title "Macroeconomic Research After the Crisis." In it, she not only laid out the case for more aggressive intervention during deep recessions, to prevent the damage such downturns inflict, but also raised the idea of intentionally running the economy hot well into a recovery, to reverse some of that damage. The question, as she framed it, wasn't just How much action should the government take during a recession? It was Should it keep that action going even after the economy starts to boom?

Yellen was seeking to learn from the mistakes during the Great Recession. The recession itself was the steepest and longest slump since the Depression, and the recovery proved to be painfully slow. After the housing bubble collapsed, it took a full decade for unemployment to return to its prerecession level.


That decade-long slog took an enormous toll on Americans. But as researchers examined the numbers, they discovered that it wasn't just a brief spell of hardship that went away as the economy recovered. The effects of the downturn were deep and lasting, which contradicted the prevailing understanding of recessions. Recent college graduates fell behind earlier generations and struggled to catch up. Inequality widened as the most disadvantaged workers were forced to settle for jobs with low pay, lousy conditions, and few opportunities to advance, if they had jobs at all. Companies, unable to sell their wares, held off on investing in new factories and technology, as well as research and development that would produce innovations down the road. In 2015, a Fed paper estimated that the recession had reduced the economy's level of potential output — a measure of how much it was capable of generating in a year — by 7%. In a single year, the economy was being shortchanged $1 trillion.

So economists asked, what could we have done differently? A consensus emerged that the government and the central bank had made three big mistakes. First, they took too long to understand the depth of the problem. Then, once they came to their senses, they didn't do enough to jump-start the economy. And finally, once the economy showed signs of rebounding, they halted their too-little stimulus too early, while the recovery was still in a fragile state. 

Janet Yellen smiling in front of a microphone
As chair of the Fed, Janet Yellen led the charge to reimagine how governments fight recessions. Win McNamee/Getty Images

The solution, Yellen suggested in her speech, might entail a radical change to the established way of thinking. Instead of merely jump-starting the economy with a stimulus package or two, policymakers should think about how to start and then sustain a recovery so fast and so strong that it would reverse the kind of lasting damage caused by the Great Recession. If economic orthodoxy called for the Fed to remove the punch bowl just as things are getting fun, Yellen appeared to be proposing something entirely new: a Fed that spikes the punch bowl with even more booze, to keep the party going. 

The speech proved controversial. As economists knew from the red-hot labor markets of the late 1960s and the late '90s, a vigorous economy would shift the balance of power between employers and workers. Businesses would be forced to compete against one another for workers, who would be in a position to demand higher pay and better benefits. Yellen was quietly proposing a way for the Fed to tackle economic disparities, even though her predecessors had long insisted that central banks didn't have the tools to do that. 


By the time the next downturn hit, Yellen's idea had taken root. Her new boss, Joe Biden, and her successor at the Fed, Jerome Powell, were ready to go all in on the Great Recovery. Within weeks of the recession, Congress approved $2.2 trillion in COVID spending, and added another $2.8 trillion in major relief bills over the next year. The Fed also acted more aggressively than it had back in 2008, slashing interest rates to zero and expanding its balance sheet by nearly $4 trillion. 

The moves were part of new guiding principles that the Fed released last summer. Sahm, the former Fed economist, recalled that Yellen kicked off a "very long and deliberate introspection" about how to battle recessions. "They talked internally and they brought in outside experts and they even did listening sessions," she told me. They met with union workers and small business owners and retirees and residents of low-income neighborhoods, and everyone advised them to focus on one thing: "jobs, jobs, jobs." In the new framework that emerged, the Fed said it would aim to achieve "a broad-based and inclusive" recovery in employment, even if it meant allowing inflation to rise higher than desired in the short term. It was a sea change that laid the groundwork for the central bank to keep its stimulus in place for longer than in past recessions. Yellenian economics, it appeared, had officially reshaped the old Keynesian order.

The rapid response shored up the economy, and set it on track to soar. What we're seeing now is the antithesis of the slog we experienced after the Great Recession. "I couldn't have imagined a situation where half of the economy shuts down and a year later we're growing 7% or 8%," Roberto Perli, the head of global policy at Cornerstone Macro, told me. "That's a big success."

The speedy bounceback is also starting to produce dividends in the labor market, reversing some of the damage caused by the COVID recession in precisely the way Yellen theorized in her 2016 speech. With soaring demand amid a reopening economy, employers have been forced to dole out big signing bonuses, raises, and never-seen-before benefits to low-wage workers. "The crisis has, in its own perverse way," Swonk told me, "given workers the kind of bargaining power that they haven't had since the latter part of the 1990s."


The dangers ahead

What could derail all this? One danger is inflation. Global supply shortages have caught economic forecasters off guard, spurring spikes in prices that the US hasn't seen in more than a decade. In May, the consumer price index rose 5% from a year earlier. The good news is, that increase was driven by double-digit jumps in things like used cars and airfare, which are likely to be temporary. The Fed has vowed to make sure that inflation doesn't get out of hand, as it did in the 1970s. "We wouldn't hesitate to use our tools," Powell assured reporters earlier this month. And with interest rates at zero, it has plenty of room to adjust the thermostat if the high readings of inflation don't come down.

Another risk is that all the government aid sloshing around in the economy will end up spurring risky investments and stoking an asset bubble. Cryptocurrencies and weird new markets like NFTs have been on a volatile tear over the past year, while shares in meme stocks have soared because some guys on Reddit wanted to stick it to hedge funds. The wild betting spree, which appears to be driven partly by cooped-up amatuer investors gambling with their stimulus checks, is clearly divorced from any economic reality. But given how small such markets are, it's hard to imagine a sudden collapse in, say, dogecoin dragging down the economy.

Something that would be far more damaging is another housing crash. Some current indicators — including record-speed home sales and double-digit increases in median home prices — feel uncomfortably similar to the housing bubble that collapsed in 2008 and cratered the global economy. But this time around, lenders have been enforcing stricter underwriting requirements. So even if home prices were to drop, it's unlikely to plunge the global banking system into another crisis. And if policymakers wanted to pop a housing bubble before it gets too big, they can always loosen zoning restrictions to make it easier to build new homes. 

The greatest risk to Biden and Powell's stimulus plan isn't economic — it's political. With the midterm elections fast approaching, inflation has already become a major Republican talking point. In the GOP telling, higher prices represent a tax on the poor, who are forced to pay more every time they go to the grocery store or the gas station. Rep. Steve Scalise, the No. 2 Republican in the House, denounced "the Biden inflation agenda" as he grilled Powell in Congress last week. The government's recession-busting efforts, he railed, "are causing major harm to hardworking families."

Steve Scalise and Jerome Powell shaking hands.
Republican lawmakers including Rep. Steve Scalise, left, grilled Fed chair Jerome Powell about the risks of inflation. Graeme Jennings-Pool/Getty Images

Republicans have also attacked Biden's stimulus packages for creating a "shortage" of workers by making Americans unwilling to work. Never mind that employers offering to pay a decent wage of $15 an hour are having no trouble attracting applicants. After businesses complained that the extra $300 a week Congress provided in unemployment benefits was making it impossible for them to find enough workers, more than 20 states announced that they would roll back the federal supplements early.

So far, Biden is standing his ground in the face of the backlash. The president has submitted a $6 trillion budget for the upcoming fiscal year, bolstering federal spending to some of its highest levels since World War II. But if Republicans take control of Congress after next year's midterms, Biden may find himself in the same position that his former boss did back in 2011, when a standoff over the debt ceiling forced Obama to agree to budget cuts that choked off the nascent recovery.

But the Fed may be starting to waver. On June 16, only three months after it said it had no plans to raise interest rates, the central bank announced that it expects to do so twice in 2023. It looked, to many observers, as though the Fed was already backtracking on the guiding principles it had laid out last summer. In a press conference after the announcement, Powell scrambled to downplay the importance of the prediction, stressing that the economy still has a long way to go before the Fed could take its foot off the gas. And testifying before Congress last week, Powell emphasized the need to achieve "more inclusive prosperity." America's current obstacles to upward mobility, he added, will "hold us back as an economy and as a country."

Let's say that Biden and Powell manage to withstand the pressure to put the brakes on the recovery. If their new, more aggressive stimulus efforts work according to plan, the economy could look very, very different in 2023 than it did near the end of Obama's first term. By focusing on driving real job growth, instead of worrying about the theoretical possibility of persistently high inflation, policymakers have the opportunity to create a labor market that will make room for women and people of color, jump-start the careers of Gen Zs, and enable workers to trade in their underpaid, precarious, dead-end jobs for better ones. If they succeed, they will rewrite the policy playbook for recessions and improve the lives of future generations who will only know about COVID-19 from their history classes.


Chetan Ahya, the chief Asia economist for Morgan Stanley, foresees lasting consequences from the US government's new job-centric approach to fighting recessions. In a recent note to investors, Ahya predicted a "paradigm shift" in the way corporate profits are distributed. In a high-pressure economy, companies will be forced to pay workers more. That in turn will provide workers with a larger share of the GDP — reversing a 40-year decline.

"The initial burst of decisive policy action has set the US on a new course," Ahya concluded. "I believe this course correction will set the stage for a more balanced and sustainable economic trajectory over the longer term."

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