I'm an American living in the UK. Here are the 6 things I don't miss about the US.

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I don't miss the workaholic attitude I was often surrounded by in the US. Getty/Royalty-Free
  • A few years ago, I moved to the United Kingdom after living in the United States for 30 years. 
  • I don't miss the high costs of higher education and healthcare that I experienced in the US. 
  • I also don't miss the workaholic culture that's prevalent in the US. 

I don't miss struggling to afford healthcare.

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It's nice to be able to afford professional care if I need it. tk/Shutterstock

I feel incredibly fortunate to now live in a country with a public universal healthcare system, something the US doesn't have. 

In the US, my insurance plan was basically the same as many Americans — just hope you don't get sick or prepare to pay a ton of money for testing and treatments.

Now, it's nice to know that if I do fall ill, I can actually afford to seek professional care thanks to The National Health Service in England. 

This service certainly isn't perfect, but it does allow me to make doctors' appointments, undergo diagnostic testing, and even visit the emergency room for treatment without worrying about going bankrupt in the process.


I'm happy to say goodbye to all of the TV advertisements for prescription medication that I saw far too often in the US.

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In the UK, you can't put ads for prescription-only medication on TV. Shutterstock

Maybe it's because I grew up watching television, but I never noticed just how many advertisements for prescription medication air in the US until my British partner pointed it out.

Once she did, I couldn't ignore them and these ads began to bother me quite a bit. 

From the endless lists of side effects (many of them potentially fatal) to the constant reminder to ask your doctor about pills and prescriptions, these commercials are exhausting and I've found that the absence of these ads has made watching TV more enjoyable and less anxiety-inducing for me. 

Sure, there are ads for over-the-counter drugs in the UK, but you cannot advertise prescription-only medication on TV here. Instead, prescription medications are promoted to healthcare professionals and those who actually supply and distribute the products.


I don't miss the somewhat lax gun laws in the US.

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The threat of gun violence was something I thought about somewhat regularly while I lived in the US. Getty Images/Scott Olson

Like many others, I think the US has a serious gun problem, which is especially apparent based on how mass shootings are becoming more frequent and deadlier in America.

And although it didn't make me anxious every single day, the threat of gun violence was something I thought about somewhat regularly while I lived in the US. 

Fortunately, I don't worry about gun violence nearly as much in the UK, especially since the UK has stricter gun laws than the US.

Legally obtaining a gun in the UK is a fairly long and pretty arduous process that can take about 60 days. In the US, gun laws vary by state, but they are certainly laxer than the laws in the UK.

For example, in some parts of the US, people can get an instant background check, which can lead to them being legally able to purchase a gun in less than an hour.


I don't miss how expensive higher education can be in the US.

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Even over a decade later, I'm still paying back thousands of dollars in student loans. Donald Miralle/Getty Images

When I lived in the US, I completed about two years of undergraduate courses before I had to drop out of college and work full-time just to support myself. 

I took out the maximum amount of student loans allotted to me, was given the maximum amount of grant money, and I still couldn't afford to finish my degree. 

After 15 years, I am still paying back my $12,000 worth of student loans after having defaulted on them twice in my early 20s. 

It's now refreshing to see a different approach to how higher education works, even though I know the UK isn't exactly the cheapest place to pursue a college degree

In the UK, university fees are capped at £9,250, or roughly $11,370, per year for qualifying students in the country

Generally, you can still take out loans and receive financial help, but you won't begin repaying your loans until you secure a job with a certain income level — even then you'll only pay a small percentage of what you owe.

Plus in many cases, unpaid student loan debt can be written off after 30 years.



I don't miss paying ATM fees so often, and I'm glad I can find more free-to-use machines in the UK than I could in the US.

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It's a lot easier for me to find ATMs without fees in the UK. Matt Cardy/Getty

Although it's common in many places, having to pay a steep fee just to conveniently get my own money out of the bank has always bothered me.

Sure, certain cash machines in the UK have recently begun charging fees, but I still think there are still more free-to-use ATM machines here than I ever saw in the US. 

And yes, I know these additional charges can be avoided in both places, but it's great to be able to conveniently get my cash for free without struggling to track down an ATM that does not charge something extra. 


I don't miss the obsession with work that seems so prevalent throughout the US.

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I feel more comfortable taking time off in the UK. AG-ChapelHill/Getty Images

Because of the intense workaholic culture that's prevalent in the US, I often felt like I was never doing enough when I lived there, even if I hustled for 60 to 70 hours per week.

Sure, folks in England work hard and can sometimes become workaholics, but I do think the attitude toward work-life balance is healthier in the UK than it is in the US.  

For starters, in the US, paid vacation for workers isn't even guaranteed, and the average private-sector worker gets only 10 days of paid vacation.

In the UK, the vacation policy is much more generous — many businesses offer workers roughly 20 to 30 days of paid leave per year.

Plus, in my experience, I don't feel penalized or looked down upon for taking a sick day or enjoying a week of paid vacation in the UK as I have in the US. 

Sure, I'm still trying to shake the workaholic attitude I developed in the US, but I'm grateful to be surrounded by more people who seem OK with leaving their work at the door once they clock out.

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