A Day In The Life Of Alexia Tsotsis, Startup Scribe Of Silicon Valley

Just a few years ago, Alexia Tsotsis got her dream job — a reporter at TechCrunch, one of the top technology sites in Silicon Valley.


Now she's running the show with co-editor Eric Eldon, and they've staffed it up with a ton of new writers.

The tech reporting scene is cutthroat and takes some of the best talent to stay ahead of the curve. But it's often pretty easy to forget that there are still personalities behind those dozens of posts that flood the Internet every day.

alexia tsotsis

So we caught up with Tsotsis to find out what it is exactly like in the life of a Silicon Valley blogger at TechCrunch.


My day usually starts at 8:30am, when I wake up and immediately open my laptop to check email, our company Yammer, Skype, Techmeme and of course TechCrunch (I'm actually wearing a commemorative shirt from the TechCrunch Disrupt where we announced the Aol sale in this pic). My Skype lights up like a Christmas tree the moment I log on.

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"One of the most exciting parts of my morning is tracking the tech news our and other East Coast and European tech writers have broken overnight. Sometimes the spin of the tech news hamster wheel is so engrossing that I'm stuck to my computer until noon coordinating the day's plan with TechCrunch co-editor Eric Eldon and our badass team of writers. "

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"When I finally get unglued from my laptop, I head to the office. Lots of other startups are infamously housed in our San Francisco office building at 410 Townsend Street, including TC Disrupt winner and recent billion dollar Microsoft acquisition Yammer."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"I used to make the brief drive to our office in SOMA from my house in Dogpatch/Potrero, until a bad car accident a couple of months ago totaled my car. Now I take Lyft, an inexpensive ride sharing service. Lyft is *so* "San Francisco," attempting to make the whole communal ride-sharing thing less creepy by affixing big purple mustaches to each car, and mandating that driver and passenger fist bump when they first meet. Still, it's cheap."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"The TechCrunch SF office is a cozy, welcoming place and has a co-working sort of vibe. Everyone sits out in the open including our COO Ned Desmond, our Video Director Jon Orlin and co-editor Eric Eldon and I. We sometimes share the space with Crunchfund and random friendly startups."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"I sit at the same desk I sat at when I was hired two years ago, the only thing that's changed is that I'm sitting next to Eldon instead of MG. I still get to write about whatever interests me, but now I'm usually dealing with managerial stuff through the day. I try my damned to break news in spite of this."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"The office itself is chock full of cool, quirky stuff, like our own giant Google Maps pin, life size Android and iPhone costumes from when MG and Jason Kincaid used to host OMGJK, a Segway, a Microsoft Surface that we now use as a table and Anybots."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"Staffer Leslie Hitchcock manages TC Events Sponsorships, in addition to being super-fashionable and loving shoes enough to have a calendar full of them. She has the cutest desk in the office."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"Here are a medley of our sales, events and editorial managers in a early afternoon meeting, this one regarding our Facebook Ecosystem CrunchUp. Eric and I attend meetings about 4-5 times a week in order to help organize our three or four main yearly events, in addition to our smaller get-to-gethers. This photo is from a different day than all the others, but this is pretty much what these things look like every time."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"The dogs of TechCrunch are one of the best parts of the job and traditionally have been, dating back to founder Michael Arrington and Buddy and Laguna, his two Labs who would join him at work -- which at that point was in his house in Atherton. Events Coordinator Susan Hobbs not only helps make all of our Disrupt events come together seamlessly, but she also plays with Riley, one of the best pick-me-ups in the SF office."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"On this particular day Mobile Editor Matt Burns and East Coast Editor John Biggs flew in from Detroit and New York to attend our CrunchUp and August Capital party. They received a warm welcome from us West Coasters and a paparazzi snap from me."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"Lunch at the office is usually healthy, and we have free food for staff on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, in addition to a box of fresh produce which is replenished as needed. Snacks on snacks on snacks."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"When the office gets too stifling (too many dogs!) or when we want to grab non-office food or when we need to meet up with a super-secret source, TechCrunchers join the employees of every other startup in SOMA and head to The Creamery. It’s a great spot to overhear conversations about recent M&A and financing activity -- which you'd think would make people stop meeting there, but no."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"Creamery interior. I usually get a Cafe Au Lait. The barista is really nice."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"When you work as strange and ungodly hours as tech bloggers do, you’d better get used to a lot of coffee, and like your co-workers. Luckily, these people are great friends. Here is my friend Anthony Ha signing a TechCrunch CrunchUp poster in anticipation of the CrunchUp."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"A rare sight: Riley in his cage instead of out roaming the office entertaining us."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"Here's the Kegerator. Right now, it's filled with the ubiquitous Lagunitas IPA. With all of TC in town for our mini-conference, Eric planned an Office Happy Hour at 5:30pm where got to hang out with our full team and yes, drink."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"In addition to editorial, the advertising and events team work round the clock to keep this place in the black. Here we are collaborating on the CrunchUp schedule during Happy Hour."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"The Happy Hour turns into dinner at the office as we take a break from the news cycle to hang out and catch up over some tasty food. The best team in Tech News chows down."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"Writer extraordinaire Josh Constine stretches out while talking to sources late night. Nothing like being comfortable and looking good while you break news."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"More happy hour. And tech talk."

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"Somehow it's 10pm I'm the last one left in the office. This is when I use some sort of app to find my way home. The hallway to our office is adorned with classic old school tech posters, reminding us of the incredible, quirky past of the tech scene we passionately cover. My favorite is 'What kind of a man owns his own computer?'"

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

"Here's my late night Lyft! I love pulling up to a serious interview in this bad boy and telling sources, 'I mustache you a question.'"

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Alexia Tsotsis / @alexia

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