
Corporate Trade Confirmation Service

Maximize operational efficiency and reduce risks

Our Corporate Trade Confirmation Service uses the SWIFT network and international industry message standards to allow corporate treasuries to safely exchange and match treasury-based trade confirmations for FX and money market transactions with their bank counterparties.

Highly secure and efficient automated service

Automate and integrate the confirmation matching process for straight-through-processing, reducing risks associated with delays, manual errors, and inefficient paper-based confirmations.

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Secure Automated Matching
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Fast-Track Exception Handling
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Eliminates Manual Processing
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FX and Money Market
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Global SWIFT Network
How We Can Help

Improve operational control and support

Fixed income and equity securities trades per day.
Decades of experience in the financial services industry.
Client revenue retention rate.

Let’s talk about
what’s next for you

Our representatives and specialists are ready with the solutions you need to advance your business.