
Shareholder Data Services

Convert data into intelligence

Drive results with actionable shareholder insights. With a data-driven focus, companies can optimize their proxy campaign to deliver a successful outcome, gain insight into their entire shareholder base, create targeted communications and measure the results.

New insights are revolutionizing the proxy process

Understand what segments of shareholders voted for and against. Target shareholders who are likely to vote in favor of management with a suite of products and services designed to increase participation.

icon product feature
Monitor Progress and Adjust
icon product feature
Detect Early
Warning Signs
icon product feature
Benchmark with
Peer Groups
icon product feature
Understand How Shareholders Vote
icon product feature
Anticipate Results
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Your Message
How We Can Help

Let our team help you achieve your goals

Of shares are held by retail holders.
Of retail shares are voted favorably on Executive Compensation.
Of retail shares remain unvoted.

Let’s talk about
what’s next for you

Our representatives and specialists are ready with the solutions you need to advance your business.