

An engaging, mobile-optimized platform that simplifies proxy voting

Deliver a simpler, more meaningful investor experience and highlight your brand values. ProxyVote provides a convenient, universal platform where shareholders can vote all their proxies in just a few clicks. A clean, modern interface maximizes engagement while branded emails drive participation.

Elevate your brand to increase shareholder participation

Drive deeper relationships with a consistent, branded experience. Customize web pages, the mobile app and emails with your brand logo and colors. Magnify your impact with video messages from your CEO.

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Omni Device Compatibility
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Clean, Logical Interface
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Quick Access to Proxies
Browser icon Browser icon
Consistent Brand Experience
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AA Level ADA Compliance

Discover What’s New with ProxyVote

Differentiate your brand and drive retail participation with digital proxy voting tools that transform the shareholder experience.

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Give your shareholders a simpler, smarter way to vote their shares.

Broadridge reimagines proxy voting so you can empower shareholders with a more efficient and engaging experience. makes voting fast and easy on any device.

The fresh modern interface brings all relevant information, materials and messages together in one place for a seamless, intuitive experience so shareholders can vote when they want where they want.

Voting is quick and effortless and a choice of seven languages.

Shareholders can review or change their votes, request materials and modify their delivery preferences.

They can even vote all their proxies on one platform.

Enhanced branding and customization options, help you foster a stronger connection with your shareholders.

At virtual shareholder meetings, video messages from the CEO or educational materials to increase your impact and enable shareholders to instantly register and attend meetings.

See how you can take full advantage of ProxyVote.

Contact your Broadridge representative or email us today.


Ready for next.

How We Can Help

Push proxy voting innovation forward

2.7 M
retail positions voted via Mobile ProxyVote
of today's investors are active online.

Let’s talk about
what’s next for you

Our representatives and specialists are ready with the solutions you need to advance your business.