We value the people’s right to know what’s going on, and if we rely on the government for our news and information, we may as well give up our First Amendment freedoms.

Regardless of how people feel about the result of the election, it’s crucial for the nation to stay united and respect the office of the presidency and President-elect Donald Trump.

In the past week there has been considerable discussion among our Editorial Board about the idea of the city allowing JMU’s campus to have a voting precinct. In response to last Thursday’s front-page story on the subject, we believe that an on-campus voting location is not only a smart idea,…

As a natural writer who would rather hide behind a computer screen or with my nose in a book, when I applied for the copy editor position at The Breeze in December of last year, I thought it seemed a good fit.

The Shenandoah Valley has been on high alert the past few months. In Harrisonburg, there have been multiple reports of stalking incidents made by JMU students. In Charlottesville, the disappearance and death of University of Virginia sophomore Hannah Graham rattled the community — five other…

Finals week has yet to start, but finals stress is in full swing. Everyone is impacted by exam week: Starbucks employees work their espresso machine to death as the line runs out the door, library employees pull overnight shifts, professors rush to get grades finished and in on time, and of …

Fifty-five percent of college students involved in clubs, teams and organizations experience hazing, according to the National Collaborative for Hazing Research and Prevention.

This weekend saw the vandalism of the Islamic Center of the Shenandoah Valley and the Redeemer Classical School in Keezeltown. As described in today’s front-page story, these acts of vandalism defile the two community centers with crude drawings of genitalia, obscenities and racial slurs.

Despite numerous mass emails and multiple forums, students still don’t seem to care about JMU’s next most important hire: the provost.

Since we’re getting ready to celebrate our 90th birthday this year, we’re thinking about the first issue of The Breeze, which arrived at State Normal School for Women at Harrisonburg on Dec. 2, 1922. Since then, the name of the university has changed. But the name of its paper and its role h…

We would like to respond to the current debate on our Facebook page regarding the incident that happened Tuesday night. The Breeze posted two photographs from the steps of Godwin Hall showing the scene of the accident. In these wide shots, few objects can be distinguished.

This story was updated on Sept. 29 at 4:02 p.m. to include that the Rose brothers' charges were dropped and to clarify the six players' alleged involvement in the Lambda Chi Alpha incident. 

The Democrats rode into power in D.C. with a promise to return the government's focus to middle and lower classes who greatly rely on it. The ambitious policies they wanted included universal health care, increased funding into green technologies and education and another war in the Middle E…

When I leave JMU this December, I'll be upset about many things - leaving my friends behind, talking regularly with my favorite professors, missing the beautiful spring weather on the Quad - you know, the usual JMU mushy mess.

The Presidential Search Committee is not living up to its responsibility. This responsibility is to notify the JMU community of its progress. Because of this, we will know nearly nothing about this future president until she or he steps into power.

With the entrance of Rick Perry into the 2012 presidential race, Christian conservatives have once again taken center stage in national politics. The Republican candidates for president have all begun the inevitable sprint to the ideological right, gripping their Bibles as if their lives dep…

In response to the criticism The Breeze has received about the front page of our April 11 issue, we would like to explain our placement of speaker Kate Obenshain's quotation on the front page: "What do you think nice Christian girls feel getting on to campus and seeing the LGBT-whatever bann…

I've recently developed a habit of monitoring the rising gasoline prices on my short morning commutes from my apartment in The Commons, down Port Republic Road and on to campus. For the past two months, I have noted the rapid increase in prices and thought, "I'm sure glad to be on this bus."…

As March Madness is in full swing, the heated debate over brackets and game outcomes has become a popular topic. No one wants to miss the excitement of the NCAA tournament, and as proved by last week's events, neither does our president. Obama's predictions and bracket are becoming quite a p…

Imagine you just won the lottery. What would you do with $2.5 million? Maybe you'd buy a huge house or a bunch of expensive cars. Some might invest. Others might help the poor. There are countless possibilities. As a list of luxurious fantasies ran through your heads, I'd be willing to bet that none of you thought, "I'd buy a 30 second Super Bowl ad spot!"

In December 2009, hundreds, if not thousands, of students gathered in the East Campus Library to safely relieve finals week tension in a rave. A few months later, thousands again gathered on the snow-covered Quad for a snowball fight. Both were organized mostly through Facebook.

MSNBC made a surprising but fair and objective call in suspending Keith Olbermann, the host of the network's top-rated "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," for donating a total of $7,200 to three Democratic candidates.

We would like to commend SGA in its efforts to police themselves with its impending investigation of the manner in which the "Purple Out" T-shirts were distributed. Though there are no explicit rules for the event, some have concerns about the transperency of the situation.

The University of Virginia was recently green-lighted by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, reflecting the university's improved free speech policy reform. The reformed policies include the removal of policies that allowed unwanted or unreciprocated flirting to be construed a…

Students of JMU, Brock Wallace, our vice president of Student Affairs, who is part of the Respect Madison initiative, is asking for a second chance after being caught doing what the campaign specifically tries to limit.

The line between liberal and conservative has become one drawn in the sand of political discourse. No longer, it seems, can people of opposing viewpoints sit down and have a discussion without getting red in the face and nearly coming to blows.

Today's front page oof The Breeze includes a crime story involving an executive member of the Student Government Association. Brock Wallace, the vice president of student affairs, was charged with underaged possession and possessing an open container of alcohol during Homecoming weekend, whi…

The Mine Action Iinformation Center, part of JMU's Center for International Stabilization and Recovery, has a program that is getting positive press for its demining training programs in the National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation.

As the election sseason escalates near its close, millions of dollars of donations are being pumped into advertisements for campaigns to make one last final push for your vote. But where is all this money coming from?

Weak gun laws ddon't just affect the state that enacts them. Last year, 28 guns from New York - a state with stringent gun laws - were used in crimes in Virginia. To put that in perspective, 443 crime guns from Virginia were used in New York.

Yesterday, the Supreme CCourt began hearing arguments for and against the Christian fundamentalist Westboro Baptist Church's right to picket funerals. Made famous for interrupting the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, Fred Phelps' small congregation out of Topeka, Kan., is…

It's easy to tthink that JMU's relatively accepting campus is representative of the rest of the nation, but the truth, is there is widespread and legislated prejudice.

We're halfway through JJMU's celebration of International Week. But International Week is about more than just eating international food. This week is a valuable opportunity to sample various ethnicities and is an effective way to expand our comfort zones, if taken advantage of.

As the JMU ooffense walked off the field, having secured an underwhelming victory, the Liberty University football team took a knee to say a few words and pray. Overhead, fireworks exploded, mandating the attention of fans, players and coaches.

t's been 98 yyears since Virginia has executed a woman, but that streak looks like it will be over on Thursday after Gov. Bob McDonnell decided not to grant clemency to Teresa Lewis.

Attention toward Islamaphobia has reached a new height in the media lately. In the last few months, we've seen the continued debate about the Islamic community center in New York City, the planned Quran burning and the blatant discriminatory speculation over Obama's religious beliefs. Do the…

Since we’re getting ready to celebrate our 90th birthday this year, we’re thinking about the first issue of The Breeze, which arrived at State Normal School for Women at Harrisonburg on Dec. 2, 1922. Since then, the name of the university has changed. But the name of its paper and its role h…

We would like to respond to the current debate on our Facebook page regarding the incident that happened Tuesday night. The Breeze posted two photographs from the steps of Godwin Hall showing the scene of the accident. In these wide shots, few objects can be distinguished.

This story was updated on Sept. 29 at 4:02 p.m. to include that the Rose brothers' charges were dropped and to clarify the six players' alleged involvement in the Lambda Chi Alpha incident. 

The Democrats rode into power in D.C. with a promise to return the government's focus to middle and lower classes who greatly rely on it. The ambitious policies they wanted included universal health care, increased funding into green technologies and education and another war in the Middle E…

When I leave JMU this December, I'll be upset about many things - leaving my friends behind, talking regularly with my favorite professors, missing the beautiful spring weather on the Quad - you know, the usual JMU mushy mess.

The Presidential Search Committee is not living up to its responsibility. This responsibility is to notify the JMU community of its progress. Because of this, we will know nearly nothing about this future president until she or he steps into power.

With the entrance of Rick Perry into the 2012 presidential race, Christian conservatives have once again taken center stage in national politics. The Republican candidates for president have all begun the inevitable sprint to the ideological right, gripping their Bibles as if their lives dep…