News subscription


List of all subscriptions

You have registered for the following subscriptions:

List of your division-based subscriptions

Division Restrictions and exclusions Action
The Federal Council All
Digitale Transformation und IKT-Lenkung All
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office All
Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland All
Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner All
The Institute of Virology and Immunology All
Supervisory Authority for the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland All
Program GEVER Confederation All
Federal Office of Public Health All
Bundesverwaltungsgericht All
Journal of Administrative Case Law of the Federal Authorities All
Eidgenössische Qualitätskommission All
Federal Chancellery All
Tobacco Control Fund All
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs All
Federal Office for Gender Equality All
Federal Department of Home Affairs All
General Secretariat FDHA All
Federal Department of Justice and Police All
Federal Office of Cultural Affairs All
Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports All
Swiss National Library All
Federal Department of Finance All
Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research All
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications All

List of your topic-based subscriptions

Topic Restrictions and exclusions Action
Energy All
Government Employees All
Europe All
Authorities All
Legal Affairs All
Economic Affairs All
Culture All
Confederation and Cantons All
Criminality All
Health All
Libraries and Archives All
Education and Research All
Media All
Armed Forces All
Agriculture All
Environment and Nature All
Federal Council All
Customs All
Migration All
Consumer Affairs All
Financial Centre All
Travel and Tourism All
IT and E-Government All
Immigration - Implementation of the new constitutional provisions All
Labour All
Courts All

List of your selected options

Subscription option Restrictions and exclusions Action
BAG Bulletin - Bulletin OFSP All
BAV News All – das vielseitige Behörden Portal All
Cybersecurity All
ddd All
Extraordinary publication All
Family Allowances and Youth Affairs All
Federal Bureau for the Equality of People with Disabilities FBED All
Federal Media Commission FMEC All
Federal Service for Combating Racism, SCR All
Finanzhilfen Unternehmen All
Income Compensation All
International Affairs All
Invalidity Insurance All
LeGes All
LOGIB Updates All
Newsletter des EDÖB All
Newsletter EBGB All
Newsletter ElCom All
Newsletter FEDRO All
Newsletter Kreis- und Informationsschreiben Krankenversicherung Schweiz/Internationales All
NL Newsletter All
OBSAN - Swiss Health Observatory All
Occupational Benefit Plan All
Old Age Insurance All
Opinions of the Federal Council All
Press Invitation All
Promotions in the officer corps All
Publication of the Official Compilation of Federal Legislation (is no longer offered) All
Railways Arbitration Commission (RACO) All
Reports, expert opinions and decrees All
Research: Proposals All
SBF - News - SER All
Supplementary Benefits All
TA-Swiss - Swiss Centre for Technology Assessment All
TPF newsletter All
Urgent publication (is no longer offered) All
Vernehmlassungsverfahren All
Weekly publication of the Official Federal Gazette (is no longer offered) All
«Social Security Contributions» research reports All

Last modification 24.08.2023

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