
Do you have an enquiry or remarks concerning the Federal Council or Administration? Then use the contact form below to send us a short message in one of Switzerland’s national languages or in English. We will send your message to the relevant unit in the Federal Administration. Or you can contact the departments directly via their internet sites. It may take some time to respond to your question. We apologise for any inconvenience.

We are unable to respond to correspondence from the public on the following matters:

  • Legal disputes: We can neither offer legal advice nor examine court rulings or decisions by the authorities. Nor can we influence ongoing procedures to your advantage.
  • Matters which fall under the authority of the cantons.
  • Job search: If you are looking for a job with the Confederation, you will find further information under the following link: in German / in French / in Italian.

Letters requesting funding, open letters, campaign and promotional mailings will not be answered.

Contact form

Media requests

Last modification 23.06.2023

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Federal Chancellery
Federal Palace West Wing
3003 Bern

Tel. +41 58 462 21 11

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