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Escritos bajo el reinado de Tiberio, los Facta et dicta memorabilia de Valerio Máximo, que se presentan a sí mismos como el resultado de un recorte de la historia, tendiente a construir una memoria válida para suministrar enseñanzas a sus... more
Collection of contributions on the reception of ancient historiography in Early Modern Culture and Intellectual History. INDICE INTRODUZIONE I. G. Mastrorosa (Università di Firenze) Oltre ‘riscoperte’, Nachleben e ‘fortuna’:... more
Oratory and Roman Historiography in Nicolas Caussin’s Eloquentiae Sacrae et Humanae Parallela (1619) - This paper focusses on the Jesuit Nicholas Caussin’s ‘Eloquentiae Sacrae et Humanae Parallela’ (1619), with a particular analysis of... more
This contribution analyses the first of three speeches that according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Ant. Rom. 4, 71-75), L. Junius Brutus pronounced after the violence suffered by Lucretia, causing the expulsion of the Tarquins. In this... more
This particular consideration of Piranesi’s influence is not an exhaustive geography of the haunted wanderings of the artist’s aesthetic ghost. Rather, what follows highlights three aspects of eclecticism in his work—presented in loose... more
Focusing on a digression included in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ Roman Antiquities concerning the practice of manumission in Rome during the reign of the king Servius Tullius, this contribution aims to clarify the meaning of the... more
Besides showing a strong interest in ancient Rome and its institutions, 15th century historiography gives a special place to the theme of the Western Roman Empire’s decline. In this light, some sections of the Laudatio Florentinae urbis... more
The paper focuses on Tacitus’ account of the speech made by Claudius in 48 CE in favour of the admission of the primores of ‘long-haired’ Gaul to the senate, examining arguments used by the historian to clarify the reactions to their... more
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale riguardante il problema relativo alle origini di Roma. Un breve confronto tra i dati archeologici a nostra disposizione e le fonti storico-letterarie; le posizioni degli storici.
While describing the Greco-roman world or what is called classical antiquity (from 8th-5th cent BC), one will never miss out on the deep-rooted institution of slavery. The dominant mode of production in classical Greece, which governed... more
This paper focuses on the portrait of Miltiades in the sources between 4th cent. B.C. and 1st A.D., thus after Herodotus and before Plutarch and the Second sophistic. After the first paragraph, devoted to an introduction to the issue, the... more
Si l’on met de côté la première phrase de sa description d’Emporion, au début du livre XXXIV, Tite-Live brosse un tableau cohérent du site de la petite colonie grecque. Il reproduit en substance un texte de Caton relatif au soulèvement... more
Violence in Roman warfare is certainly not a myth. But until recently, historians have understood violence in terms of their own standards instead of considering the thresholds of Roman sensibilities. Within the framework of the “histoire... more
This study offers a synthesis of the features of those terms referring to ‘laughter’ in Amianus Marcellinus (their scarce presence; their attribution to Julian’s f igure in several instances; the implication of compassion that... more
One of my earlier pieces: still stand by the argument though the English is a bit funny - the vagaries of academic publishing in a second language!
The paper examines the peculiarities of Cassius Dio’s narrative in Julio-Claudian books of his «Roman History». Dio’s work, as a whole, reveals a remarkable combination of contradictory features, which are specifically mirrored in books... more
The genealogy of the Postumii Albini from the second half of the second century BCE onwards is uncertain and debated. This article attempts a new discussion of the evidence. Its main contention is that A. Postumius Albinus, cos. 99,... more
The Bellum Judaicum, which is often perceived as one of the most influential texts in Western history after the Bible, describes the history of the Judaean revolt against Rome (AD 66-70). One of the most striking features of this work is... more
Preview of the first two pages. Please email me for a PDF offprint at This article offers an explanation as to why Cassius Dio praises aspects of Vitellius' conduct as emperor in his Roman History (65.6-7).... more
This is Gaius Stern's translation of the Roman Revolution of 509 BC when Brutus and Collatinus overthrew Tarquin II. Livy records the traditional story which historians today suspect is more legend than fact. The tradition that Rome... more
Hannibal's most famous achievement is his crossing of the Alps. Two major historical sources exist for this event, Polybius and Livy. However, reconstruction of the crossing, and indeed any topic concerning the history of the Punic Wars... more
the reception of an ancient consolatory "sententia" ("sciebem me genuisse mortalem") in the "Vita Gallieni" (17, 1) of "Historia Augusta" (and related textual problems)
The characteristic image of the Cuzqueño chronicler Garcilaso de la Vega, known as El Inca (1539-1616), presents us with a turn-of-the-century—even modernista—interpretation of Baroque culture. Best known from the series of portraits by... more
Il liber septimus del “De Bello Gallico” è occupato dalla narrazione della grande insurrezione dei Galli che fu guidata da Vercingetorige, re della tribù celtica degli Arverni nonché uno dei più grandi nemici di Roma. L’inizio delle... more
This paper examines how and why Cassius Dio portrayed Julia Domna in the manner that he did. Dio consistently depicts Julia as foreign and power-hungry, a portrait that appears to be driven by his analysis of the later Severan regime.... more
"Una volta finita la battaglia, allora sì che avresti potuto comprendere con lo sguardo quanto grandi fossero state l’audacia e la forza d’animo nell’esercito di Catilina. Infatti, quasi la stessa posizione che ognuno, da vivo, aveva... more
Ammianus Marcellinus' Res Gestae holds a prominent position in modern studies of the emperor Julian as the fullest extant narrative of the reign of the last 'pagan' emperor. 'Ammianus' Julian: Narrative and Genre in the Res Gestae' offers... more
This article analyzes Suetonius’ Life of Nero trying to identify some elements that allow associating it with the Roman senatorial historiographical tradition, despite the minor importance given to such link by the modern critique. The... more
Virtus and Fortuna are the driving forces of history in Florus' History, which is entirely structured and dedicated to the sequence of wars and battles. The descriptions of battles, based on these principles, form a basic narrative in... more
At a pivotal moment early in his revolt against Rome, Quintus Sertorius, a key figure in Sallust's fragmentary Histories, is tempted by the opportunity to sail away to the " Isles of the Blessed. " Sallust's few fragments on these... more
Article en ligne : Les historiens grecs et latins de l’époque républicaine et impériale attribuaient le désordre du tissu urbain de Rome à la reconstruction hâtive de la ville après... more