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At the turn of the 5th and 6th centuries, the civilitas forming in Italy was ruled by one of the powerful figures of Late Antiquity (or the Early Middle Ages): Theoderic the Great, King of the Ostrogoths, later also King of Italy. Raised... more
This paper explores some ideas about how the origins of the English might have been imagined prior to the well known narrative that we know from Bede being formulated.
The book presents a semiotic approach to the study of power relations in the symbolic space of medieval culture. A critical analysis of medieval texts was carried out in accordance with the methodology of European structuralist and... more
In this article it is attempted to survey historical developments from 379 through 568 A. D. in the territory of the two southern Pannonian Roman provinces established under the Emperor Diocletian, i.e. Pannonia Secunda or Sirmiensis and... more
An overview on material condition and ideologic meaning of cities within the Ostrogothic realm (AD 493 - 553)
Notre article propose une bref présentation et défense du concept d'Antiquité tardive. Afin d'illustrer comment cette périodisation relativement récente peut influencer positivement notre analyse, nous examinerons le cas du royaume... more
F. Cenerini - I. G. Mastrorosa (ed.), Donne, istituzioni e società fra tardo antico e alto medioevo, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa Multimedia, 2016 - Collection of papers focusing on some aspects and historical events in order to ascertain the... more
From the period of the Ostrogothic rule in Italy and Western Illyricum appeared brooches with three oval gemstone settings on a semicircular head , which are probably originated in Central Europe and could be connected with Alemannian or... more
Théodebert Ier de Metz, roi d’Austrasie de 533/4 à 547/81, rompit avec la tradition centenaire de la monnaie pseudo-impériale en Gaule en devenant le premier roi en Occident à frapper une monnaie d’or à son nom, plutôt qu’à celui de... more
Etymology: From Goth (of a Germanic culture), influenced by Gothic in the sense of a black horror novel. The Visigoths asked the Roman emperor for protection which he granted. The Visigoths had to make many concessions to the Romans for... more
Experts have recently reported false bronze nummi with large reverse monograms of late Roman Imperial and Ostrogothic leaders. The experts include Alain Gennari and other members of, but not the present author. He is simply... more
This discusses how the Ostrogothic kingdom of Italy and Sicily was defended by King Theodahad from 535-6 against the aggression of the eastern Roman Emperor Justinian as part of his conquest of the West, led by General Belisarius. It... more
Der folgende Katalogteil ist ein leicht überarbeiteter Auszug der von mir am 16.10.2012 eingereichten Magisterarbeit im Fach Prähistorische Archäologie an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU). Die Abbildungen wurden... more
un lavoro sulle cosiddette silique gepide, con spunti per una nuova attribuzione e datazione, ed un catalogo dei diversi conii a noi attualmente noti
Contents: I. Introduction (pp. 1-40) - II. Ostrogothic coinage in museums and other collections (pp. 41 - 73) - III. Catalogue of the coins (pp. 75 - 123) - IV. Notes on the coins (pp. 125 - 160) - V. Identical dies (pp. 161 - 166) - VI.... more
Clothing and outward appearance as a means of expressing individual and collective identity were of great importance in Late Antiquity. This publication is the first interdisciplinary overview of source material and provides a critical... more
The period characterised by the coexistence of Late Antiquity and the beginning of the Early Middle Ages, in its turn distinguished by migrations of Barbarian tribes, is one of the most intriguing epochs in the history of Europe. Cultural... more
Entry on Cassiodorus (in English) in the Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, with a comprehensive bibliography on the critical editions, translations and secondary literature on Cassiodorus.
This study offers a review of the complicated and intractable debates surrounding the question of Gothic identity in Ostrogothic Italy. There are various nuanced approaches, but ultimately there are those who believe that the Goths were a... more
Storia medievale dal testo di Giovanni Vitolo: "Medioevo. I caratteri generali di un'età di transizione".
Dal corso: Storia Medievale di Amalia Galdi - Università di Salerno (DISPAC).
The paper provides a brief overview about Ostrogothic political history between Theoderic and the Gothic war. Please contact me to obtain a copy.
This dissertation argues that martial virtues and images of the soldier’s life represented an essential aspect of early Byzantine masculine ideology. It contends that in many of the visual and literary sources from the fourth to the... more
The third and fourth century confederation of Germanic tribes known to the Roman world as the Goths occupied the steppes of the Black Sea from the Don River to the mouth of the Danube. During the fourth and fifth centuries they played an... more
"This paper examines Procopius’ descriptions of Roman, Persian and Gothic strategies to control Dara in 530 and Rome in 537-8 by reconciling texts with the landscapes of the areas concerned drawing on satellite imagery, cartography and... more
378 yılında Roma İmparatorluğu ile bir Germen topluluğu olan Gotlar arasında günümüz Edirne ili sınırları içerisinde vuku bulan Hadrianapolis Savaşı, Geç Roma İmparatorluğu döneminde yaşanan en önemli olaylardan biridir. Nitekim bu zamana... more
Some operational and strategic considerations regarding the land route invasion in the Justinian wars for conquering the Ostrogothic kingdom.
Available at:
Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
Entry on Ennodius (in English) in the Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, with a comprehensive bibliography on the critical editions, translations and secondary literature.
Kırklareli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi - "Hunların Doğu Avrupa'ya Gelişleri ve Got Toplulukları ile Münasebetleri" - (2021) | Kırklareli University Institute of Social Sciences History... more
The paper is dedicated to the image of Maria Regina on the “palimpsest wall” in S. Maria Antiqua church in Rome. Traditionally dated to the sixth century, the attribution of the image has rarely been the focus of special attention,... more
As the title suggests, the present paper offers an analysis of selected letters from Cassiodorus’ Variae, which are important for late antique history of Dalmatia and Pannonia. The study is intended to be twofold: on the one part, it... more
Cassiodorus wrote a Gothic History in twelve books, which was lost shortly after the middle of the sixth century. It is known only thanks to an epitome written by Jordanes (the so-called Getica). The reasons of this loss have never been... more
The settlement of the Ostrogoths in Italy has long been regarded as a clear break by historians, who have lingered on the ethnic, linguistic and religious otherness of Theoderic's people. In recent decades, however, these positions have... more
Until 535, the Ostrogothic Kingdom was an example of peaceful coexistence between two different peoples: the Ostrogoths had managed to settle down without alienating the Italians and had quietly begun to adopt a Roman lifestyle. However,... more