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The ruins of the ancient Lydian city of Hypaipa are to be found in the village of Datbey/Günlüce in the Ödemiş district of Izmir. Archaeological explorations at Hypaipa started in early nineteenth century. The first and only official... more
Sardis became a city sometime in the early first millennium BCE, and it remained the largest urban center in Lydia for a period of about 1500 years. Over that time its fortunes and character changed, as did its relationship with its... more
Simpson, E., ed. The Adventure of the Illustrious Scholar: Papers Presented to Oscar White Muscarella. Leiden: Brill, 2018. The Adventure of the Illustrious Scholar: Papers Presented to Oscar White Muscarella, edited by Elizabeth... more
*UPDATED DRAFT* Recently, Graeco-barbarian antithetical polarities have undergone significant reassessment, with post-colonialist interpretations illuminating mutual cultural developments. The problems of studying spatial and temporal... more
The book attempts to present –for the first time in the international bibliography– a detailed description of the historical life of Abydos (Άβυδος) of Hellespont (Ελλήσποντος, Δαρδανέλλια); the latter was an important ancient and... more
The terrace of Pasargadae, Tall-i Takht, is one of the few Achaemenid period monuments in the Persian heartland that “directly” feature characteristics of Ionian-Lydian architecture. According to earlier scholarship, the beginning of... more
This work focuses on the persistence of the ‘Gates of Hades’ iconographic theme among the peoples of the ancient Mediterranean. The analysis considers both the written tradition and the iconographic evidence surviving in funerary... more
A case is made in recent books by Lascelles and Crowe that Homer’s Trojan War setting was not at Schleimann’s Hisarlik site of King Priam’s Ilium, but at Pergamon. We review their case, the places frequented by Homer as possible clues,... more
Da Lydien die Region ist, in der die Münzprägung ihren Anfang nahm, sind die frühesten lydischen Prägungen seit langem von besonderem Interesse. Seit 1890 wird vermutet, dass die Aufschriften, die einige frühe lydische Münzen tragen, mit... more
En: Ferrer Albelda, E., Oria Segura, M. García Vargas, E., García Fernández, F.J., Pliego Vázquez, R., coords. (2021): Arqueología y Numismática. Estudios en homenaje a la profesora Francisca Chaves Tristán. Editorial Universidad de... more
Roosevelt, C.H. 2019. “The Inhabited Landscapes of Lydia.” In A. Berlin and P. J. Kosmin, eds., Spear-Won Land: Sardis, from the King’s Peace to the Peace of Apamea. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 145–164.
On 26 June 2012, the Israel Museum opened a spectacular exhibit of early electrum coinage entitled “White Gold,” and, in the days before, hosted an important academic conference reexamining the many economic, political and numismatic... more
This paper will reconsider the archaeological excavations of the Artemision and the City of Ephesus. Uncovered fragments of Greek and Lydian inscriptions indicate that Croesus made offerings to the sanctuary. Considering the Lydian... more
Résumé. – Le présent article analyse la crédibilité à reconnaître à l’alliance qu’aurait conclue le roi de Lydie Crésus avec la cité de Sparte. Cet examen se penche sur la consultation des oracles opérée par Crésus ainsi que le rôle joué... more
Through an analysis of the textual and archaeological material, this article presents a new, up-to-date overview of the history and mechanisms of Iron Age Anatolian overland interaction, a much-neglected subject. Among other points, the... more
In his Book I, Herodotus relates the war between Lydia of Alyattes and Media of Cyaxares. This war ended with the well-known occurrence of the total solar eclipse, which astronomical researchers propose to date to 585 BC. After these... more
The book is the first of two volumes presenting an extraordinary collection of Greek and related metal ware. The present pdf comprises the introduction and only a selection of 11 vases out of the 146 gold, silver and bronze vessels... more
İnsanın Dünya üzerinde vücut bulmasının başından itibaren gereksinimini duyduğu en temel ihtiyaclarından birinin su olduğu bir gerçektir. Pleistosen Dönemde, yani Buzul Çağları boyunca insanın su gereksinimini herhangi bir araç-gereç... more
The mid-sixth century BC saw the formation of one of the ancient world’s largest and richest empires, the first Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty. After the conquests of Cyrus the Great its vast realms stretched from the Aegean... more
French : Le présent article analyse la crédibilité à reconnaître aux alliances que le roi Crésus de Lydie aurait conclues avec Amasis d’Égypte d’une part et le roi de Babylone d’autre part. Par la même occasion seront étudiées les... more
Regional styles of early Greek pottery have played a major role in discussion of the construction of identities in Early Iron Age communities. Methodologically, it is necessary to differentiate historical from ‘analytical’ regions, the... more
This article discusses the extent and interactions of the Phrygian kingdom in the period of ca. 1000–650 BCE, i.e. from the emergence of monumental architecture in Gordion until the Lydian occupancy of the city. It argues that Phrygia... more
Anadolu, tarih öncesi ve sonrasında da birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Medeniyetler kendi kültürlerini yaratmış çevre kültürlerini de etkilemiş ve etkilenmişlerdir. Medeniyetler arasındaki mücadele zamanla savaşlara dönmüş ve... more
This is a presentation without the speaker's narrative. Coin photographs are courtesy of various internet portals.
Various theories about the collapse of superpowers in the Aegean and in Anatolia at the end of the Bronze Age have been suggested. In Anatolia where one or more than one of these theories are effective, it has been generally accepted that... more
The ancient site Şarhöyük – Dorylaion/Dorylaeum, being excavated since 1989, exhibits an almost uninterrupted settlement sequence between the Late Chalcolithic period and the end of the 12th century AD. One of the strata represented on... more
L’Halys chez Hérodote. Dans son logos lydien du Livre I, et plus particulièrement dans le cadre de son histoire de Crésus, Hérodote mentionne la campagne du roi lydien contre les troupes du roi des Perses Cyrus II le Grand après sa... more
This article focuses on the tumuli that lie in the western and central parts of the Troad; as a group, they functioned as attraction points, landscape markers, and social-cultural phenomena. The tumuli along the northwest coast of the... more
Discussion of recent numismatic studies on finds in the Cayster River Valley: SENCAN ALTINOLUK, HYPAIPA. A LYDIAN CITY DURING THE ROMAN IMPERIAL PERIOD, Istanbul, Ege Yayinlari, 2013, 303 p. ISBN 978-605-4701-18-6. 29E. OĞUZ TEKIN, SENCAN... more