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Grilled Garnishes

Grilled Garnishes
This summer, we’re taking your cocktail experience to the next level with our fireside garnish journey. Embrace the spirit of the Wild West by grilling up smoky, charred flavors that enhance every sip. Our curated cowboy cocktails feature grilled fruits like pineapple and peaches, alongside veggies like jalapeños and potatoes, adding a sizzling twist to your summer drinks. Follow our how-to guide and discover the art of grilling garnishes that make each cocktail unforgettable.

How to Grill Cocktail Garnishes

When grilling fruits and vegetables for garnishes, low heat is key. No matter what grill you are using, keeping the heat at medium level along with keeping the garnishes four to five inches between the flame and the grate will help unlock the oils and flavors the best. Fruits and vegetables only need a few minutes before developing an ideal amount of char on them.

Grilled Fruits

Garnish Journey - Grilled Fruits
Grilled Peaches

Grilled Peaches

The sweetness of peaches combine perfectly with the smokiness of grilling. Even roasted over flames, peaches retain a lot of their juiciness. Grilled peaches work well as garnishes with spirits that offer a lot of earthy flavor, like whiskey.
Grilled Pineapple

Grilled Pineapples

Grilled pineapples offer a tangy, sour taste. Grilling the fruit helps concentrate the juices to give a pleasantly acidic flavor. Pairing the grilled pineapple with spirits such as dark rum and tequila can help the released flavors shine. 

Grilled Veggies

Grilled Veggies - Cowboy Cocktails
Grilled Peppers

Grilled Peppers

Charring jalapeño peppers will introduce spicy, smoky and savory flavors to your cocktails. While these flavors benefit even neutral spirits like vodka, grilled peppers truly elevate more flavorful spirits like whiskey and mezcal.
Grilled potatoes

Grilled Potatoes

Potatoes are underrated as a flavoring agent, but grilled potatoes will introduce subtle charred and savory flavors to your cocktails. Pairing the grilled potato garnish with neutral spirits will let them shine the most.
Cowboy Cocktail Collection

The Cowboy Cocktail Collection

Using these grilled garnishes, we have rustled together some delicious cocktails. Each one using a different garnish discussed above and using them to unlock tasty flavor combinations.


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