
Industry Resources: Beer, Wine and Cider

Virginia ABC regulates the sale and movement of beer, wine and cider products into and within Virginia, including the approval of product labels and franchise arrangements. The agency also collects excise taxes on these products and submits reports to the appropriate public entities.
Virginia ABC warehouse

Supplier and Carrier Scorecards

These monthly reports were designed by Virginia ABC to measure the performance and effectiveness of suppliers and carriers. Read more.
beer bottles

Franchise Designation Form

We’ve made some updates to the Franchise Designation Form(PDF) that authorizes wholesalers to sell beer, wine and cider brands. Please use this updated form for franchise agreements.

Penalty for Wine Excise Tax Reporting

Starting July 1, 2018 the Code of Virginia was updated to include a late penalty for wine tax reports. Read more in code section: 4.1-332 B.

Out-of-Stock Reports

Virginia ABC's out-of-stock reports are now available online! Published weekly, out-of-stock reports are used to communicate low inventory status with Virginia ABC's suppliers. Read more.

Electronic Filing Options

Did you know that Virginia ABC's Tax Management Section accepts electronic wine and malt tax reports? Malt beverage licensees can now make ACH payments through our Web Tax application. If you would like to start filing electronically or using Web Tax (Malt Beverage only), please contact your Tax Examiner at 804-219-2039 or email [email protected].

Online Searches and Forms


Assign a wholesaler to sell your products to a Virginia retail store.
  • Brand Owner’s Written Authorization to Importer (PDF)
  • Négociant Certification, French (PDF)
  • Négociant Certification, German (PDF)
  • Request for Franchise Termination: [email protected]

Online Searches

Search for a brand of beer or wine. Find out who distributes it.
  • Active Brand Names (online)
  • All Beer and Wine Web Reports (online)
  • Approval Codes by Distributor's License (online)
  • Approval Codes by Origin (online)
  • Brands Carried by Supplier (online)
  • County Map (online)
  • Franchise Brands by Distributor (online)
  • Franchise Brands by Distributor Detail (online)
  • Franchise Brands by Supplier Detail (online)
  • Franchise Designation (online)
  • Label Approval Codes (online)
  • Suppliers, importers and retailers (online)
  • Territory Listing (online)

Product Label Approval

Get approval for a new or revised product label.
  • Beer & Wine Registration Requirements (PDF)
  • Franchise Designation Form (PDF)
  • Online Product Registration User Guide (PDF)
  • Product Label Approval Online* (online)

Taxes, Malt Beverage

Pay excise taxes for malt beverages (wholesalers).
  • Calculator for Malt Beverage Tax Rates (online)
  • Common Carrier's Report (PDF)
  • Malt Beverage Wholesaler's Tax Report (805-70) (Excel) (PDF)
  • Malt Beverages Shipped into Virginia by Nonresident Breweries (805-71) (Excel)
  • Web Tax (online)
  • Web Tax Verify (online)

Taxes, Wine and Cider

Pay excise taxes for wine and cider (wholesalers).
  • Calculator for Wine and Cider Tax Rates (online)
  • Common Carrier's Report (PDF)
  • Distributor's Wine Invoice (703-35) (Excel) (PDF)
  • Farm Winery Monthly Report (703-40A) (Excel) (PDF)
  • Purchase Order (703-34) (Excel) (PDF)
  • Wholesaler's Summary of Wine Sales Taxes (703-40) (Excel) (PDF)
  • Wholesalers Optional Electronic Filing Procedures (PDF)
  • Wholesalers Optional Electronic File Description (Excel)

Miscellaneous Tax Reports

  • Direct Shipper's Report—In State (Excel)
  • Direct Shipper's Report—Out of State (Excel
  • Internet Wine Retailer Report (PDF)
  • Delivery Permittee Report—In State (Excel)
  • Delivery Permittee Report—Out of State (Excel)
  • Common Carrier's Report (PDF)
  • Retail Off Premise Summary Report (Excel) (PDF)
Licensee Masthead
Sign up for the Licensee e-newsletter to stay informed about selling and serving alcohol in Virginia.


Manufacturer/Wholesaler Sponsorship Request Form

Tax Management

[email protected]
Phone: (804) 219-2039
Fax: (804) 213-4563

Product Approval

[email protected]
Phone: (804) 298-3755
Fax: (804) 213-4563

Location and mailing address

Compliance Unit

Special agents in Virginia ABC's Compliance Unit offer leadership and guidance and serve as a reliable resource for the alcoholic beverage industry. Contact your compliance agent.

In-Store Tastings

Download In Store Tasting Procedures (PDF) that must be followed when conducting alcoholic beverage tasting events in Virginia ABC stores