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For questions about governance of the people, including methods, effects, and interactions with the people.

1 vote

Preventing corruption

Robots Well, computer software to be more specific. All politicians today are human beings. That's problematic. Humans do what benefit them. It's hard to understand humans. So instead, we write pro …
Christopher King's user avatar
6 votes

How can aliens convince the government of Earth to form an alliance with them?

Oh no, an asteroid is headed for Terra. How ever did that happen! Luckily, the Federation has asteroid stopping technology, but it is classified. Only Federation planets can use. The Federation counc …
Christopher King's user avatar
-1 votes

With an upvote and a downvote, how would political campaigns change?

Your voting system is a restricted form of Range voting. Since upvotes are greater than downvotes, it would be pretty close to America's current system of Plurality voting (one of the worst systems by …
Christopher King's user avatar
2 votes

How complicated can a legislature be?

If 10% vote for a farmer, even though each individual farmer is not very likely to get in (since they focused on farming instead of politics), 10% of the legislature will be farmers. …
Christopher King's user avatar
1 vote

Compose "good" alien welcome committee

Three xenobiologists, an astrophysicist, and a world leader will do. The xenobiologists so we don't do anything to upset the alien, astrophysicist so the alien can see how far we have advanced, and a …
Christopher King's user avatar
1 vote

Plausible reason why magic users aren't in charge

Motivation Magic users may want to move to that country, but they ain't gonna fight a war over it. Why would they want to live somewhere where people are hostile to them? On the other hand, the mund …
Christopher King's user avatar
27 votes
14 answers

We can change our leaders whenever we like. What happens?

In the U.S., we vote on who are leaders are about every 4 years. My question is, what if you have a representative government where this is increased? Specifically, you can change your vote anytime. …
Christopher King's user avatar
68 votes
9 answers

I duplicate the U.S. President. What happens?

So the U.S. President (or some other country's leader) is strollin' along. I blast him with a duplication ray gun (secret service must have been snoozing). There are now two of him. How does the world …
Christopher King's user avatar
1 vote

No Taxes Government

You can if you charge rent, technically If the government owns all the land, you can charge rent for the land people own, you can use that to fund the government. You can even allow people to buy and …
Christopher King's user avatar
3 votes

How could a galactic empire work?

Time Dilate All the Peoples! I have a solution, that works completely within current, well understood physics, that makes the finite speed of level a non issue. In fact, we want it to be as finite as …
Christopher King's user avatar
2 votes

How could a libertarian-minded galactic government be structured?

Let's say for a second that you don't have FTL. You still have time dilation. What does it matter if it takes a million years to cross the galaxy if you only experience two (for the whole galaxy)? W …
Christopher King's user avatar
0 votes

Lying is illegal. How to make joking not an offence?

Require 50% of their statements to be false, but have them document which ones The solution to falsehoods is not less falsehoods, but more. So many in fact, that they just become noise. Therefore, j …
Christopher King's user avatar
0 votes

How can I make my deteriorating world's society accept that only 1% (fairly chosen by the go...

Make them pay the people on Earth a ton of money Basically, you send rich people to the torus, and each month, the people on Earth get a lump sum of money from those people to keep them happy. Althou …
Christopher King's user avatar