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Questions tagged [rgeo-shapefile]

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Install 'rgeos' package in R4.3.2

I am trying to install 'rgeos' package in R4.3.2, but i got this error (Error in install.packages : object 'rgeos' not found). any ideas? install rgeos' package in R4.3.2. This Package ‘rgeos’ was ...
A. Aldow's user avatar
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Error combining multiple spatRaster files along time dimension

I am working with temperature data from PRISM. Thus far, I have been able to download data for individual days, then crop to shape files, and extract information accordingly. However, I am looking to ...
ss2025's user avatar
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Error cropping stars object to US census shape file

I am working with a stars object containing temperature data from PRISM. The stars object contains daily temperature values for each latitude and longitude coordinate. However, I am trying to crop to ...
ss2025's user avatar
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Changing Shapefiles structure for tmap in R

I would like to know if changing shapefile specifications is possible. I'm trying to create a map witht the tmap package in R. If I look for the shapefiles in national websites. I can't find the one ...
almr27's user avatar
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Combine units in a shapefile while keeping others granular

I have a 5-digit postcode shapefile for Germany. Big number 1-digits postcodes are similar to German states. I read shapefile data with rgdal thus having a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. I have only data ...
Marco's user avatar
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st_buffer with geometry sfc_POINT

I'm working with geospatial data and for one part of the analysis I need to use coordinate points of regions that I get from an excel and turn that data into sf object using st_as_sf. When I tried to ...
kiyis_stats's user avatar
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Dissolving polygons by distance - R

I'm quite new to geospatial analysis in R and need help with dissolving polygons based on their location. I have a shapefile with about 1500 polygons. Each polygon has a property code. There are a ...
Lari Delazari's user avatar
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Check polygon intersection in R: sf::intersects incorrectly returns TRUE result while rgeos::gIntersects correctly returns FALSE

I'm trying to check whether two polygons intersect in R. When plotting, they clearly do not. When checking the intersection, rgeos::gIntersects() currently returns FALSE, while sf::intersects() ...
Rob Marty's user avatar
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r buffering line feature causes crash

I am try to select points in an area around the former Iron Curtain. So I got the shapefiles and intersected former Eastern and Western Europe to get a line feature library(raster) library(sp) library(...
Gmichael's user avatar
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Can no longer install rgeos and rgdal in R

I cannot install rgeos or rgdal packages in R version 4.1.3. These packages worked fine a month ago before I reformatted my computer and reinstalled R. This is what I have tried: install.packages('...
BHope's user avatar
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Invalid geometry using ´sf´ in R

I am working with several messy polygon dataset in R, analysing thir overlap. I keep using st_make_valid() and st_buffer(., 0), even between operations, which makes it work most of the time, but not ...
Rasmus Ø. Pedersen's user avatar
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extend (buffer) boundary of shape file in R

I need to extend the boundary of a field (only boundary) by x meters. I tried using gBuffer from rgeos R package - output of the transformation gives me only boundary of the field and rest polygons ...
string's user avatar
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shapefiles: convert Point (MultiPoint) to Point (PointZ) geometry in R

I have a shapefile (mult_point_example.shp) in a multipoint geometry: # Packages require(sf) # get AOI download.file( ""...
Leprechault's user avatar
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rgeos::gBuffer shrink without loss of points

I need to be able to shrink a polygon of lat/lon data without loss of points; more the point, I need the points to be effectively "smooshed" in the correct direction. Typically, gBuffer ...
r2evans's user avatar
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How to plot different district names on shapefile in R?

I have shapefile of my study area "Gilgit Baltistan". I want to plot names of districts on map(shapefile) Using this code I can plot study area map. How can I show names of districts on this ...
Ali Rawail's user avatar

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